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Name: Raivyn Thorn
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Long, Wavy, Sandy Blond
Eyes: Green
Height: 5' 7

Raivyn Thorn was born October 31. She has never been married and doesn't really consider herself to be the marrying type. She has no children or any desire for them. She fully admits to being a bitch and is proud of it. She keeps no pets with her as she thinks they are nasty creatures to be cared for and has no time for that. Her parents were killed when she was fourteen by a thief out to claim gold that did not belong to him. Her two sisters and two brothers were left with only her to fend for them. Though she worked hard to earn food for the children there was not enough to go around most of the time.

Raivyn ate little so that her siblings would have more, but still did not have enough to keep up the childrens strength. She felt she had no choice, but to steal food and supplies. Dreagon tried to help all he could, but feeling as if he were too much of a burden for Raivyn, he left out on his own one dark, moonless night. She has never again seen him. A man and woman who chould not have children of their own took in Aurora and Hope. From time to time Raivyn checks on them too be sure they are well fed, treated well and happy with their new lives. They never see her for she does it from afar so they can fully move on with their lives and be happy with no harsh memories to burden them along the way. Xand stayed with Raivyn until a year after the girls were taken in by the couple. He left to seek his own fortune promising to reunite the family when he found it. She has not heard from his since. It has been two years since she last saw any of them and despretely wants to see them all again, happy and together. She misses them all deeply and wants them happy, but has yet to find her own happiness. She claims to be a bitch because of all she has lost, but perhaps it is because of guilt for the things she could not change.

Raivyn has a pierced belly button and tongue. She has a tattoo on her right ankle of thorns and a tattoo of a raivyn on her left shoulder blade.

Raivyn carries a few weapons on her that she has received in her life. Among these weapons are two tessens {bladed fan made of strong metal. It fans out in a large half circle}, a double chakrum {very similar to the usual chakrum except it has a wavy piece of metal in the center of it seperating the gold from the silver side. Once it is thrown through the air it seperates into two half circles doing double the damage to a victim.}, five throwing knives, and three throwing stars.

Dreagon *18* {Brother}, Xand *16* {Brother}, Hope *13* {Sister}, Aurora *12* {Sister}