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Raven Falls

Welcome to Raven Falls this game is set on an island in the Atlantic Ocean where the beaches are white and the water is the beautiful clear blue. However not everything you may find here is beautiful there are far more darker things lurking around the corner.

This game is based on Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter game as well as her Merry series. For those of you who aren't familiar with the books I highly recommend them. In this game, like her books,you'll find that vampires, werewolves, fey and other magical creatures actually do exsist and that they don't just walk the world they share it with us openly. They don't hide in the shadows pretending that they don't exsist because in the United States they are legal citizens.

This game is played on Yahoo groups if you are intrested in playing please check out the links below you will find the rules, posting guidelines, characters and other such things. Currently we got tons of characters open for playing so free to check out the characters needed page to see what postions we have availible. While you'r at it you can also check out the Characters page to find out who fills the other positions.

Also if your planning on joining the game reading the past story lines is a good way to start. It hasn't been updated in a bit but I hope to get a new one up soon. Besides even the old one will let you know what's happened previously.

Rules Posting Guildlines Creating your character Characters Needed Laws of the Lycanthropes Characters Places Story Line

Like what you see or willing to at least give it a try. Or maybe you just feel like reading along

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