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Lu-Tsu's Philosophical Quotations.


"An Ahroun's Claws are a wonderous weapon, but sometimes the power of a Theurge's mind conquers all."

"When you think that peace is just a break in-between
two wars, and peace in itself is just a continuation
of war on more diplomatic terms, you begin to realise
what kind of a world we live in."

"The world is just a ball thrown carelessly around the
universe to annoy the heavens, a world where happiness
is a delicate balance between what we want and what we
have, the thin line between too much and too little."

"Life in itself is just a series of crises, separated by
brief periods of self delusion and captivation, marred
by other peoples success and achievements and made
worse by jealousy, envy and hatred."

If a creature does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or how far away.

If you know nothing of your past, how can you know things of your future?

A few still hunt ways out beyond philosophy, where nothing is sacred till it is your flesh.

If you leave a single enemy, you leave an entire army.

The only true gift is that of wisdom, everything else has a motive.

The only real opposite to one’s race is one’s sexual opposite.

We live the dream, because to someone else we live on the other side of the desert.

Were there is still beauty there is still hope.

The blood of the Ancients, flows through out veins And the forms change, but the circle of life remains

