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Igen's Web Page

11-06-2006 Amanacerth is Clutching! That's right! Everyone come look at the new eggs on the Sands!

10-20-2006 Watch out Pern! T'lek's going to be a dad! That's right! Rowaen's pregnant! Does that mean Lisilia Obsidian is coming for a visit?

8-21-2006 Amanacerth rose to select the new WeyrLeader!

Congrats to Bronze Tiernath and D'vry for becoming the Senior Pair!

Please congratulate WL D'vry and WW Bredawn and dragons on the anticipated Hatch!

Igen Weyr, the land of Sand, Sun and Wind! Located on the Northern Continent in an alternative 10th Pass, Igen Weyr is in the mountain range that runs from the ocean up past Igen Hold to Telgar Weyr and the Northern Wastelands. To the west, Igen is Weyr is surrounded by a vast unforgiving desert, and to the east, the Igen River that provides a major trade route for ships from Lemos, Keroon, and Igen Hold. Sweltering heat, ravaging sandstorms, and a lively, strong and hearty people make Igen a fun, prosperous, and often adventurous Weyr. Wouldn't you like to come find out for yourself? Click on the links to travel around the Territory!


Igen Weyr, Hold & Halls
Igen General Info Igen Territory Main Page Igen Weyr’s Main Page Igen’s History General Guides to Pernese Life
Igen Weyr Info Igen Weyr Description Maps of Igen Weyr WW’s Office WL’s Office Igen’s Infirmary
People and Dragons of Igen Igen’s MasterList Igen’s Winglist Igen Hatchings Igen Ranking Positions Igen Weyr Character Database
Igen Holds & Territory Igen Territory Holds Maps of Igen Territory

WAF RPG Forum Fort WeyrPern Maps
WAF RPG Forum Rules Igen WeyrPernese Links
General Pern Guides Xavier Weyr Pernese Graphics
WAF Character Database Hold and Halls Pern Webpage
