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Victoria Anna Beckett

Name: Victoria Anna Beckett
Species: Human
Age: 28
Gender: female
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 129 lbs
Hair: light brown
Eyes: gray
Other: none
Medical: none

Birthdate: February 17, 2352
Birthplace: Earth
Mother: Arlene Ramirez Beckett
Father: Marc Beckett
Siblings: none
Spouse: none
Children: none

Counselor’s note: Victoria Beckett, or Tory (which she prefers), is a very private individual. While normally reserved, she can also be somewhat friendly, though not outgoing. She can also become quite hostile when dealing with authority figures, but I have never known her to lose her temper.
Tory prefers her own company and is uncomfortable expressing or talking about her emotions. She is uncomfortable around most telepaths despite the fact that she is one-eighth Betazoid. In fact, rather than seek out others’ emotions, she uses what limited telepathic powers her heritage has granted her to “shield” her mind as best she can. Though her mental blocks are useless against focused probing by other telepaths, they do allow her to hide her surface thoughts and mild emotions.