Before roleplaying with me, please read over my site so that you know what it is I like, what I'm looking for and what I don't like. If you are still with me by the time you finish reading this page, then follow the links provided at the bottom for information on my characters and storyline details.

Mun Information
I'm Female

Over 21!

Happily married and NOT looking for relationships!!

I Love roleplaying & have been for 8 years.

I'm looking for good long term rp partners.

I do not discriminate on age.
However, if you are under 18, I will not play
situations of adult nature with you.

IM's are OOC until a story has been discussed and
is started. So don't IM me in ((mun bubbles)).
That starts only after play has began.

If your not looking for long term stories, then

don't bother...I'm in it for the long haul.

Roleplaying Rules
No dice... go to Vegas

Quality over quantity!!
I tend to get long winded in my posts. I do not
expect my partners to even try to match my posts
as long as you are giving me good quality.

I'm no english major, I don't care if words are
misspelled as long as I know what it is you are
trying to say. I do however HATE it when people
don't take the time to spell out words. Don't use
abbriviations such as; R, U, 2, 4 etc.

I'm really nice and easy to get along with.

I'm pretty open to most any type of storyline.

Don't assume it's ok to just kill my characters.
If it's part of the story, then I'll go along
with it, but talk to me about it first. Don't just
do it, or I won't accept it.

Feel free to IM me with any questions!

My Characters
--I will create characters as needed for any storyline. If you have an idea and need a specific type of character let me know, I can accomidate. In addition, any of my characters can be adjusted to play in other time periods.--

Kattrina Reinslayer
high level demon
Belle Walbourn
Sophie Reynaud
Tavia Leveil
Sadie De'Louer
Jeanne-Elisabeth Devereaux
Human / Vampire
Soldier #4354
High trained soldier
Anthro cat
Chloe Stroheim
Christelle Quentin
Blue Fae