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Kaze Jijitsu - Act I

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Act 1: Ventures into unexpected beginnings.

Scene 1:

The scene consists of a forest. The camera pans to two guys, dressed in funny attire. One is holding a map, and the other is behind him. They both look as if they had come out of an RPG, except that through the transition, their clothes turned out to be really crappy. LOL. They are both walking. The camera angle then switches to behind the two guys. It swings left and then right, showing the trees. Then it goes behind the guys and then goes past them. The camera then shows a field, full of grass. It pans the area, making it look endless. The two guys are walking out of the forest and then the camera looks at them. Then it goes to the sun and the sun flashes. When the camera returns from the sun, the two guys are out on the field. The guys are engaged in conversation. The camera zooms and captures both of the guys.

Aistea: (holding map, is looking at it and continues to walk forward, slowly.) “According to the map, it says that we’re about 2 miles from the Cave of H-turt. We should arrive there in about 3 hours.

Zane: (He’s looking down. After Aistea finishes his sentence, he gives a sigh. He looks up and puts his hands behind his head.) “Hey Aistea?”

A: (Looks up from the map. Stops walking. Turns his head and faces Zane.) “Yeah Zane?”

Z: “Did you ever think that maybe we’re wasting our lives here?”

A: (Look of puzzlement lines his face.) “What?”

Z: “I mean, all we ever do is treasure hunt. For the last 5 years, that’s all we’ve been doing. We must have found over 300 different treasures.”

A: “311 treasures to be exact. And what do you expect from the best treasure hunters in all of Expell?” (He places his arm over Zane’s shoulder.)

Z: (Zane’s face looks thoughtful.) “I know that indeed, we are the best treasure hunters in all of Expell. But haven’t you ever thought that maybe there was more to life than this?”

A: “Huh?” (Takes arm off shoulder) “What do you mean, maybe there was more life than this?

Z: “Like, well…, you know… (makes hand movements. Sighs.) Never mind. It’s nothing. 3 hours you said? Maybe we should rest…”

A: “Um, yeah. Let’s rest over there, under the shade of the trees. (Points to a shady area. The tree is tall, and gives great shade.) Maybe we’ve been traveling too long. Rest will do us good right?”

Z: “Yeah, rest will do us good.” (He walk ahead of Aistea, towards the shade. Aistea stays a little back.)

A: ( Says something so that it is not heard by Zane. Sighs.) “I completely understand what you’re saying Zane. (Looks down.) But I’m afraid.” (Aistea then quickly hurries to Zane and the shade of the tree.)


Scene 2: Evarile

The camera takes shots of Zane and Aistea. They are both sitting down underneath the tree. Zane’s eyes are closed, while Aistea eyes open. He looks up. The camera zooms closer to catch his sigh. He removes the gun in his holster and touches it. The camera takes shots of the gun. Aistea puts his head back and closes his eyes. The gun is still in his hands. A girl walks slowly and casually to Aistea. She gets close and stares at his gun and then looks at his face. She pokes him in the cheek. Zane twitches his mouth. She puts her hands behind her back and her head is tilting back and forth slowly, with a happy look. She is leaning forward. Zane opens his eyes, have camera become Zane’s point of view. They blink. Camera pans out to both of them. The girl steps back a bit and says

Girl: “Hiii! What’s that?” (She points at Zane’s gun.)

Z: “Oh, this? (He looks and points at his gun. The girl nods.) “It’s a twenty… wait a minute! (Zack abruptly stands up.) “Who are you!?”

Girl: “Me? I’m Evarile.” (She sticks out her hand and they shake.)

Z: “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Evarile. I’m wait a second here! What are you doing here!?”

E: “Me, I’m here just talking to you.”

Z: “Oh, well, ok. HEY! Wait a darn minute! Who are…”  (Zane is cut off from a huge yawn.)

A: “Yawn. What’s happening Zane? If it’s the waitress, tell her just 10 more minutes.” (Aistea turns over to the right. Then his eyes open up suddenly and he jumps up.)

A: “Hey, what in the world’s happening?”

E: “Giggle giggle, you guys are really funny.”

Z and A together: “What? How are we funny?”

E: “Giggles” (She giggles even more.) “Sorry to bother you both. Hi, I’m Evarile.” (She goes to shake Aistea’s hand. Aistea shakes her hand and says

A: “How do you do Miss, on this fine afternoon? My name is Aistea and this here is Zane. We were both having our nap until you interrupted.”
E: “I’m terribly sorry.”
A: “No, no. It’s perfectly fine. Would you like to come join us? We have room on this tree. And the grass is just perfect this time of year.”

E: Laughs

Z: “What in the world is going on?”

A: “I’ll tell you what’s going on. A perfectly cute girl has walked over to us on this terribly nice day to join our nap. Right Miss Evarile?”

E: “Not quite. (Short Laugh) I’m just wandering around here and I happen to stumble on two, hmm, from the way you two dress, two-“ (She is cut off by Zane)

Z: “Two of the best treasure hunters that have ever lived.”

E: “Yes. (She smiles.) Two treasure hunters.”

A: “Yes, yes. Now we know who we all are, let’s sit down. Come on, sit.” (They all sit down.)

A: “Now you say you’re a wanderer are you? Where did you wander your pretty self?”

Zane pulls Aistea over and tells Evarile

Z: “Hold on for just a sec.” (To Aistea,) Zane: “What are you doing man? What’s wrong with you?”

A: “Hmm, man, why are you being so bossy. This is my dream, so be quiet. Shessh, even in a dream, you have problems. At least this problem isn’t as serious as the other.”

Z: “What problems?”

A: “You know, your problem with girls. Don’t know how to handle to you. Why am I even telling you all this. This is my dream, I demand that you know everything.”


A: “What? It isn’t? Then that cute girl over there is real?”

Z: “YES!”

A: “So, you agree with me that she’s cute eh? Go on, you two match perfectly.”
Z: “What?”

A: “Go on, talk to her. Tell her bout everything.”

Z: “Everything?”

A: “Who you are. What you do. What are we going to do. You know. You’re problems. You’re dreams. Everything.” (Aistea pushes Zane toward Evarile. He sits him down. He then walks off and says) A: “I’ll be back soon. Just talk.”

The camera follows Aistea. Aistea gives a sigh.

A: “Whoosh. I hope I did the right thing. The only way to solve a problem like that was to give him something else to think about.”

Camera returns back to Zane and Evarile.

Z: “What the hell happened?”

E: “Hmm, yes what did happen?”

Z: “That Aistea, he’s been doing this to me for a long time.”

E: “You mean leaving you with girls? What kind of life do you lead?”

Z: “Huh? No, no. I mean that every time I have a problem, Aistea acts all weird and leaves with weird people.”

E: “Do I look like a weird person?”
Z: “No, you’re very cute. (Evarile smiles.) See, the last person I talked to was this old soldier from the war of Soten and Araven.”

E: “You mean the war about the Ruppee of Integrity?”

Z: “Yeah, that stupid thing. It isn’t really powerful; it just makes the spellee incredibly honest. I guess that would be a good thing for kings to have.”
E: “Spellee?”

Z: “Yeah, the person who is the spell is cast upon. The speller and the spellee.”

E: “Lol”

Z: “What’s funny?” (Zane gives a puzzled look.)



E: “Nothing.” (Zane looks even more puzzled. He pokes her.)

Z: “C’mon. Tell me. Please?”

E: “Nothing. And don’t poke me, it tickles.”

Z: “So? Don’t you like being tickled?”
E: “No.”

Z: “Why?”

E: “Cuz it makes me laugh and squeamish.”

Z: “Really? Let’s see.” (Zane continues to poke her and starts to tickle her. Evarile starts to laugh and starts to push Zane, in a flirty way.)

E: “Lol, stop it Zane. It’s making me laugh.”

Z: “So? You have a wonderful laugh.” (Zack continues to tickle her, and Evarile continues to laugh. Finally, Zack stops and Evarile sighs and puts her head on his shoulder. Zack turns stiff, but relaxes.)

E: “Sigh, hmmm, feel so light.”

Z: “Yeah. But you weigh a ton.” (Evarile gets off his shoulder and makes a stern look at Zane.)

E: “I so do not weigh a ton.”

Z: “Okay, okay, don’t get mad at me.” (Evarile gives a fake huff, and grumbles fakely. She puts her head back on his shoulder.)

E: “Say I weigh a ton. Hmmph.”

Z: “Hahaha. You are so by far the most coolest, interesting, cutest person I have met.”

E: “Thank you.”

Z: “Yet, we don’t know anything about each other.”

E: “I know you’re a very playful person.”

Z: “You met my playful side. My cool side is much cooler.”

E: “Hm, really. I like this playful side. Is your cool side as sweet and nice as you are now?”

Z: “Of course. It’s like the Mega-Playboy!” (Zane looks completely like an idiot.)

E: “What?”

Z: “Hehe, it’s an inside joke with me and the writer.”

E: “Oh, I see.”

Z: “Yeah, anyway, let’s talk more about you.”

E: “Hmm, let’s see. I’m a 16 year old girl, from Airean. My favorite flower is the nadeisco. Hmm, my favorite color is pale green. I love those pocky sticks, vanilla flavor. I like jello, ice cream, ice cream soda, green apple candy, and cherries. I love to collect rare items, like this. (She produces a yo-yo.)

Z: “Huh? What is this?” (He points at the yo-yo)

E: “This, (She sits up straight and starts to act in a presenting manner) this is a one of a kind round thing with a string. I figured it was like a weapon or something, so that’s why I carry it around.”

Z: “Really? Let me look at it.”

E: “Of course.” (She hands him the yo-yo.) “It’s small and fits in my pocket, so it’s easy to travel with it. And no one can tell I’m carrying it.” (Zane stands up and starts to use the yo-yo and does a couple of tricks with it.)

Z: “You sure this is a weapon? This is rather like a toy.”

E: “It is a too a weapon. Watch this.” (She gets up, takes the yo-yo from Zane and starts to swing it around. She accidentally lets go and the yo-yo goes flying.)

A: “OUCH!!!!” (Evarile puts her hand to her mouth, and then goes running to Aistea, who just showed up and got hit in the head with the yo-yo.)

A: “Obviously, I’m not wanted here. I’ll just go back.”

E: “Noooo! I’m so sorry, don’t go.”

A: “I’m fine. Here, take this back. (He tosses her the yo-yo.)

Z: “Aistea, are you alright?”

A: “Yea, I’m fine. I saw some leaves which could numb the pain a while back. I’ll just get me some of those. Be back in a little while.” (Aistea leaves, rubbing his head. Evarile returns back to Zane.)

E: “I’m so sorry Zane for hitting Aistea.”

Z: “Don’t worry bout’ it. He’s taken harder hits than that. Besides, at least you’ve proven that this thing is really a weapon.”

E: “Ha ha ha. I guess so.”

Z: “Hmm, I feel so much better. It’s all thanks to you.”

E: “I shouldn’t take all the credit. We should thank Aistea for leaving us together.”

Z: “I guess you’re right. Hmm, will you stay with us for a while?”

E: “!” (Her eyes are full of surprise) “Sure, that’ll be great. I’ve been wandering for a long time, and I would be just perfect to travel with someone else.”


Scene 3: Dark Beginnings

Evarile and Zane are sitting together, under the shade of the tree. They are talking. Meanwhile, Aistea is bandaging his head a distance. He suddenly stops, and looks from right to left. His face is serious, and shows that he knows something isn’t right. He starts to quickly bandage his head. Camera goes back to Zane and Evarile. All of a sudden, Evarile gasps. Zane looks toward the front. 4 yards away, there is a man, covered with black. His hands hold ancient signs full of magic. He wears a hood. In his hand, he holds a short staff. The wind blows. Zane gets up and Evarile stands behind him. Zane looks serious and he has head down first, then slowly rises it up. COOL*****He tilts his head to the side. In his mind, he is thinking

Z: Voice over “Am I cool or what?”

Man: “Evarile… Come here.”

E: “Eeeck! Get away!” (The hood is lifted from the man. The man’s eyes blink open.)

Man: “You have wasted my time long enough. How you managed to escape me so far is still a mystery. No matter. You are here and it’s my desire to take you.”

Z: “What! No way! You can’t take her!”

Man: “Who do you think I am? Don’t you dare talk to me that you insolent fool! I am Shiroi Soten, of Shunkinkoo.”

Z: “Humph! I don’t give a damn about who you are. You should be worrying about me! I’m Zane Kurai, 2nd ranked treasure hunter in all of Expel!”

E: “Second?”

Soten (Looks up toward the left, then returns his head slanted so he is staring at Zane.)

S: “I have no time for this. Evarile, come here now!” (Soten starts to walk toward them. Zane pulls his gun out. He loads it. He points it at Soten. Soten stops, and looks at the gun. He closes his eyes and then stares at Zane. His black staff in his hand raises and then strikes down. The staff extends. Zane gulps.)

E: “Wahh! Why don’t you ever leave me alone Soten!?”

Z: “Huh? You know this guy? Why didn’t you ever tell me about him?”

E: “Well, we just met!”

Z: “But are you guys like you know, old lovers?”

E: “NO!”

Z: “How about old friends, turned lovers?”

E: “NO!”

Z: “How about brother-sister relationship?”
E: “NO!!”

Z: “How about girl who doesn’t know why some guy is after her?”

E: “For the last time, N-, wait, yes that one.”

Z: “I see. So then, (Turning to Soten) you’re a stalker!” (Soten has the expression of what? on his face.)

Z: “Okay Mr. Stalker! I think should leave before things get ugly!

S: “First, I’m not a stalker. Second, wait, why am I even bothering with you! You shall regret standing in my way.” (He starts to walk forward, with his staff pointed at him. Zane fires. Camera does shots of Zane and the gun firing. Camera returns to Soten, who has  stopped dead in his tracks. The staff is in a different position. It is covering his heart.)

S: “You have good aim.”

Z: “What the hell?”

S: “Clearly I have under estimated you. But you aren’t even strong enough to defeat me!”

Z: “What!” (Soten rushes at Zane. Evarile all this time has been hiding. When Soten comes rushing, she runs behind the tree, and peeks over. She is genuinely concerned, and she takes out the yo-yo. Soten hits Zane in the stomach with his staff. Zane keels over. Soten lifts his staff, and calls out

S: “Daaark Ener-!” (A shot fire rings out. It hits Soten in the leg. Soten starts to kneel, but stands straight up. He turns around and it’s Aistea. Evarile then pulls Zane behind the tree. Zane is struggling for breath. He’s never been hit that hard before. Evarile is scared, but there’s something in her eyes that is glowing with anger. Camera returns to Aistea and Soten.)

A: “Leave them alone.”

S: “How dare you-“ (Soten suddenly becomes quiet. He feels a strange power rising. Aistea is completely different from before. Anger, rage, fury. You can feel it resonating from Aistea, yet Aistea is in complete control of his emotions.)

A: “Leave them alone. Or I will end it.” (Camera goes back to Zane and Evarile. Zane is breathing hard, but there’s concern in his eyes.)

Z: “I got to help Aistea.” (He stands up, but winces.) “How the hell did he hit me!”

A: “Leave them alone, Shiroi Soten of Shinjikuu. I know who you are. Leave my friends alone, or your life will fade.”

S: “Fool! why do dare interfere with me?! This has no concern for you! What gives you the right to make all the decisions! Argh!” (Aistea eyes open up, and he looks down.)

A: “You’re right. It’s none of my business. You want the girl don’t you? I won’t interfere with you then. But leave my friend alone.” (Aistea lowers his weapon and places it back in the holster. Zane looks mad and has his gun out. Evarile is shocked.)

Z: “Aistea! You can’t let him have her!”

S: “Humph. Your friend is the wise one here. Let her go, she has no purpose with you.”

Z: “Never!”

S: “You, hey you. (Soten calls Aistea.) Your friend won’t let her go.”

A: “So? It’s none of my business. I’m a treasure hunter. You want her, go get her.”

S: “What! How dare you! I should-“

A: “Shut the fuck up! Yes, I think you should! Don’t fuck around with me, understand?! I made guys like you squeal. You want her, fuck, then get her!” (Soten’s eyes are glowering at Zane. He turns around and Zane hits Soten in the face. Soten doesn’t move. They fight.)


Scene 4: Action Sequence

Zane takes the lead. He starts to swing wildly at Soten. Soten dodges all his punch, and then swings his staff. Zane jumps away, and tries to kick him. Soten uses the staff and Zane trips. Soten tries to strike, but Zane uses his gun and shoots his shoulder. The jolt forces Soten to move back. Zane rolls over, and gets up. He then starts shooting. Soten blocks all of Zane’s shots, now that he’s prepared. Soten quickly gets close to Zane and punches him. He then strikes Zane upwards with his staff, and then swings around to hit Zane in his chest. Zane is thrown back. His gun flies a while away. Meanwhile, Evarile ran to Aistea’s side. Aistea is talking with Evarile, and at the same time is watching Zane get beaten. Aistea nods and winces when Zane gets hit in the face with Soten’s staff. Zane is on the ground on all fours, breathing heavily. Soten face is bleeding from his lips, and he doesn’t seem tired at all. He raises his staff, and calls out Daarrrk Energ-- A fire rings out. Soten looks back, and it’s Aistea once again. Aistea puts the gun in Evarile’s hands and slowly walks toward Soten. Zane rolls away, tired. His hands rest upon the yo-yo. He picks it up, and tries to get up. Soten is looking at Aistea. He asks

S: “Why are you attacking me now? Did we not agree it was not your business.”

A: “What can I say? I’m very susceptible to girls who are being chases by evil dark men. Besides, look what you did to Zane. Do you know who difficult it is to try to solve his problems? You know what great lengths I did to make him stop thinking what if there was more to life? I left him with such a cute girl! You know how cute she is? I mean, just look at her!”

S: “Argh, you insolent fool! You talk too much. Prepare to meet …”

A: “Shiroi Soten of Shinjikuu, dark master of all there is and to be. Yea yeah, yea. Heard it all before.”

E: “Is that all you think of me Aistea? As a cute girl?”

Z: “Hey! Don’t, cough, be calling her cute. Only I can do that!”

E: “What do you mean by that ZANE?”

S: “Hey! I didn’t finish what I was trying to say. Aistea, prepare to meet…”

A: “AhEM! Let’s do this. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Aistea rushes forward and starts to punch Soten. He first goes for his chest, then head, then his sides. Soten dodges most of it. Aistea jumps back. He then kicks Soten’s knee and elbows his head. Soten groans and falls to the ground, but not before hitting Aistea with a green magic ball. Aistea flies back, and hits the ground. He gets up and seems unfazed. He rushes to attack Soten, who got back up. Soten prepares to swing his staff but Aistea jumps him. He literally jumps on to the staff and forces Soten back. Aistea gets control of the staff and tosses it away. Soten then goes into a battle stance. Aistea goes into one but quickly makes a transition into a flying uppercut, which was unexpected to Soten. They enter into a series of blocks and attacks, and Aistea uses his famous ELBOW TECHNIQUE. Soten is getting bruised and gets a lucky strike to Aistea’s face. While Aistea reels from the blow, Soten approaches the girl, which he realized was his true objective. Evarile fires the gun, and drops it from pure surprise. The shot skins Soten’s face, and blood starts to drip from it. Soten roars but is cut short because Zane throws the yo-yo at his head. Soten looks real sad for a moment, because the yo-yo really hurt. Zane is extremely cheerful. Aistea is snoozing. Evarile is looking all scared and shy. (This is like manga, comic relief) Zane then jumps onto Soten’s back and Soten starts to swing him off. Aistea gets up and runs and rams Soten with is head. Soten goes ooff and Zane and Aistea are both in battle ready. They attack Soten together, and do simultaneously hit Soten. They hit Soten until Soten is back in the tree. Soten eyes then glow and he places his hands in front of him and goes KAZE RYU!!!! Aistea and Zane are thrown back. Evarile puts her hand in front of her mouth, and gasps. Aistea and Zane get up, but are thrown back again. Great camera shots of Aistea and Zane getting thrown. Aistea gets thrown in a spiral and Zane flies straight back. Asitea gets up and tries to attack Soten, but Soten grabs his arm and casts ENERGY BLAST right into Aistea, so the ENERGY BLAST is not seen. Aistea is thrown back really far, and lies flat, looking straight up, then becomes unconscious. Zane gets up but Soten goes KAZE RYU LEVEL 2!!! And Zane gets thrown twice in a spiral. He lands next to Evarile, face down. Evarile screams and Soten rushes to her and slaps her. Evarile faints, (Typical lol, jk) and Soten is about to cast Energy Blast onto Zane, who is struggling to get up. Then a voice calls out.


Scene 5: Failed Endeavor

A voice calls out.

Voice: “Stop Soten!” (Soten looks all shocked!)

Voice: “You’re mine Soten! Prepare to DIE!!!” (Soten looks disgusted, and then wraps his cloak around the fainted Evarile, and then disappears.)

Voice: “DAMN!!! I’ll get you SOTEN!!!”

Sound of footsteps leaving. Sounds of Aistea groaning. Zane cries out Evarile… then faints. Black out. Camera shows Aistea groaning as he gets up. He starts to say ouch, and looks around. Zane is on the ground, and there is no evidence of Soten or Evarile. He goes slowly and picks up his gun and Zane’s also. He starts to wake Zane, but decides not to. He puts bandages on himself. Aistea then sits down and waits for Zane to wake up. After a while, Aistea wonders if Zane is dead, and as he goes to check, Zane gets up suddenly, scaring the crap out of Aistea. Zane is bewildered and Aistea hands him Zane’s gun. Aistea tosses him the roll of bandages.

Z: “What the hell happened?”

A: “We got screwed up the ass. That freakin Soten guy was stronger than I thought he would be.”

Z: “I didn’t know he was that strong. He used Magic on us didn’t he?”

A: “I don’t know Zane, maybe the wind was just really strong.  Ugh. My chest.”

Z: “What is it?”

A: “It feels like it was engulfed in a blazing inferno.”
Z: “Evarile!!!! Where is she Aistea?”

A: “Gone. Anyway, it’s so sore.”

Z: “EVARILE!!!!! We have to find her Aistea!!! Soten must have taken her!! Hurry!!!”

A: “Hold on here. Look, I think the best idea is to stay and rest. We’re hurt, and if we had to fight Soten again, we would probably die.”

Z: “It doesn’t matter. We have to try our best and keep going!”

A: “Another thing. We should just continue with our journey, and forget about her.”

Z: “Whaaa?’

A: “Look, we both lost to that Soten character. He’s unbelievable strong. At first, I thought that I could take him, but he defeated the both of us. I mean, BOTH OF US!! I can’t believe it, and I thought that we were going to die. She’s really not worth it.”

Z: “Whaaaa?”

A: “ We just met her and besides, she wasn’t that cute.”

Z: “What!! We have to save her!! What kind of people would we be?”

A: “Smart people.”

Z: “Don’t be fresh with me.”

A: “Don’t start with me! There’s no way we are going to save her.”

Z: “WHY!!!”


Z: “Don’t talk about Evarile that way!! I know who she is! She is someone sweet and she would have never done anything wrong!”

A: “You guys only talked for about 10 minutes!!”

Z: “So!! It felt like I knew her already!!”

A: “Oh shut up! We’re not going to save her, and that’s it!”

Z: “You can’t control me! And we’re going to save her!”

A: “Hell no!!!”

Z: “We have to!!” (Aistea pulls his gun out. He points at Zane’s head. Zane throws his arm and hits the gun to the side and pulls out his own. They are both at point blank.”

A: “You would dare to pull a gun on me, over some girl?”

Z: “She’s very dear to me! You’re the one who left her with me anyways!”

A: “Only because I thought that it would do you good!”

Z: “You’re always leaving me with strange people! What the hey is wrong with you!!!”

A: “You’re the one with the problems!”

Z: “What problems?!”

A: “Always wondering about everything! Can’t you accept things the way they are! Who do you think you are? Some lost hero!”

Z: “What?”

A: “Always wondering what else is there in life! This is our life, going into caves, defeating monsters and overcoming obstacles for fortune! Do you think that we’re some kind of heroes who go off to save people or even help them! It’s not our business, so why should we interfere!”

Z: “Why did you help me then if think it wasn’t your business?!!”

A: “You are my business! You are my partner, I can’t let you be destroyed!”

Z: “Hahaha, so that’s it is it? I’m not even a friend!!!”

A: “Argggggh!!!! Screw this!! I’m not arguing with you about this! You want to find her and be a hero, then go!!” (Aistea puts his gun away and starts to walk away.)

Z: “ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!! DAMN YOU AISTEA!!!” (Zane watches Aistea leave and then he flops to the ground.)

Z: “What the hell man? I always thought that you would pull through for me, like before. Sigh, how the hell am I supposed to find Evarile? (Zane gets up and starts limp walking. A little while later, Zane sits down. He sits in isolated place.)

Z: “Shit. I don’t know where to go. I don’t have anyone to help me, stupid Aistea. I’m hurt. I’m hungry. I want to just give up.”

Voice: “DON’T GIVE UP"


Continue to Act II