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The Role-Players' Community

Character Pages

Name Page Name Time frame Format
Scorpion Sinclare Scorpion's Lair Medieval Dice
The Goddess of Sorrow The Goddess of Light and Shade Medieval SIM
Athena En-VecAthena En-Vec Medieval Dice
Darius En-VecDarius En-Vec Medieval Dice
Triana Sinclare~Triana Sinclare~ Medieval Dice
Fizzdar Oak LeafFizzdar Oak Leaf Medieval Dice
Serina PendragonSerinaPendragon2 Medieval Dice
Lillith De-Sade Demure~Lillith's Sanctum~ Medieval SIM
Keri ShadeKeri's Realm Medieval Dice

Guild/Forum Pages

Note: this does not mean that these guilds or forums are aligned in any way.
Organization Guild/Forum Acronym Location Format
The Order of Celestial Trancendence Guild OoCT Rhydin Dice
Nitroidian Chains and Blades Guild NCB Rhydin Dice
The Scales of Chaos and Order Forum TSCO Rhydin Dice

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Also list if you Dice, SIM or VTM ok?