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Logfile from HarpersTale


Candidate Barracks

Serviceable, this low-ceiling'd room runs right and left from the heavy canvas curtains that function as a door:  relatively bare of ornamentation, tidy glows light the few worn tapestries that adorn the walls and depict a variety of dragons in flight or at rest.  But it is the cots, lots and lots of cots, that distinguish this room from the others, their blue or black coverlets tucked neatly over relatively fresh rushes.

Candidate's haven, this is their escape from the bustling world of chores and Weyr; visitors are welcome if invited.

Resting atop the doorframe are thirty-one firelizards.

You see Name Board, Oliana's One-Ringed Orthanc, Mimi's Middle-Earth, Seilyn's Sauronly Servant, Fyria's Frodo-ish Futon, Tevya's Terrifulous Tower, Sikkyen's Sexay Strider Shanty, Sage Sackville's Shire of Schtuff, Miralwyn's Corner 'O' Mordor, Squaln's Sword of Elendil, Kirana's Krickety Kot of Kahazad-Dum, Lhana's Legolas Lovin' Lounge, Candidate Songbook, Azia's Altar to Aragorn, Moe's Manger of Mithril, It, LlamaMama, Jundi's Jewels of Feonor, Baby Baggins Buggy, Lianta's Forest of Fangorn, Taesha, and Jintilo here.


You notice Mimi, Mosiah, Lhana, Seilyn, Squaln, Sikkyen, Jundi, Miralwyn, and Azia asleep here.

Sage, Fyria, Oliana, Tevya, and Lianta are here.


Obvious exits:



R'sli escapes in from the bustling activity of caverns and Weyr.


Inside Lianta's Forest of Fangorn, Lianta climbs into Lianta's Forest of Fangorn.

Lianta climbs into Lianta's Forest of Fangorn.


R'sli enters, his cane banging on the floor as he pushes the hanging back, and glares at the assembleage of candidates, his gaze scanning the group.  His hands, and boots, and a large portion of his tunic are all tinged with a cheery pink color.  He stands there for a moment, and taps his cane on the floor.  "Right," he says loudly.  "Which one of you did it?"


Oliana has connected.


Inside Lianta's Forest of Fangorn, Lianta murfles. She didn't do it. Whatever it was. 'Mumble murfle munk-munk' is heard and /completely/ understood as she buries her head in the covers, supposedly looking for something.


Fyria sits up a bit, peering around at the tapping noise with a curious eye.  "Eh? Wha?"  Blink.  She twists around so that she's resting upon her stomach, pillow snugged beneath her chin, and just...stares.  Pink. Ack. "Definitely not me, shells no.  I try not to touch anything pink unless I /have/ to."  Fy tries not to giggle, though.  R'sli does look rather...amusing.


Oliana is louging on her cot amidst a jumble of red and gold pillows, a single hide clutch in her hands that she seems to be going over with some concentration...which of course is broken by R'sli's entrance.  She looks up, trying not to look either annoyed or amused at the er... pink rider.


The tapping noise draws Tevya's attention away from the Robe she was currently sewing, the last portion of hemming nearly complete.  And then the pink is spotted and Tevya's mouth falls slightly agape.  "Pink?"  Her head is shaken as she puts sewing aside, "I'll not touch anything pink if I can help it, so I didn't do it either."


Kirana is sprawled on her cot, barely propped up by a big purple pillow, lazily putting final stitches into her robe, while keeping a sharp eye on It, muttering something along the lines of, "Try and eat it again and you're a dead llama." She blinks slowly as she hears R'sli. "Whaaa?" Is drawled as she sits up, and blinks slowly at his...uh...condition. "You look pink." Is her observation, though after that she's quick to add, "Wasn't me." Right. Cause she'd do blue.


Inside Lianta's Forest of Fangorn, Lianta stands up from Lianta's Forest of Fangorn.

Lianta stands up from Lianta's Forest of Fangorn.


R'sli scowls, a dark look that can't mean anything good for the candidates.  "All I know is that I spent the better part of three days scrubbing pink off of Zaqith's hide, and I've heard more than one story that ends with you candidates turning something an off color."  He places his hands on his hips.  "Now, one of you was painting Zaqith pink the other day, right before she went to flight."  He turns, slowly making a circle of the candidates.  "You can either offer up the guilty party, or you can all take the consequences."  The tone ensures that would be dire, indeed.


Oliana's eyebrows shoot for the sky, and her mouth opens slightly.  The hide is quickly set aside as she sits up properly.  There's no telling if Oli would offer up the guilty party had she known who it was for sure.  As it stands, she's left to glare at the general candidate group suspiciously. "This is why I don't like pranks," she mutters to the boy in the cot next to her, who seems more amused by R'sli then worried about whatever is about to come his way if said guilty party doesn't fess up.


Fyria's fingers drum on the cot's mattress, her eyes glinting with hidden amusement.  She might know, she might not.  Fyria will never tell.  "Be assured, R'sli.  Wasn't me.  I can't /stand/ pink."  Fy glances at the others for confirmation of that fact.  "Personally, I'd have painted her purple or something garish, but hey.  That's me."  And Fyria proceeds to hide herself on her cot, now.


"Maybe it was someone trying to make it look like it was the candidates." Kirana calls the suggestion out lightly, a perfectly bland expression on her face. The picture of innocence and not-knowing she is. "And that could make it any number of people, not necessarily in this room." She reasons. If she knows who it is, she's deffinatly not telling.


"Right..I mean, why pink?" Tevya asks, glancing towards Fyria.  No she wasn't being lippy, she just let that one comment slip.  Face instantly reddens before she swings her legs round and slides to the opposite side of her cot, putting a good arms length worth of cot between her and the Pink'ed rider.  "I'm sorry..I really have  no idea who the culprit mean I haven't an idea who did it."


Sage has connected.


Lianta yawns out of her quiet watchingness. Giggle. Giggle-giggle-giggle turning to hysterical laughter. Too bad that Lha-er... PinkWraith isn't about to take the blame.


R'sli turns a very dangerous shade of red as Lianta bursts into laughter.  He pivots on his heel, and begins walking the length of the barracks.  "Right.  None of you will confess.  Therefore, I can only assume that you are, in fact, all guilty."  He turns his shrewd gaze on the group.  "I'll give you one more chance to come clean," he says, "Or you'll know the meaning of the word regret before your head hits the rushes tonight."


Sage comes waltzing into Barracks, and sends a loud sigh of relief at being 'home' and done with her chore for the time being.  Breaks are great.  Seeing everyone gathered slightly, she waves cheerily, not knowing anything was or was not wrong.  "Hi everyone!"  She plops a dirty rag on the floor by her cot and look in a bag for a hair tie.  After finding one, she takes it in her mouth while she does a quick braid.  Yep, she must not be paying attention to any red faces.


Fyria eyerolls, but manages to refrain from sighing out loud as she sits up, feet dangling over the edge.  "Honestly R'sli, I have /no/ clue who could've done it."  Did she mention she was a /great/ dragon poker player?  Shaking her head, she holds out her hands, adding "ANd believe me.  It'd take a heck of a lot for someone to convince me to do something worthy enough to get pink on my hands."  Her eyes drift along the pink-tinged outfit, and a half-snort, half-snicker escapes her lips.  *snerk*


"Shells.."  Whispered comment as Tevya turns redder by the moment.  This was obviously one person who was not good in situations that involved /trouble/.  "R'sli..sir...I seriously haven't any idea who did it. I mean..if I did, well.." Well she still wouldn't tell, but that's besides the point, "Well I'd never get pink on my hands.  Pink isn't a normal color."  And that's the truth..and Tevya is stickin' to it.


Oliana seems totally in agreement with Fyria, though in her expression is a note of bewilderment.  "I really don't know," she says almost pleadingly, the thought of more chores for the night making ever muscule in her back bunch up in retaliation.  So she depends on the wide-blue-eyed innocent look as she perches at the end of her cot.


Kirana sits up really straight now, "Really, that's unfair." she protests, making a little face. "You don't have any solid proof it was one of us. It could've been...anyone. Until you really know it was us it's not right to make us be punished. If we don't know, we don't know, it's not our fault." She says rather matter-of-factly, adding, as almost an afterthought, "Sir."


Lianta controls herself. "Uh... *sniggle* I dunno. Who's likely *hee-hee* to be painting things pink? Most of us don't /like/ pink anyways. I'm a blue person, myself." A grin grows slowly over her face as she realizes that the culprit... is not about. They're doomed! Gulp...*mwah-hah-hah!*


R'sli is no longer red-faced.  In fact, he nods to Kirana's comment.  "You're right," he says to the willful, foolhardy candidate.  "It isn't fair to accuse you of something you haven't done."  He raps his cane sharply on the floor.  "Right!  Up!  On your feet!  There's work to be done!"  He motions to all slugabed candidates, and points to the door.  "Fall in!"


Sage blinks at Fyria's comments, but shrugs on her pink bit.  She likes pink, it's pretty.  Not as good as orange and purple, but still.  She wraps the tie around the end of her braid and then shoves her bag back into her trunk.  She then stares at Tevya, glancing back at Fyria.  "I don't get it...what's wrong with pink?"  Maybe she needs to keep her mouth shut.  Then, after hearing Oliana, the nosy, little girl says, "Know about what?"  Her voice is starting to get a hint whiney now...she doesn't like not knowing things.  Sage finally turns her attention to Kirana and then Lianta, who seems to be the only one laughing.  She smiles slightly, as if wanting to be in on the joke.  She then jumps slightly and frowns at R'sli...maybe she can sneak back out.  But instead, she sighs and 'falls' in, looking to find a way next to Tevya.


Oliana is, in a flash, no longer looking canine-eyed and innocent at R'sli.  Instead, she looks merderous.  Downright angry as she hoists herself up, glaring at a few cots she suspects of the crime, though luckily or not her first guess for prankster isn't present.  "You know, we're not even all here," she says, though her voice isn't as strong as some of the others.  Not good at beind defiant, this one.  And she falls into rank, looking for someone to stand next to for a bit of protection.  "Well...R'sli's pink," Oli says to Sage, as if that explained everything.


Fyria frowns, eyes narrowed slightly at the tapping of the cane.  "Faranth's shell, we're coming, we're coming," she mumbles, reluctantly hopping onto her feet.  Crossing her arms, she ponders a moment before actually moving, glancing at the others with a shrug.  "Nothing wrong with pink, Sage.  It just looks incredibly horrid on me...and others too," she adds, turning back to R'sli.  Of course, that last bit was said in a whisper that he did /not/ hear, she hopes.  Fy nods her head in agreement wit Oli, adding "She's right y'know.  We're not all here, and we wouldn't want the others to miss out on...whatever."  Right? Right.  Fy glances at Tevya with an subtle wink.  Hee.


Kirana looks momentarily perplexed...he agreed with her arguments but...they didn't work? "But you just said..." Comes the protest, as her eyes flash and narrow. "That's just wrong." She decides, flouncing to her feet, head tossing as she joins those going towards the door, finding herself next to Oli. "He can't do this, he said himself it's not fair." Is whispered in an almost-undertone to the other candidate as she stands there, none too happy.


Tevya's face falls slightly as she pushes herself to her feet and slides off her cot.  Robe is carefully folded and placed inside it's pouch before Tevya settles the needles and thread into their pouch.  The entire packet is then set in her trunk before Tevya turns towards the line and manages to find a spot to slide into.  "This does not sound like it's going to be fun," Tevya whispers to Fyria, before adding, "Or easy."  Sage and the others are given a half glance, and a weak smile, "What?"  Momentary confusion takes hold of Tevya, before she grins, "Oh right! It wouldn't be fair..not letting the others in on this."


Lianta wasn't laughing. No one saw, not in the slightest. A/hem/. Pink is now definitely unfunny. Cot is hurriedly smoothed and fluffed, and boots are tied. A quick shrug is given to the other candidates, and a smile. "Well, it's only work. Forever and ever and ever our job..." Carefully held annoyance. At least she's /got/ emotions now. Whether or not they're natural. 


R'sli shakes his head.  "Won't work," he decrees.  "The idea here, is that you'll pass on my loving feelings to your mates.  So," he says, motioning to the hanging.  "Everyone step lively, then.  One, two, one, two."  He taps the cadence on the floor.  "And hang back in the Living Cavern," he says.  "There's something we need to get there, first."


R'sli slips back out to the caverns.

Oliana slips back out to the caverns.

Fyria slips back out to the caverns.


Sage ohhs slightly at Oliana, "Does he feel the same way about pink as you do?"  She then grins slightly at Fyria and nods as she answers her question.  She listens thoughtfully to others complain, but for some reason or another keeps from pouting or talking back...don't count on it to last, of course.  "It shouldn't be too bad," she whispers, "He doesn't seem that scary."  It's in a really quiet whisper, so he can't hear.  She listens to R'sli then and shrugs smiling slightly.  This is kinda fun!  (Is she weird?)


Lianta slips back out to the caverns.

Sage slips back out to the caverns.

Monaco subtly moves into the murky smoke and mirrors of ::between::.

Tevya slips back out to the caverns.

Kythe escapes in from the bustling activity of caverns and Weyr.


Back out into the bustling world of the caverns you go.

                                    ***TRAVEL SPAM***

Night or day, Klah can always be found warming on the High Reaches Hearth...


Living Caverns

The rough-hewn majesty of this cavern far outpaces any delight in the multitudes of curves that form its enclosure. The glabrous grey granite is shot through with translucent obsidian, lending subtly-veined sparkle to the walls and the foot-trodden smoothness of the floor that shows centuries-old placements of the scarred trestle tables; carven hollows give homes for the glow baskets and the coat-pegs that line the walls. No mosaics, no painting, no tiles: just a few well-done tapestries mark the pathway that lead to the kitchen to the north and the inner caverns to the west, and frame the nighthearth's stew and snacks, while a heavier strip of oiled canvas shields the unwary from the wind in the bowl.

Scattered about in various perches and niches are fifty-two firelizards.


You see OOC NOTICE (look sign), White Clay Egg Pot, Thief, Vtol, Giant Boot-And-Table Chess Board, and Boy here.

Fyria, R'sli, Lianta, Sage, Oliana, and Tevya are here.


Obvious exits:

Bowl     Kitchens     Inner Caverns     Crafting Area


Oliana is grumbling, is fuming, is looking generally out of sorts.  "...was on repair duty," she's saying to Kirana as they step into the living caverns.  "And now goodness knows what else we've got cooked up for us right now.  I was hoping to finally get some good sleep." Grump.  Mutter...but quietly.


R'sli waits for all the candidates to pull themselves together, and nods.  "Right.  There's six buckets over here," he motions, noting several wooden buckets brimming paint?  "Grab them, and follow me."  He waits for the buckets to be snatched up before leading his band out.  "Fyria, you and Kirana grab those cloths over there."


Fyria mutters something about unfairness and the badness of pink as she pulls her hair back, following in after R'sli.  "This is ridiculous.  Getting in trouble for something I.../we/, didn't even do."  She peeks back at the other Candidates, about to comment on something until she hears her name.  Fy whirls, frowning still, and grudgingly snatches up part of the pile of cloths.  Hm.  The buckets catch her that /pink/ paint?  "Oooohhh no.  No way on /Pern/ am I touching that stuff..."  Hopefully, R'sli doesn't know that yes, in fact, Fyria /has/ dallied in pink paint before.


Kirana doesn't step lively. Not in the least, it's more of a shuffling flounce as she nods to Oli, sharing the girls gumpyness over the whole situation. "You'd think there'd be some sense of justice in such things. Honestly!" Is huffed out just as she's called by R'sli. Chin raising she goes over, snatching the cloth up, indignation in every movement. "What in the..." Is muttered as she spots the paint and both eyebrows go up. "Whatever this is, it's not right. Wrong. Not fair." She informs them all in a grumbly, not-quite-mutter.


Tevya mouths the word 'buckets', glancing from Sage and Fyria to Oliana and Lianta.  How they were going to be punished with buckets could only bring unpleasant pictures to Tevya's mind, yet she does as she is bid.  One bucket is snagged, Tevya lifting it easily enough into hand, before she turns to face R'sli once more.


Lianta walks sullenly over, and leaning over, grabs a bucket. Mutter mutter. Grrmph. (Player comment: Pink is of the... wait, there is no devil.) "Alright, duly gotten. Where to go?" The sooner over, the sooner on break again.


Sage blinks at R'sli's request and for once stays quiet long enough to do as instructed.  She likes to talk, you know.  She heads over to the bucket, then picks it up, using both hands on the handle /juust/ in case.  Don't wanna spill it on R'sli.  Cough.  Yep, so far she's having fun.  No reason to freak out /yet/.  Hearing Fyria, though, she smiles, "I'll grab your bucket, Fy, if ya want me to?"  She grabs it in her left hand, ready to give it back up if Fyria wanted her to.


Oliana shrugs at Tevya, and picks up one of the buckets by the handle, looking into the pepto-bimol depths with trepidation.  Oh dear.  She, too, seems to be trying to plot out senerios that would require buckets of pink.


R'sli nods as everyone grabs their buckets.  "Right.  This way, then."  And off he goes, leading the candidates into the darkness of the Inner Caverns.


R'sli steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.

Tevya steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.


Fyria grumbles, and follows obediently.


Lianta steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.

Sage steps into the shadows that lead back into the Weyr.


Inner Caverns

Ancient caverns unfold in an endless maze of tunnels and stairs, the Weyr's cavities a labyrinth to the uninitiated.  Here, trimmed by the last of the stone cutters, arched walls and vaulted ceilings retain the soapy smoothness of well-worn stone, as do the endless tunnel floors kept clear and tidy.  Shadows creep and flicker across these glowlit mountain walls, creatures of non-light wending their way east to the main caverns and bowl, or branching out in a web of caves to the Weyr's living spaces.

Shadowed on stone-smooth ledge are Sadist, Twanda, Amobarbital, Nina, and Taranis.


You see Endymion here.

Trent, R'sli, Tevya, Lianta, Sage, Oliana, and Fyria are here.


Obvious exits:

Living Caverns     Guests' Quarters     Hallway     Dorms     Candidate Barracks     Baths     Brat Cave     Infirmary     Stairwell


Lianta eyes R'sli with trepidation. What is going on?


R'sli slips down the steps, into the steam of the public baths.

Oliana slips down the steps, into the steam of the public baths.


If nowhere else in the Reaches, the baths always promise to be warm...



Steam enshrouds, a misty curtain that veils the room. Pools abound, water constantly swirling, warm and inviting; soapsand waits on nearby ledges for easy access. Racks of clothes stand by the door, freshly washed clothing hang from some, and bundles of yet to be washed clothes fill mutliple baskets beneath. Large cupboard doors open to reveal multitude of fresh, soft towels, and plenty of bathing items -- sponges, pumice stones, and back scrubbers.

Ducking steamclouds are Oceanus, Elena, Parekis, Shriek, and Emeri.


Areiah, R'sli, and Oliana are here.


Obvious exits:



Fyria is but a blur in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.

Tevya is but a blur in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.

Lianta is but a blur in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.

Sage is but a blur in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.


R'sli leads the candidates through the baths, carefully picking his way through the steam.  He stops short at the sight of the Weyrwoman redolant, and looks around.  "Hello, Areiah," he says with a grin.  "How're things?"


"Things?" Aries is cradled in slender arms, and Areiah sits by the ledge of one of the bathing pools, submerged to the knee. Towel is wrapped snug 'round the rest of her frame, and dozing child is cuddled close. "Things are fine, greenrider mine," she lilts, soft, but cheerful. Hey! That rhymed! "Just lulling this one to sleep. He likes the warmth, down here."


Fyria can barely see over the pile of cloths in her arms, nearly bumping right into R'sli as he stops short.  "Mmmrrr..." Fy mumbles something again, dropping a few cloths in the process.  " the heck," she tries to pick them up..and only succeeds in dropping the entire armful.  "Gah!!"  Then, she notices Areiah, and grins.  Sheepishly.  "Erm...hello Weyrwoman Areiah."  Trying to look as dignified as possible, she scoops up the pile again, giving the others a look of Oh-Faranth-now-what.


Careful steps proceed Tevya's entrance into the Baths, one hand trailing along the wall as she attempts to not bump into anyone in front of her, let alone slip and fall flat on her face.  As she enters into the Baths, she swipes a hand across the back of her forehead, drawing whisps of bangs off her forehead and tucked to the side of her face, nearly bending down to help Fyria retrieve her dropped cloths before Fyria get's them in hand and greets someone else.  "Hello Weyrwoman Areiah," An echoing call, proceeded by a grin from the bucket-toting Tevya.


Oliana is certainly going through a range of facial expressions tonight.  First from placid and tired, to curious, amused, upset, and now...confused.  She stands just past the entrace, the hefty bucket of pink paint clutched by its handle in both of her hands, her back thrown back a bit to balance her out as she holds the thing before her.  The steam starts to cling to her hair, pressing little curls against her forehead as she watches the Weyrwoman apprehensively.


Kirana follows the group, gait the same I'm-very-not-happy walk it's been since they left the barracks, cloths held firmly in her arms. "By Faranth's..." The rest of her muttered words are cut off between firmly pressed lips as she stops beside Oli again. "/What/, is happening." Mutter. But she straightens when the Weyrwoman is spotted, and offers something that looks sort of like a salute, "Weyrwoman ma'am."


Sage looks around a bit, then stops as the rest of the procession does.  Little pinky fingers are raised from the buckets she was holding, and she whispers toward Tevya, "What's going on- do you know?"  She peers around a few people then waves politely toward Areiahwith a bright smile, "Weyrwoman."  She stays more or less quiet after that, ducking back behind people so that she can set down the buckets without R'sli seeing.


R'sli nods.  "Going to be a while, then," he says, almost hopefully.  "I saw Tyara plying him with cookies earlier.  That's a lot of sugar to burn off."  He grins, and motions to the group.  "Don't mind us.  We're on work detail, don't you know."  He nods as each candidate greets the Weyrwoman, and smiles.  "Aren't they terrific?  They're doing this detail to save their fellow candidate from unfair persecution."


Lianta catches Fyria's look and keeps her head low. The Are-we-ever-for-it look is tossed back at Fyria as she bends, sets down the bucket, and gathers the very last cloth. Arieiah is given a polite and pleasant nod of greeting, with a "Weyrwoman.." gently mumbled. She's not one for extra yackity.


Areiah giggles, bright, musical. "Let me guess - it's follow the leader, right? At ease, the lot of you." Sable brows lift, at R'sli's explanation, and head tips to one side, inquisitive. "Is that so? You look as though you've enough paint between you to redecorate the entire weyr - where are you off to?" Aries fusses, a little. Oh, yeah, she's gonna be here a while.


[OOC:] Lianta wanders. dinner. *snugs*

Lianta has disconnected.


R'sli waves a hand casually.  "Oh, here.  There.  Where ever we think needs a little Spring cheer.  Someone thought that my Zaqith was lacking, and I rather applaud the idea.  It's good to freshen up once in a while, don't you agree?"


"Unfair persecution...ugh!!"  Fyria's expression melts into one of utter disgust at that statement.  "/This/ is unfair treatment of Candidates, if you ask me, right girls?"  Fy turns, giving the others a nod (and a wink) before glaring back at R'sli.  "If we'd actually /done/ something, then I'd stay silent.  But /we/ did not /do/ anything."  Grr.  Fy controls herself, giving Areiah a polite smile at that point.  "Of course, as Candidates, we are more than happy to lend a helping hand for the weyr."  Ahem.  Catching Lianta's look, she sighs and nods in agreement.


Oliana sniffs at this, as she certainly isn't carrying a large bucket of paint around to save someone else, but only because she doesn't know for sure who that someone else is.  But as the Weyrwoman doesn't appear to be 'in on it' as it were, she nods politely with a flash of a smile for greeting.  And then Oli shifts, heavy bucket straining on her already tired arms--but at a glance to the oft slick floor, she opts not to put it down where it could be tipped.


Kirana narrows her eyes at R'sli's words, "We are /not/." Is said very under her breath, probably only those right next to her can hear. "Not in the /least/." Hrumph. Hearing Fyria she nods firmly, "Exactly! There's not even proof we /did/ this. It's /un/just, and un/fair/." Having gotten that out she smiles nice and angelically.


Sage gapes, jaw dropping twenty feet- she doesn't wanna save anyone's rear!  She didn't do anything!  But she closes it and shrugs, "And we can get that 'said Candidate' to do something in return for us."  This is said just to the Candidates, not for the hearing of R'sli and Areiah, of course.  (*eeks phone*)


Tevya gives Sage a shake of her head, obviously at a loss for everything.  "All I know is that we have paint and that..we've got cloths.  I think we're going to end up painting something."  Lips quirk up into a wry grin as she slides a second hand under the handle of the bucket, aiding in supporting it.  "Of course we are.."  Echoing comment yet again from Tevya, she taking a step closer to stand besides Fyria and the others.


"Mmhm. Nothing like a new coat of paint, or some new furniture, or a new outfit.. change is good." Uh huh, that's Areiah's motto - but at the protest from the Candidates, eyebrows lift yet further. "Do you not agree with R'sli's decision?" she asks, brilliant sapphire eyes landing on.. oh.. Fyria.


 [OOC:] Sage cries, That was my mom...I have to go. :(

[OOC:] Sage says "BBL, thanks for the RP! :)"

[OOC:] R'sli foos.  Bye!

[OOC:] Tevya hugs!

[OOC:] Sage says "You can punish Sage later. :P"

Sage has disconnected.


Fyria suddenly finds herself the target of Areiah's question, and gulps.  Nice Fy. Better review that lesson on how to hold one's /tongue/.  Of course, that tongue has a mind of it's own somedays.  Like, today for instance.  "Well...the intention is fine..but the reasoning behind it is ludicrous."  Wrinklng her nose, she nods toward R'sli, adding "He thinks /we/ coloured Zaqith pink.  He has no proof!"  Innocent until proven guilty, right?  Fy shrugs at this point though, she knows their's no getting out of this one.  "Just...does it /have/ to be pink?"  Whine.



R'sli nods.  "Pink is so nice," he insists.  "Now, if you'll excuse us, Weyrwoman, we have things to be about."  He grins, and tousles his son's hair rough enough to wake the dozing child.  "Be good for your mother, son!" he says in a voice that rings off of the walls, his intent to make the child cry and be guaranteed cranky working like a dream.  "Oh, eggshells, Reia.  I'm sorry," he lies.  "I didn't know that he was almost asleep."


It starts with a sniff - startled, really - poor, poor Aries. Full-on crying begins quickly enough, though, much to Areiah's utter displeasure, and if looks could kill, R'sli would be a dead man. As it is, she gives a sigh, and waves the group on their way, cooing endearments and rocking the tot, to no avail. "I have been trying to get him to sleep for the last candlemark," she grumbles, to no one in particular. Lucky - or, perhaps not - for Fyria.


Oliana winces as the baby's rousted awake, and takes a shaky half-step back still carrying her large bucket of pink paint.  Children.  Creatures Oliana never understands, as if she skipped the developmental stage herself.  Her annoyance has given way to reignation, however, and she merely sighs at this latest development.


"Pink is awful!" Tevya responds, " is."  The later offered in softer tones before Tevya sends a helpless glance down at the bucket in her hands.  Resigned sigh is given as she lifts the bucket higher.  The Weyrwoman is given a polite dip of Tevya's head before she steps to the side, sending her gaze after R'sli; preparing to follow the Rider when he makes a move towards whatever exit he'll be using, only to wince as the baby in Areiah's arms wakens.


Fyria just eyes the crying child...and takes a step back, right into Oliana.  "Sorry hun...but, crying kidlet!"  Fy's eyes widen towards Oli before she turns back warily towards the child.  And this time, remains quiet.  Miracles happen.


Kirana bites her lower lip at the cries of the child, looking utterly sympathetic for the youngling. She's got a soft spot for kids. A really big soft spot. "Oooh." Is said very softly, as she readjusts her grip on the cloths, giving the Weyrwoman another quick, sorta-salute thing.


R'sli nods, and motions quietly for the candidates to follow him to a shadowy alcove.  He gives them a stern look, putting his fingers to his lips, and leading them off to who knows where....


R'sli goes up.

Fyria goes up.


Up into the darkness winds a spiral of slate-grey stone, shelves that have worn themselves smooth 'neath the tread of foot and the shroud of steam. What lies above? Upon forging ahead through the warmth and the dampness, you discover for yourself.


Ysbryth's Weyr

Small yet inviting, an already petite space appears even more diminutive with the addition of a large dragon couch. This has not stopped the occupant from filling the room however, every available space is taken by homey items. Beginning with a rack to the left of the weyr entrance, several jackets, both worn and new, hang upon pegs. Further in are a set of inviting looking padded chairs and a love seat, upon which pillows lay heaped at least three high. Already slightly dim, this gathering point becomes fainter still next to the well lit portion next to it. Filled with art supplies in a plethora of shelves and cubbies, a large board and stool provides a focal point for the glow of the light to center upon. Back farther into the weyr, two small alcoves are recessed into the wall, the first shrouded in shadow, while its mate plays home to a small bed covered in an accumulation of warm looking sleeping furs to keep the chill night away.

On the perch is a gold firelizard.


Gold Ysbryth is here.

You see Graduation Tapestry here.

You notice Fionchadd and Tielan asleep here.


R'sli and Fyria are here.


Obvious exits:

Ledge     Narrow Stairs     Alcove


Oliana arrives, a billow of steam disappearing forward and aft.

Tevya arrives, a billow of steam disappearing forward and aft.


 [HrwCan] Fyria thuds.

[HrwCan] Oliana dies

[HrwCan] Tevya: thuds as well.

[HrwCan] Tevya thuds even.


Ysbryth snorts, soft, from her well-stuffed couch. It's like a catnap, but much, much bigger.


[HrwCan] Kirana dies too


R'sli doesn't even wait to see if everyone is in before he starts talking.  "Right.  Cloths on the furniture; excuse me, Ysbryth, might I ask you to move out to the ledge?" he says to the dozing gold,  "The sun is so warm today."  He grins.  "We don't have enough cloths to cover you."  He smiles, and turns to the candidates.  "Right.  Roll up your sleeves.  Every wall surface must be pink before you leave here today."  He grins.  "Since none of you would /dare/ get pink on your hands, we'll use your hands for brushes."


Lianta arrives, a billow of steam disappearing forward and aft.


Ysbryth snorts, again, stretching her elongated self from the couch, shuffling through the weyr, pausing to inspect R'sli, if briefly. He's up to something; she can just tell. But he Is, and the Candidates Are, and Areiah must have certainly given them permission - so, sleepy queen moves for the ledge. Yawn.


Oliana blinks, her mind whirring behind the bland expression that has settled on her face.  Hands?  Something tells her it's a setup, but a setup with no outs.  So she takes one of the cloths from the pile Fyria was carrying and tosses it over the bed without arguement.


Fyria gives the others a curious look of where-are-we-going? as she follows R'sli.  Then, she spots Ysbryth...and jawdrops.  He can't be serious!! Fy glances at the buckets of paint, the weyr, the gold queen as she lumbers off.  And balks.  "Uh uh...nooo way."  She drops the cloths in a pile, crossing her arms and shaking her head.   "I have /no/ desire to become a black charred spot on the ground by one gold sr. queen, thank you!"  Not to mention the thought of touching all that pink.  Shudder.


"Pink?" Tevya repeats, glancing around the Weyr before gaping once more, "With our hands?"  Eyes widen as she sets the bucket down, before hands are planted on her hips.  "'ve got to be kidding!" And now Tevya's tounge gets the better of her, though Tevya is quick to catch it.  "I'm with..Fyria."  What a time for Tevya to take a stand, though doing so nearly causes her to be white with nervousness.  "We..cant.  I mean, the entire Weyr /pink/..and with our hands?!"


Kirana looks around, from the dragon, to around the weyr, to the paint, to their hands. "But then our hands will be all pink." Is her first statement. It takes a bit for her mind to catch up to the whole situation, for all her loud protests, she's not always the quickest runner in the race. But when she does catch on, it's clear. Fish impression is enacted: mouth open, shut, open, shut, before the protest comes. "No. No. Not at /all/. You just -can't- make us do this. You /still/ don't have proof." She reminds him, dropping the cloths and stepping away from them a bit.


"Ah...but....but..but..." Lianta stammers. This isn't kosher! Touching pink is revolting and it's a big weyr, too. It'll take forever and ... they'll be in even more trouble. They weren't even in trouble in the first /place/. Meaning = It's not their fault. Bucket is set down and glared at.


R'sli points a finger at reluctant candidates.  "You've been missing lessons," he says.  "Otherwise, you'd know that golds don't flame.  Besides, it's not really up for voluntary involvement.  Unless you want to turn in your little pink friend."  He leans against Ysbryth's couch, and grins.  "But, I have to tell you.  Even then, I could still make you do it.  Pranking is serious business, and my tubby son will be getting sleepy very soon."  He looks innocent.  "We can stand here and argue about it until Areiah comes back up here, or you can get to work."


Oliana sighs, pausing from her corner where she's tucking the cloth around the end of the bed.  "Fyria...the longer we take the more likely we'll be caught /right here/.  If we're somewhere like the barracks, we might not get..stomped upon," she reasons, turning and striding over to the pile of rags just as R'sli speaks.  She sighs again, eyes him, and picks up another cloth.


Fyria glares, and glares again.  Finally, she gives in, hands dropping to her thighs in resignation.  "For the record, this was /your/ idea?"  She wrinkles her nose and grabs a few cloths, draping them upon random pieces of furniture, starting with the couch.  Fyria takes her time, though.  The longer she puts off touching that pink awfulness, the better.  "C'mon girls, Oli's right.  FAster we start, sooner we'll be done."  And sooner she can begin plotting R'sli's demise. Cackle.


Kirana crosses her arms, chin lifting and setting stubbornly. "You just can't do this." She states firmly. "This is forced evilness." As opposed to the voluntary kind. "Then again," She muses in a quieter tone, this more directed to the other candidates. "We can always make it clear all the bits of the situation. Like the we-were-made-to part." Oh yes, that works. Satisfied with that idea, she picks up the cloths, starting to spread them out, with no little amount of muttering.


Seilyn arrives, a billow of steam disappearing forward and aft.


"But it's pink.."  Mumbled words from Tevya before she kneels by her bucket, grabbing a cloth in hand and swirling it around the dye inside the bucket.  "I so hope we don't get caught."  Yet one last mumbled phrase to herself before the cloth is dropped into the bucket and Tevya watches as it sinks.  In this doesn't look /that/ bad.  But it was still an evil color.


Lianta resignedly takes a cloth and throws it over various knicknacks on a table. A faint 'krunch' is heard as the cloth settles, and her eyes go wide. The 'krunch' was heard from the outer passage, and /not/ the ledge. Lianta stiffens, her hair frizzing more with the motion. Urgently, she whispers, "RUN! Run-run-run-run-run-and-hide! Someone's a-coming!" Taking her own advice, she ducks under said table.


R'sli tuts.  "No cloths.  Hands only."  He grins as Seilyn arrives.  "Ah!  Another set of hands.  Roll up your sleeves, candidate, and get to work!"  He shakes his head at Lianta.  "Areiah will be a while," he says.  "Even after Aries is asleep.  Still, speed is the watchword."


Oliana mumbles, tossing a sheet over the loveseat, tucking in the corners around the legs.  She takes a step back to check for open spaces.  "We'll really catch it if something get's dripped on," she says, hurring back to another sheet.  Oli's so anxious not to get caught in the act, she's almost trotting back and forth between the sheets and the furniture.  She hardly hears Lianta, but's Seilyn.


"Oh look!! We need to cover up each and every one of her boots."  Individually.  THus, while the others begin to paint, Fyria busies herself making sure each boot is lovingly covered with it's own, individual cloth.  Slowly. Don't want to miss a spot, y'know.  "Heya Sei.  Welcome to the end."  Cryptic? Fyria? Occasionally.


"It's just Seilyn...Heya Sei." Assures Kirana as she looks over her shoulder, settling a cloth over more area of the weyr. "This is insane." She can't help but comment as she smooths the sheet over a chair. "We're going to have to paint this place pink with our /hands/, isn't that fun?" She adds over to Seilyn. Note the sarcasm. Lots of it too.


/Krunch/, munch, munch, munch. More krunching is heard as the petite little porcine-tailed Candidate of the group enters, both hand firmly grasped about bunches of sweetsticks. "Hey! What's all this-- By The First Egg of Faranth, /what/ has he talked you all /in/to?!" is blurted out, a glare sent R'sli's way. "I cannot believe you're actually expecting me to put my hands in /pink/ paint! Do you /know/ what I would go through if it started to dry?! I can't be seen wearing pink! Pink is the dirt of all colors! It is the scum on the log rotting in the middle of the smelly pond covered in -- /scum/!" As her rambling continues, Seily's eyes are building up with emotional tears of the /thought/ of having dried /pink/ paint on her gorgeous /blue/ clothes and her cheeks are beat red in frustration. "How evil /are/ you?!" is demanded of R'sli.... with an added, "sir" tacked on the end.


Oliana glances over.  "Fyria," she admonishes. "You'll have to get pink at some point.  Might as well get it over with."  It seems with something as awful and dirty as all of this, Oliana's finding what pleasure she can with organizing and making sure each cloth is neat and protecting the Weyrwoman's things.  But of course, R'sli is earning plenty of blank stares every time she crosses his path.  As Sei starts to complain, Bakerette is struck with an idea.  "Here," she says, throwing a cloth over herself and tying it up toga-style.  "Protect your clothes like that."


"Oh, uh, sorry, sir." Lianta grumbles. "Overexcitable, I guess." Shard it. Just now she notices that that /particular/ table reached all the way to the passageway. And she didn't take it! Too late now, so she rolls up her sleeves and gets to work on the wall above her. Ickyness of pink abounds, and her face is a studied mask of sullenness. She just might join in the plotting to return the favor.


"Sir?" Tevya asks, glancing up from her pink paint.  "How exactly do you want this covered? I mean..if we're going to do it, do you want it done a specific way?"  One brow raises as hands are settled on her knees, "And if so, did you want to demonstrate for us?"  Tevya wasn't exactly being bold..more so earnest.  "And..well..why pink?"  Not that she was questioning R'sli either.  Far from it.  "Can we make it..artistic?"


R'sli nods at Seilyn.  "I am, and you will, candidate," he says sternly.  "Call it a privelege of rank."  He looks around, and nods to Tevya.  "You can be artistic," he says.  "Just don't get tricky.  Nothing that lays this at my doorstep.  We're done in, as it is, being seen by the Weyrwoman, so we'll make the best of it."  He shifts his weight, and motions to a blank section of wall.  "I believe you can start there, Seilyn."


Kirana nods approvingly at Seilyn's exclaimations, "Exactly!" She calls her agreement, even as she picks up a new cloth. Though not /her/ reasons, they're still protests, and all good. As Oli does the toga-thing, she eyes the smallish cloth in her grasp currently, "D'you think we could use these for applying the paint?" She muses aloud, scrunching it into a pad sort of thing. "That way we dont' need to use our hands."


"No cloths," is the Assitant Weyrlingmaster's reply.


 [OOC:] Seilyn is being called to get highlites for about ten minutes. Pose around :D


Fyria finishes covering the boots and looks around for something, anything, that'll prevent her from touching that shard-awful paint. Whine.  No luck.  With a resigned sigh, and wicked glare at R'sli, she heads over towards the bucket of pink near Tevya.  And just stares.  She nods in agreement with Kirana's suggestion, frowns as R'sli dashes it against the wall, then suddenly blinks.  And grins.  Evily, even.  Paint, will she?  Oh, she'll paint alright. 


"Right."  Tevya's response is given a dip of her head as she glances once more at the pink paint.  Resignedly glancing at the concotion, she'll lift hands, before her gaze spots something interesting, and a thought literally flashes across her face.  Whatever it is, it'll be held back as she glances up to spot Fyria, offering her friend a grin.  "Fyria, want to help me get this floor painted?"


Oliana looks from Fyria to Tevya, blank expression dimming to something like suspicion, but she says nothing.  Instead, she tucks in the last of the chairs and waits for whatever might happen to happen.


Lianta has been an industrious candie and has finished the wall near the exit. Irritatedly, she climbs up to the top of the cubbies and begins splattering pink up there, over ceiling and wall. Not herself. It's too revolting to get on anything more than her hands. And not even that, if she can help it.  Quick glance at Fyria and Tevya says their minds are... being innocent again. Eep.


Kirana scowls. "Hrmph." She declares, huffing and flouncing off towards the nearest bucket now that everythings all covered and such. "Help me?" Is asked of Oli as she gestures to the bucket, and then the nearest spot of blank wall. Fy and Tev are glanced at curiously, but she asks nothing.


R'sli watches like a good little overseer, using his cane to adjust cloths, and poke at the buckets now and again.  "Right.  Good work, you lot.  Very nice work."  He grins, and peers down the stairway.  "Aha.  See?  Reia has already stopped singing.  There's not much time now."


Oliana turns to Kirana and nods, crossing the room quickly to help with the bucket.  "Should we splash it on?" she wonders as R'sli calls her attention to their remaining time left.  "It'll be quicker and will get some of the floor, too.  Or do we use our hands and be neater?"  For once, Oli seems torn between the easy messy way out and the neat thing to do.  Neat for the wall, anyway.


"Of course, Tev."  Fyria looks right back at the other Candidates, her expression blank, but eyes filled with mischief.  "By all means, this floor needs to be covered, y'know."  She winces, grimaces, bahs aloud before dipping her hand in that shard-awful stuff.  Eee! She has /pink/ on her!! With a rather sloppy *splat*, she begins spreading paint upon the weyr floor.  Oh, and look... a few splatters have come precariously close to R'sli's booted feet.  Oops.


"Thanks! Such a big job you know.."  Tevya responds, before hands are thrown into the bucket. With paint dripping from them, Tevya plants palms on the floor, making nice Tevya-shaped handprints on the stone.  Then they disappear as hands swirl around in circles.  Round and 'round they go, until Tevya has a nice little portion covered.  Bucket is reached for and more paint added, as a solid line is made infront of the bucket.  Paint splatters and flies everywhere.  There was no being neat about this.  Not with pink paint.


Seilyn vemonously snatches a sheet up and (with the experience of the toga-wearer she was as a child) makes a hole for her head by using the leg of a table. Another piece is stripped from the bottom of the sheet, which tumbles well passed her bare toes, and is tied around her waist to make armholes and to secure the cloth about her body. "I am not risking getting my hands pinkified," she sings with a very dangerous glint in her eye. She knows arguement is futile against the rider. With a huff, pants are discarded (she's done this before. ahem. Yeah. COmplete pro 'n' all. Yessum) and a bucket of paint is picked up. "The floor is taken care of, ladies," she calls and promptly drops the bucket upside down, grinning broadly at R'sli before pitter-pattering her way around the area, leaving petite footprints in a circular spiral around the huge splat of paint.


Kirana looks from bucket to wall, and shrugs, making a face, "Splash it." She decides, grabbing an extra cloth real quick and imitating the toga style Oli used, though it's a little looser, and it tied more across the throat. Almost...cloaklike? How fitting. Though it's more of a cape. Boldly she sticks her hand in the bucket, "Ewewew..." comes the soft chant as she hurls the handful towards the wall.


R'sli grins at Seilyn.  "Nice job," he says.  He never said it had to be neat, after all.


Oliana takes a large scoop of paint and tosses it on the wall...and then another, then another...and another.  It's a good job everything's well covered.  She advances upon the splat marks and rubs them down with her hands, making a good solid block of pink before returning to the bucket.  "If I didn't know any better, this could almost be fun," she whispers to Kirana, scooping up and throwing more paint, which of course is splashing onto the floor as well.


Lianta grins evilly at Seilyn. She mutters, "Next time aim a little better." to her as well. And this wall is almost finished, complete with ceiling. Surely it could be the work of a moment to... and that's all it took. Turning around and reaching back, paint is liberally dabbed on the ceiling. Drippy drippyness around R'sli. Just doing her job.


Seilyn pitter-patters all over the floor, stopping by a yet-to-be-used bucket. "We need more of an artistic feel." Or something like that. Another nearby cloth is pulled over Seily's head before she grabs the paint bucket and throws all paint inside hurling towards the middle of the ceiling. "Look," she says, dryly, "Art." Grumble mumble. A big splat of paint lands on her sheets and a shudder excapes the young Sei. "I /hate/ pink, and I am not--" Another paint bucket is taken up and bare arms dunked in. "-- having --" The paint on her hands is then thrown at the wall, getting a few fellow candidates (if not R'sli and herself as well) a little pink-painted but mostly only the wall infront of her "-- /Fun/! --" Huff puff.


Kirana hides a smile with a pinkened hand, "It could." She agrees, whispering behind the shield. "But it can't be, just for judicial purposes. At least, we can't say it is. Since this is unfair treatment." To make that clear, that she's very unhappy with the whole concept behind this, she steals a glare at R'sli as she now cups her hands, scooping and splashing. Lots of splashing. Around the room. Maybe towards a certain rider even (and anyone else who gets in the paints path) Though, of course, that couldn't be on /purpose/ could it?


Splush, splush...the sound of squishy, thick paint is heard as Fyria continues to spread glop after glop of the pink stuff along the floor.  "Y'know, this isn't as bad as I thought it'd be.  Though how I'm going to get this out from under my nails is beyond me."  Fy peeks up towards the others as she slushes across the floor, paint spatters flying everywhere.  Look out below!! Leaning towards Kirana, she adds "You realize we're going to have to either scrub our clothes vigourously, or burn 'em."  Can't leave evidence, after all.


R'sli watches with what can only be called pride.  So proud, in fact, that he ignores the pink blossoms that appear on his shoulders.  "Lovely," he says with a chuckle.  "Just beautiful."


Oliana flashes a grin at Kirana and hurls another handful of pink onto the wall, once again walking right up to it to rub it down and around, making the color smooth rather than blotchy.  She turns just in time to get a splattering of pink down her from from Seilyn, but as she's covered, she only sighs and continues to abuse the wall before her.  "Lucky this weyr isn't as big as it could be," she drawls.  The weyr that fits a gold, small indeed.  hmph.  Taking a cue from the others, she picks up a bucket and literally throws it against the wall, the paint covering it and most of the floor space around it as the bucket spins to a stop.  She shuffles over, picks it up, then uses its flat bottom to smear the paint around evenly so it spread out and covers more ground...and wall.


"This..will be just /lovely/ when it gets done," Tevya responds brightly, moving away from Fyria.  Wide berth is given to R'sli as Tevya manages to make mediocre progress across the floor, knees dragging behind her as she shuffles her way across the floor.  Paint eventually runs out, leaving Tevya to make her way back to the bucket, dipping hands into the bucket before continuing her slightly crooked--but no less pink--line.


Kirana winces as a splatter lands firmly on her sheet covered shoulder. "I've got this." She points out to Fy, swishing her cape-cloak-sheet thing. Of course, it doesn't cover /all/, and just as the words leave her mouth a Sei-born splatter lands on her pant-leg. "Or not. Maybe we can do a big, secret load of laundry." she suggests, while sloshing and tossing that paint. Until Oli takes the bucket. "Good one." She approves, going up and using her hand to smooth and spread the goo. "This is -so- gross."


Lianta secretly puts a finger to her nose, letting the other candies know something. Nods are surrupticiously (I can spell, I swear) received back, and she keeps putting handprints on the ceiling. /Without/ verbalizing her disgust and general annoyance with the whole prospect. "How much longer until we're caught in the act?" Oh, it'll happen. Just wait. She's not really looking forwards to the prospect, despite her non-chalant tone.


Fyria finishes covering the last bit of floor, her boots now thoroughly splattered with pink.  Bah, they were her old boots anyway, and about ready to be tossed into the firepit at this point.  She snickers at the pink splotch on Kirana's leg, then glances up at Lianta's question.  "Hopefully, a lot longer."  Like, after they've left the weyr, even.  "There.  Well, does this meet your approval, R'sli?"  She waves her hand across the pink-stained floor and walls with an amused smirk.  Smirk, that is, at the spots of pink on R'sli's shoulders.


Seilyn yips as a very /huge/ blob of paint from one her ceiling creations lands on her head and dribbles down her face and into her blue hair. Not only does the pink paint land on her but allows her to walk right into a bucket of paint, tripping the loathing-pink Sei and catching her in a bit puddle of oozing, goozing disgusting pink. "If I had my sweetsticks," she sulks, laughing softly under her pouts, "I'd be happy. But I don't. So I'm not." Sulk-giggle.


Wall is reached as well, Tevya standing and holding pink splattered hands out before her.  "I think..I believe I'm done." Head is bobbed as she takes a step to the side, then several backwards to eye her work with..approval.  Fyria, Lianta, Kirana, Seilyn and Oliana are all glanced at for their thoughts on the pink-matter, before Tevya turns back towards R'sli.  "Did you see any spots we missed?"


Oliana calls back to Lianta between hops as she tries to smooth out the paint above her head "Hopefully" --grunt-- "We won't be" --grunt-- "If we hurry, right?"  She turns to look at the others and see how the work has come along, and moves to stifle a laugh at the pink splattered candidates.  And what does Oli do?  Well, she forgets her hands are pink, and lands herself with a wet pink handprint around her mouth.  The wet feeling cues Lina into what she's just done.  "Ohh...Noooo...."


Kirana shakes the excess paint from her hands, sending another, liberal round of splatter and flying color through the air. "I think we're done." She judges, wincing at Seilyns plight. "Oooh. Careful." She calls between surpressed giggles. "Is this good enough? Sir?" She asks crisply of R'sli...yep, still kinda mad. "Oh Oli!" She then exclaims as the candidate paints her own face pink. Being the nice, pitying, and in-a-wacky-mood girl she is, she deliberatly smears a thumbprint on her own cheek. So she won't be alone of course. "It's a style." Is proclaimed.


R'sli nods.  "Very nice. Now, go out through the ledges, and as you go, leave a handprint on the wall next to the entrance.  Take those cloths, too."  He grins.  "And tell Lhana that she's next when I find her."


Lianta grins, but is still sulking. Hand is duly dipped into the pink paint for the final handprint and she looks forward to a nice long soak, where she can hopefully get all the pink off her .... "Oh shards. The Weyrwoman's /in/ the baths, isn't she.." It's more of a statement than a question. "What /are/ we going to do? It's almost as good as being caught in the act." Her voice notes her despair and a worried frown grows from between her eyebrows outwards.


Oliana leaves, instead of a handprint, her kiss.  That is to say, after a smile to Kirana for streaking her face, Oliana presses her face against the wall, leaving behind an ood mark that looks like both a hand and a mouth.  "The ledges?" she says, turning to face the ledge that the gold had gone to.


R'sli pauses a moment, listening to something the candidate's can't.  "Zaqith says that Ysbryth is fast asleep," he notes.  "So, you'd best scurry, if you want to make it before she wakes up!"


Kirana lets out an indignant noise that's rather squawk like. "You /knew/?" She gapes momentarily at the rider, before shutting her mouth with a snap. "You /knew/ and /still/ made us do this?"  Her eyes narrow. She had fun, yes, but she won't readily admit it, and it is, of course, the principle of the thing. "Uh!" She huffs lightly, grabbing up some cloths, before leaving her mark: a firmly pressed handprint on the wall, and below it, a crude fish shape.


Fyria puts her hands on her hips...effectively leaving two nice little handprints without realizing it yet.  "Brilliant, R'sli.  Walk out onto the ledge, right where Ysbryth is sunning.  With pink all over ourselves."  She eyes, obviously not amused.  "You /want/ us to get caught, don't you."  She ambles over to where Oli's lipprints are, slapping a hand on the stone.  There.  Mark left.  "Asleep? Mmmph."  Does she trust him? Suppose so.  For hahas, she writes "R'sli was here" in pink paint, on the walls.  Hopefully, he won't notice. 


[OOC:] Seilyn *has to dash. Thanks for the RP, honnies!

Seilyn goes home.


[OOC:] Kirana acks! And has to go too! *hugs tight* Thanks, that was so much fun!


You click your heels three times.

*** Disconnected ***


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