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Simple as it seems, To join copy then go to the message board and paste, then fill out all provided information. First form tell's you what to put, what you can have, and what you can't have, read it carefully or don't bother Joining.

Info Form -

Basic Information -
Name : (Choose a Character based on Inu Yasha, or make up your own)
Race : (Based on the giving info if a Inu Yasha character, put down what he is. If you making up a character, base it on what seem's to fit the character)
Age : (Choose a age of your choice, from 10-40)
Team : (Choose a already made team, or create your own. Or if desired, don't join any team)
Diplomacy : (Choose whether you want your character to be good,neutral,evil)
Job : (Pick any of the job's listed to fit your character)
Short Story : (Give a simple or well detailed story, of your character's life)
Location : (Choose one of the towns provided to start at)

AIM : (Put AIM name, so other member's may contact you)
E-mail : (Put E-mail for contact's, info,or private messages can be sent to you)

Stats -
HP : 100/100
Strength : 1
Magic : (Leave blank)
Defensive Technique's : (Choose any Level 1 Tech)
Abilities : (Choose any Level 1 Abilities)
Special Techniques : (Choose any Level one Tech.)
Spells : (Choose any Level 1 Spell)

Equiptment -
Clothing : (Choose standard clothing for your character)
Amour : (Do not fill in)
Weapons : (Choose any weapon under 50 credits)
Items : (Do not fill in)
Special Weapons : (Do not fill in)
Special Items : (Do not fill in)
Special Amour/Clothing : (Do not fill in)
Shards : (Do not fill in)


Copy - Fill in - Post on MB

Member Join Form -

Basic Information -
Name :
Race :
Age :
Team :
Diplomacy :
Job :
Short Story :
Location :

E-mail :

Stats -
HP : 100/100
Strength : 1
Magic :
Defensive Technique's :
Abilities :
Special Techniques :
Spells :

Equiptment -
Clothing :
Amour :
Weapons :
Items :
Special Weapons :
Special Items :
Special Amour/Clothing :
Shards :