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Phillipa Haversham

Name: Phillipa Haversham
Occupation: Lieutenant, NYPD Narcotics Department
Age: Early nineties. Looks to be in her thirty's.
Species: Werewolf. She looks more like a coyote than a wolf though, like red wolves often do. She's small shifted, only about 80 pounds. Her real talent is in smell- she can tell if someone's been using drugs, or has their period from all the smells they give off. She's like a supernatural beagle, really. She hardly eats humans, preferring the Central Park Zoo or a good steakhouse.
Appearence: Medium height with dyed blonde hair and hazel eyes. Tan skin, reasonably atletic build. She's muscular is all, but doesn't nessacarily look sleek. She has very conservative sense of style- at her worst she might wear blue jeans.
Personality: Openly a werewolf, she's actaully quite proper. Just because you've been bitten by some nasty doesn't mean you can rouse around and be sleazy in her book. She hardly watches tv, much preferring NPR, or a good newspaper.
Sexuality/Romance: Hetero and quite boring.
History: Born the 1910's and raised by an English doctor in India. Her mother simply ran off wih one of the local soldiers. Phillipa learned alot about medicine and did a good autopsy. This narrowed down her chances of ever marrying. She was bitten while performing an autopsy on a soldier who was not quite dead- he apologized profusely afterward, but the damage was done. So she was sent to live out her spinsterhood with an aunt in San Fransico. Over time she worked her way to New York, got a job as a police officer and wound up at the Haven because her regular steakhouse was closed.
played by Mere. You could take Phillipa, but she probably wouldn't go.