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Language of the Wolf

So young Monkeys, you come to me MOVES BY MOON the great Howler from beyond the Huge silver snake, many giant monkeys away, to teach you of the Lupus ways. Silly monkey, I will teach you of our ways, like I was taught your monkeys ways by the Great “just Summer”. But to do so you must run with Lupus, Hunt with Lupus, and kill Wyrm with Lupus. Can you do this?

 Good then let us begin, run now!

Language of the Paws

See now look at the marks in the hard water, as we run. This is how we hunt and track.

1: Running at medium speed

2: Running at full speed

3: Cruising speed



Language of the Tail


1: Assurance


2: Insecurity and threat


3: A bit of aggression


4: Aggressive position


5: Natural position


6: Anxious


7: Ready for defense


8: Friendly submission


9: Total submission




Language of the Fangs













And Lastly The All Important Howls.


First:-Say exactly what want to say, in this world you do not howl for no reason (Except if you want to impress or just enjoy the howl, as all Garou should). It will draw the Wyrm is what you will be told if howl too much. ( I say Fight the Wyrm where ever it is and if cant find bring it to you)

Second:-What you Look Like. What posture are you taking when you PERFORM this howl. It all conveys meaning to the lupus around you, though other Homids may not realise this. Also once you have become GREAT Howler like me then you can show amazing pictures in your howls.

Third Roll the Bones:-Roll the Dice.


Now young “Lupus” it is Your turn, make MOVES BY MOON Proud……….



Howl to Mammoth, greatest of Gaia's Totem's


















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