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A list of my characters


Bethany is in my newest RP for Daredevil. She's a very kind, loving girl who's eighteen. She was born from an artifical fetus after both her parents were killed while her mom was pregnant. She was given steroids, so now her bones and muscles are stronger than normal, and her reflexes are amazing. She fights crime at night dressed in a catholic school outfit, especially fitted for fighting. She is a waitress at a coffee shop during the day, and knows Matt Murdock well. Her weapons are a long pole (five feet) and 2 razors that act as boomerangs.


Kioko is a very very tough of girl. I use her in my spacey type of RPs. She has the laser gun (shown) and uses her computer glasses to scan areas and such (also shown). She's a computer whiz and can kick ass when needed. She has her own spaceship, and runs her own part yard in the Alpha quadrant of space at age twenty. Very reliable girl who stands up for herself. Good to have on your team, though she is a loner.


Skye is very sweet and gentle. She was made for an RP of mine based on a story I'm writing. She's about nineteen in human years, but her spirit is as old as time. She can use a great deal of magic, and manipulate it to help her with attack and defense, but mostly defense. She gives power to others when it is their time to have it, and holds the power in the jewel on her head. She uses no weapons because she has her magic, but she can fight a little. She's very beautiful and soft speaking, which is what attracts people to her. Very wonderful person in general.


Cho was designed for any Final Fantasy RPs I do (if it wasn't obvious already). She does a lot of materia hunting, then selling it for absurd amounts. A very mischevous young girl of seventeen, she travels a lot, using her sword as her only weapon, aside from her fists. She is pretty sly and immature, but can be a very good person to have around because of what she can do with the materia, and her swordsmanship. She still has her family, but she doesn't keep in close contact with them.


Delia is my ^most^ ordinary character here. She comes from the city, lower west side of town in fact, and drives a motorcycle. She uses her main weapons of her guns and fists, and has an attitude that would scare off Atila the Hun. She's a bitch, and she sure as hell knows it, even at age seventeen. She's a loner, so she doesn't take sides in ^any^ matter; even that of life and death, she sticks it alone. But those who DO get to know her, know that she's a real good friend, and she's been through a lot alone.


Hoshiko is one of my lesser used characters. SHe's about twenty-two, and gets used in my other space RPs. I don't like her because she looks so young, but that does fit in with the story. She goes out into space alone, traveling a lot, but volunteers her abilites out to different space ships and crews. She works as a mechanic, and is very good at it, so she loves to be around people. She has a quiet personality, which is why people think she is a loner. She doesn't really have a weapon, and can't fight all too well, so she's not one to have if you're fighting.


Ah, Kat. She's my very original character. I designed her for my DBZ RPs (if you couldn't tell by the art type) and ended up making tons of stories with her. I even have a 60 page fanfic running with her so far. She's my absolute favorite, but enough of that. She's around twenty, and is very cheerful and nice, but keeps to herself a lot of the time because of her hard past. Her parents were killed when she was young, and her sister was killed when she was ten. She trained with the Supreme Kai for a few years, then ran away. She is a Dragon Saiyan which is a strong type of Saiyan, but has a dragon tattoo which she was born with, and the necklace holds her power. She has a good deal of power, so she gets chased after by the Supreme Kai of Darkness. She still runs from him.


Kathleen is also another one of my more often used characters. She was brought out originally in a vampire RP I was doing, and she caught my interest. I branched out with her and thought up plots and such. She's a loner (big surprise), and keeps a very dark and mysterious attitude about her. She's trained in the art of sword fighting and numerous martial art techniques. She is a slayer, and a damned good one at that at age nineteen. She's killed a Master vampire, and numerous other vampires and other creatures of the night. She normally goes out to hunt with a large, black velvet cloak draped over her body to hide herself. She's quite kind and sweet to those who know her, but that isn't many.


Vanya is my youngest character by far, weighing in at a mere sixteen years old (in elven of course). Her name means Fair Winds in the elvish language because she ^is^ and Elf. I created her for a Lord of the Rings roleplay, but she gets used occasionally for some fantasy RPs I do. She has a very fun-loving personality and jokes around a lot. She does a good deal with magic and healing, and derives her abilities from nature. The staff she holds is what she uses to call out her power inside and from the nature around her. She can't fight at all, but her magic is far beyond what she needs to protect herself, and that's what she uses it for.