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The Destiny Journal
The Destiny Journal

Welcome to The Destiny Journal

"Here is the Destiny Journal...On a rather unique idea posed one fine day, two mild mannered Half-Ogre picked up quills (after thinking they had to write with rocks which would not fit in the ink well) and began to write about their adventures, as well as the various events that go on in and about Destiny. These two Half-Ogres give their view and their view only (And sometimes not even that...being as one of them can't even write) But their cause is always true and their writings as close to the truth as you can get (Ignore the comments of bunnies please.) Now delve into the archives of Dark_Prophecy and Kruk as they let you live their own adventures and see just how strong (Or...Well for lack of a better word, dumb.) They really are.

Quest Quest
Quest Quest
Quest Destiny
Quest Quest
Here you shall find the Journal entries of two lively ogres, dig deep into the minds of these ogres as you read from their point of veiws