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Tai Kami's Ultimate Final Fantasy & Inuyasha Shrine

Webmaster Vee says: Welcome to my site. As a lot of the visitors may know, this isn't my first one. This site will be bigger and better then my previous one, because it'll be Tai Kami's site! Tai Kami-3/29/03:Sup,all. Im here. Today I put my FF8 page up. Over & Out!! 4/13/03:Hey. Revised my FF8 Review today, check it out, hope youll like it. Today you should visit one of my affiliates, okay? Thanks, see ya later. oh, by the way, I also revised my Quistis section a bit, be sure to check that, too. 4/23/03: Hey, all. I'm in the process of rethinking my backgrounds, in case you are wondering. Later. Visit the Top 50

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Final Fantasy 8 Review
Cowboy Bebop Review