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Egg Shards

RukbatMUSH - Sunday, December 29, 2002, 8:17 PM

West Landing Field(#2267RBIJ$)

A wide open area spreads all around you, the ground here nothing more than hard packed earth, swept clear of even traces of greenery by all the weyrling dragon landings over the many turns that Southern has been populated. Claw marks mark the area here and there, making for slightly uneven footing.

To the east lies the southern weyrs of the "Main" Weyr complex while to the southeast you catch a glimpse of a few roofs in the trees that border the Weyr's freshwater lake. Several paths spread away from this clearing, leading to the WEYRS of those posted near the weyrling barracks.

"+Lhelp" is available here.

People: R'ven, X'ian, Kaer and K'sar

Firelizards: Viridi and Nautic

Dragons: Eimaraith, Sahentath, Lajilath, Ararinth and Inesayath

Exits: Storage Sheds < SS >, Firestone < FS >, Flaming Targets < FT >, Lakeshore < LS >, Barracks < BA > and Main Complex < MC >

There they are, the newly bonded pairs, some riders are inside, some are out here, but K'sar is going no where...never going to leave the side of his bronze, well, not tonight anyways. Laughing at Eimaraith and randomly hugging the dragon from time to time, and letting him fill his belly with meat. The lad reaches out and just wraps his hands around the muzzle of Eim, grinning while the dragon places his forepaw around K'sar again..crooning lovingly at his boy.

R'ven is indeed...strolling. He's in no hurry, even if he's somewhat excited to get where he's going. No point dashing through and scaring little weyrling dragons! Nooope. Still, the greenrider grins slowly, watching the field quietly as he comes to a stop. ..Gasp. Quiet R'ven.

Kaer is off to the side sitting next to the barracks. Her eyes have a rather blank look to them and she's gently rubbing her small fingers across the youn gold's head. "She eats a lot for one so tiny.. and skinny." Kae notes and rubs away a bit of left over dinner that had stuck to the side of her muzzle. Nose wrinkles and she looks up towards the others.. and R'ven, one who isn't so familiar. Blink.

Eimaraith knows all that K'sar is already, and like he senses something which is good for K'sar rather than bad. Swirling amber eyes turn with K'sar's, both looking at R'ven together. K'sar beams at his friend and jumps to his feet, rushing over towards him and appearing to want a hug. "You came! Did you watch the whole hatching?!" The bronze just rumbles, shifting to lie down, forepaws crossed as he keeps a steady eye on K'sar.

Hugs! K'sar wants hugs! Eee. R'ven does indeed simply let the weyrling run right to him, wrapping him up in a hug. Take a picture! Remember the cuteness! Ahem. Greenrider simply hugs for a moment before laughing, nodding. "Course Ah did! Wrinth tol' meh 'mediatelah an' we hightailed it o'er 'ere. Saw tha whole thin'. Yah did good." Aw. He's so proud. Beam.

Not far from where K'sar's dragon sits, sits another weyrling pair, that of X'ian and Sahentath. X'ian seems to be just relaxing by his brown, taking him in, as he strokes a hand along his neck. At R'ven's entrance however, and he stands up, and waves to the greenrider. "Hey R'ven!" He moves over to the other two.

Kaer watches the scene between K'sar and R'ven rather shyly. Kae never was one to keep her mouth shut when it came to things, but at this moment she honestly doesn't have much to say. Ararinth lifts a few of her eyelids to watch the young bronzer and greenrider but looks much like an overly large house cat sprawled across Kaer's legs. "Hello..." Kae offers, but that's all she can offer. Eeek. Will she wake up from this dream if she coughs? Or sleeps?

The youngest rider, cause Kaer is seven days older than him, cough, looks up at R'ven as he pulls back from the hug. "Oh I'm so happy now R'ven! Ya got to come meet Eimaraith." The dragon curls his neck up, eyes glancing towards R'ven as his name is mentioned in the conversation. K'ar then tugs on R'ven's sleeve, "Come on! And you got to meet the rest of them too! They're my friends!" He's just so happy right now, he couldn't care less what anyone else said.

R'ven just laughs at K'sar's enthusiasm, wiggling his fingers at X'ian and Kaer as he's tugged by the bronzeling. Eek. "Well 'course Ah wanna meet 'im. 'E done ah good job pickin' tha best o' tha best, eh?"

X'ian laughs at the bronzeling, and moves back toward his brown, whos looking at the visiting rider as well, eyes whirling quickly, but pleasently. X'ian chuckles, and crouches down by his brown. "It's ok Sahentath, R'ven here is a friend."

Kaer doesn't look like she's about to move from the spot she's in, she sorta has a dragon draped across her lap and legs right now. Speaking of which.. She suddenly shifts her legs as they start falling asleep. Toffee eyes glitter and she dips her head quietly at R'ven. Quietness.. wow.. better not get used to this guys.

K'sar laughs towards R'ven and then pulls him to a stop infront of Eimaraith, who climbs to his feet, head tilting before he lets a warble free of his throat. "R'ven, this is Eimaraith. Eimaraith, this is R'ven, and his Wrinth isn't here, but you'll meet her sometime." He then points R'ven towards X'ian, "He's probably got somebody to show you too." He snickers, as Eimaraith sits down again, fanning his wings out slightly to dry them some more before he tucks them close to his flanks again.

X'ian stretches, and chuckles at R'ven and K'sar, waving to the green rider as he suddenly leaves. X'ian then looks to K'sar, and smiles. "I'm glad you found a lifemate." He remarks to the boy. "Now you have another, much larger, friend to back you up."

K'sar looks over towards Kaer and her bond before turning to glance at X'ian, then waving towards R'ven as he most likely gets called by Wrinth. Back towards X'ian he grins and just kneels down to hug his Eimaraith, "I'm glad too..I feel...different now because of him..Hey!! Wait! We forgot to get the shards of their eggs!" Eimaraith perks up, seemingly worried and hyper along with K'sar, like it's the end of the world or something. K'sar looks back towards X'ian then Kaer, "How about we go snag a shard of their eggs?"

X'ian nods to K'sar, and chuckles. "I know, I do too." He hugs the drowsy brown lightly, before he stands up, and nods to K'sar. "Sounds like an idea!" He says. "In all the excitement, I'd nearly forgotten about the egg shards." He laughs, and looks to Kaer. "Want us to get a shard from your queens egg as well?"

K'sar smiles over at X'ian and then hugs his bronze one last time, before the bronze rumbles and lowers his muzzle upon his crossed paws, eyes staring at the gold for a moment before eyes lid closed. K'sar grins and yawns, "We must hurry before I fall asleep myself." He chuckles and then starts to move, only to wait and see if Kaer wants to come along.

X'ian chuckles, and pats his brown, who's nearly asleep, before he looks to K'sar, and nods. "Yes, same here." He says giving a yawn himself, before he stretches, and moves off after the other weyrling.

Kaer, who had just been staring quite blankly down at the young queen while she once more fell into a rather deep--well for a baby dragon--slumber. "Huh?" Kae finally pulls herself free and nods her head. "Oh, yes! I do, lemme wiggle free.." She carefully reaches down to move Ararinth's head to gently rest on the floor before she gets up and dusts off her dusty and dirty robe. "Lead the way."

K'sar smiles over at X'ian and is kind of relucant to leave Eimaraith, but he wants to get those shards. HIs eyes then flick towards Kaer as she gets up, nodding he turns and starts towards the hatching grounds again. "See what did I tell you X'ian..I knew you would impress..and to such a lovely brown even."

X'ian nods to Kaer. "If you want to that is, we won't make you go." He says, glancing over to his brown who's fast asleep. He looks to K'sar, and laughs. "And what did I tell you K'sar?" He says back. "I knew you'd find your own lifemate out there, and it couldn't be to a more appropriate color." He laughs. "I'd like to see J'cob try and push you around now!"

Kaer quickly shakes her claret covered head. "Of course I wanna go.." And she waits.. yup..

K'sar steps over to the southern weyrs at Main.

You stroll towards the southern weyrs at Main.

K'sar plods over to the leaders' clearing.

You stride towards the leaders' clearing.

You plod towards the entrance to the hatching grounds.

Kaer tramps in from the Weyrleaders' clearing.

Kaer wanders over to the burning hot hatching sands.

K'sar moves in from the Weyrleaders' clearing.

You step towards the burning hot hatching sands.

Hatching Sands

Heat from underground as well as from the sky overhead keeps the sands constantly _burning_ hot underfoot, requiring all to wear thick soled halfboots or risk burns on their feet. Only the dragons seem impervious to the intensity of the heat here, for all those standing on the sands wind up virtually dancing on their toes within minutes, making quite a spectacle for those watching in the Galleries and from the ledges around the caldera. The only exit from the sands by foot is back to the north and west.

"+Lhelp" is available here.

People: X'ian and Kaer

Exits: Stairs < ST > and Entrance < EN >

K'sar wanders in from the entrance to the sands.

K'sar trots back into the sands, this time more confident, and more happy apparently. Grinning up towards the galleries he then turns towards where the sire and dam where just sitting and gives a mock bow before he moves towards the pile of shards. "Now..that Eimaraith..hatched from..over here I know that.." Hrm. X'ian jogs onto the sands after K'sar, and hmms as he pauses right at the entrance. "Think Sahentath hatched from over there."

X'ian jogs onto the sands after K'sar, and hmms as he pauses right at the entrance. "Think Sahentath hatched from over there." He says and moves across the sands to where he thinks the egg was.

Kaer follows along with a grin that really is too stupid for her to be wearing. "Wow, kinda seems fake doesn't it? I feel like they're all still here.." She speaks softly, as if any louder would burst the bubble of said dream. Carefully she climbs over other egg shards to go where the gold egg was sitting for so long. "Ah ha!"

K'sar turns to look at Kaer for a moment, "Yeah..I know..It's like this is all a dream or something.." He shakes his head as Eimaraith makes sure it's not a dream, "But the voice in my mind says it's all real! And he also points me to his egg." Laughing lightly he moves carefully over the other shards, in case the rest of the Weyrlings care to have them. Finding the area in which the bronze egg rolled, and the mound that was created by Orakath, he grins. "Yep..these are his." Flashes of the bronze hatching flicks into his mind, and he just sighs, hands delicately picking up some of the larger shards.

X'ian nods to K'sar, and Kaer, and nods. "I know, I keep expecting to wake up at any moment." He grins, and continues across the sands. "Maybe we should pich each other." He snickers lightly, moving carefully at as well, as he homes in on the shards of his dragons egg. "Ah, here we go." He says, and looks to each of the shards of the dark egg, to see which ones he wants.

Kaer watches Kaspar, K'sar now, for several moments. She smiles brightly and reaches up to flick a ruby curl out of her face. "I think I'll wake up tomorrow and find out I've been shipped back to barrier with a 'Do not return' sign." She laughs at that and bends down to collect some of the larger unmistakeably golden hued shards. She suddenly remembers J'cob's look when her and Kaspar impressed and shudders. "They can't unimpress us can they?" She asks a bit frightened. She /should/ know better then this but fear is a mighty strong thing.

K'sar just smiles fondly down at the shells of the eggs, and just like that he wants to rush back to Eimaraith, the dragon has made him so happy..and it's only been a candlemark since the hatching. "NO no! Don't pinch me! That's quite alright!" He snickers as he looks towards Kaer to watch her scoop up some shards. "Nah..There is no such thing!! Once the bond is made, it's made for good and forever more!" Just like Eimaraith told him. Yep. He believes Eim.

X'ian blinks and looks to Kaer from where he's crouched, picking at shards. "/Unimpress/ us?" He asks. "I sure as hope not, I like having Sahentath, even for the short time I've had him so far." He laughs. "It's like being handfasted, it's till death that you're bonded." He chuckles. "Personally, I don't plan to die anytime soon." He adds.

Kaer gently runs her finger tips across the rather large shard of golden egg she found. "I don't know, I guess not, but I dunno. You guys know me. Since when did it say 'goldrider' on my forehead?" She turns the shell over, picks up a few smaller pieces and trots back down closer to the exit. "I'm just a little scared you know? I never really thought.."

K'sar turns to look at the frosted egg shards of his dragon's, smiling down at them for a moment. "Since just a candlemark ago Kaer!" He chuckles and continues to pick up pieces, "I'm going to make a necklace out of these! Yep." What's wrong with him wanting to wear the shards of his dragon's egg? Nothing right? He then laughs, "You know..I thought I was on my way back to Keroon..but..I never expected to get Eimaraith..let alone the color he is..but hey, I'm very glad that he found me. And I'm scared too.."

X'ian laughs at K'sar's words to Kaerlyn. "Yes, you've had goldrider stamped on your forehead since the hatching." He grins. "Hey, I expected to be going back to Barrier, watch, I'll probably wake up tomorrow, and it'll of all been a dream,and I'm on my way back to Barrier." He smirks. "I didn't expect to impress as all, but I'm very glad Sahentath found me, he said he'd been looking for a while."

Kaer lifts her little shoulders up and continues to roll the shard about in her hand as she closes her other hand around the smaller pieces. "I guess." A slight giggle falls away from her lips as she watches the others. "They're going to wake soon guys, you almost done? I'd hate for them to wake up and we not be there." Nothing like hysteric weyrling dragons wandering around to dampen any weyr's spirits.

K'sar nods as he stands, looking over the shards in his hands, statisfied he took enough to complete an interesting necklace before he nods, "Right I'm ready. I got enough of them." Smiling he takes one last look at where his dragon hatched from, then he turns about, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ears. Peeking over towards X'ian and then towards Kaer, he moves forth to make for the exit, carefully holding onto the shards.

X'ian continues to pick through the shards, choosing the ones that he likes, before he nods to Kaerlyn, and straightens. "Yes, good idea, we don't want to panic them." He agrees, and moves toward the exit with the others.

Kaer does a little kidish twirl and dances off.. or prances, or something.

You walk towards the main doors to the barracks.

West Landing Field(#2267RBIJ$)

A wide open area spreads all around you, the ground here nothing more than hard packed earth, swept clear of even traces of greenery by all the weyrling dragon landings over the many turns that Southern has been populated. Claw marks mark the area here and there, making for slightly uneven footing.

To the east lies the southern weyrs of the "Main" Weyr complex while to the southeast you catch a glimpse of a few roofs in the trees that border the Weyr's freshwater lake. Several paths spread away from this clearing, leading to the WEYRS of those posted near the weyrling barracks.

"+Lhelp" is available here.

People: X'ian and Kaer

Firelizards: Viridi and Nautic

Dragons: Eimaraith, Sahentath, Lajilath, Ararinth and Inesayath

Exits: Storage Sheds < SS >, Firestone < FS >, Flaming Targets < FT >, Lakeshore < LS >, Barracks < BA > and Main Complex < MC >

K'sar plods in from a side entrance.

K'sar finds his way back and has to stop a ways back just to watch his dragon sleeping so peacefully, "Much better than 'lizards anyday.." He comments softly to himself, then moves to join his bronze, deciding to sleep out here for the night instead of in the barracks. Eimaraith opens his eye lids, but only the one, the eye swirling blue while following the movements of K'sar. Placing the shards down carefully, his candidate robe which he striped out of a while back, is used to wrap around them, and then store neatly and safely by Eimaraith. Once that's finished with he moves to sit by Eimaraith, just curling up there after, one of the bronze's wings extending to provide a blanket almost for the boy. Awww.

Kaer is already sitting by Ararinth's side by the time the others get there. Settled nicely down gently stroaking the soft skin. "Is it just me or is their skin softer then any dragon you guys have felt before? Maybe it's because they're newly hatched, but wow.. I didn't think their skin was like this." She seems rather fasinated with this little fact for quite a few moments before letting out a yawn.

X'ian yawns as he comes back to the clearing, covering it with a hand despite the shards. He smiles at K'sar, before he moves toward his own lifemate. Sahentath rumbles softly as he knes his lifemate is nearby, but unlike his bronze brother he doesn't open an eye. X'ian, having changed out his own candidate robe, puts the shards away, he sits down by his brown. He looks toward Kaer at her question, and nods. "Could be the oil too." He says to her.

K'sar smiles at the others, before he just cuddles up against his bronze, his own eyes setting closed as the mind of the dragon weighs so heavy upon his, and what Eimaraith does, K'sar will do now..Sleep. Sleep is good. He doesn't answer Kaer, because..he's fast asleep. It didn't take long's been a long day..from chores in the kitchens, to almost slipping of a cliff, to a pillow fight, to the candlemarks long hatching in which he was rather hyper-active, and finally to the caring for Eimaraith and the oiling and the feeding...oy, long day indeed. Poor lad will probably be out cold for a whole day, not that Eimaraith would mind.

Kaer wasn't paying all too much attention to K'sar and X'ian, but she does catch the fact that it appears taht K'sar has fallen asleep. She smiles softly, a weird smile from her, and reaches out to gently caress Ararinth's head and place a soft kiss. "Sleep well darlin'. I'll be just in there on my cot.. promise.." Outside doesn't sound like fun right now. She needs sleep.. and a nice warm blanket and cot to curl up on.

X'ian looks to K'sar and his dragon, and smiles warmly, before he yawns again. "I think K'sar has the right idea." He says, and curls lays down next to his brown, who curls about him a bit, and it's not long before all the activity of the day takes it's tole on X'ian, and he's soon fast asleep, liking the idea of sleeping outside curled up with his dragon as Sahentath lays a wing across him to keep him warm.

[Log Ends!]