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.e.xperiment .X.

:h:ello and welcome to Xune's character pag:e:, in order to keep everything original and new, do not take any of my characters information for your own personal use. I am currently trying to find a picture of her, but it is quite hard. If you have one, that looks like the description I give you, please email it to m:e:

Name: Xune ???
Age: Her age is unknown, but she looks to be around 18. She ages slower in comparison to normal human beings.
Birthdate: She never finds out what exact date she was born on. But, in order to hide her condition to the humans, she picked the date November 4th as her birthday.
Favorite Song: "Bring me to Life" which she considers to be almost an exact description of her past and present life.
Favorite Band: Evenessance
Religion: None
Saying: Humanity thrives on the sense of touch, and you Jet; humanity also lives on what they see on the surface. If only people could see what was really deep inside.


Height: 5'6"
Weight:109 lbs
Hair: Ebony in coloring, with light to medium crimson streaks and tips. About waist length.
Eyes: They are medium sized with an odd shade of silver/gray. They usually tell about what she is feeling at the time.
Body Build: Height is average. Very slim and supple, with little muscle. She has a natural grace and very cat like in walk.
Persona: Sometimes can have major mood swings. But when at ease she is energetic, charismatic, sweet, and easy to get along with. But, she does scare easily. Very hard to anger, but really easy to cause sadness in her. She likes to keep herself hidden. But if you do grow close to her, she becomes "attached" to you. Very cuddly, and huggable..but one warning, don't piss her off.
Special Markings: Due to her regeneration ability, all wounds that are inflicted on her body become scars which do not fade easily with time. There is one large X on her back. It is very livid in apperance, which is odd due to her time on earth. She used this X for her namesake, which is Xune.


Regeneration Ability
The ability to mend any wound placed on her body. But, when the wound is first inflicted, it does cause pain but once healed, the pain vanishes.

Arm Blades
On both left and right outer arms, are a sinlge pair of blades. Both curve t'ward the elbow, and are actually a foot long and 4 incdes across. They are made from indestructible steel and have rune markings on them. She barely uses them.

Weaponary Skills
Due to her precise DNA structure in her brain, Xune has master almost any weapon known to man without even touching the item. She can use any weapon, new or old, with the greatest of ease. Rarely uses this skill.

Perhaps the oddest of her traits. When anyone comes into contact with her bare skin, an immediate wave of coldness caps the warmth. If held on to more than three minutes can and will cause heart failure and then a frozen death. Most of her personality is cause by this trait, she has no wish to harm others. To protect people, she wears insulation gloves, long sleeved shirts, and jeans.
*She also has the ability to hover above ground, not worth a whole paragraph.


All the pain and suffering behind Xune. She knows little and doesn't feel the need to talk about this testy subject. Though she does learn a bit about her past, a lot is left unknown. But her whole story will be told here.

Xune was scientifically(sp?) created in a private science industry some odd 100 years into the future. During this date, cloning and human creation had already been done. Scientists had the urge to do something knew? Why don't we tweak the human DNA pattern and created ourselves a super human? At first thought, X, her name that the scientists called her, was going to be the perfect weapon. She had all the abilites that one could think would make her perfect: Master of all weaponary
Flying ability
At the time she was considered the best, but one flaw kept her from this title. Something in her DNA created her to be too much like a human. Feelings that she wasn't suppose to have now flooded her mind. She didn't want to kill people..she wanted to help them. In disgust, they erased her memory and sent her some 200 years back into the past. Memories gone, she wandered around villages of the 1800s, aging only a bit to her amazement. But, this was when she got into trouble. She had no clue of the wide arrangement of her powers, and always at her best; tried to help people. One day, she tried to save a poor young boy. But her energy wave was too "hyped" compare to his. The energy of both Xune and the boy match, and it didn't work out too well. The boy was killed and all that extra energy Xune had tried to use to cure the boy, elminated the whole entire village. Angry, they drove her out. Alone and frightened she remained to herself until the 1900s. She met a teen boy like herself, and at the time she did look to be around 16 years of age. They fell in love, and Xune has the picture of when she took a picture of him, but it was never meant to be. Due to cirmunstances beyond her control, Xune accidentally killed him. Sad and depressed she wandered the streets, until the millenium. There, she met a guy..named Jet.

* I am making all this up, and so her entire past has not been told. I'll try to update it as soon as I can, and try to get more details about what happened to her.

Jet and Xune's Soap Opera
If you want to find out more about this "soap opera" that Whitefire and I(Sakee) created, you can email me. You can also watch it around 12 noon (Eastern US time) and 7pm (Eastern US time)

Stats for Xune
Based on the other role playing games, I have decided to rate one of each of Xune's attributes out of 10 points.
Score Chart
(Rated out of Ten Points)
<10: Legendary>
<9:Best in the Land>
<4:Poor, but still alright>
<1:Utterly useless>


Notes on Xune
Her body is very weak. Though she does has muscle, that accounts for half her weight. So in reality, if she didn't have the muscle; she'd be around 60 lbs. Normally, no humans could survive at that size, but she is able to without any problem. But, she is still a formidable oppenent. She has amazing spirit energy, and a very caring soul. She is not one of the smartest people you can meet, but sure will make an impression on you. She has a very exotic look dued to her odd appearance. No one's complaining though. :D
