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Welcome to Pearl Mist Castle

The Egg

Her blue, prism-like wings catching the lazy breezes of the morning, Ellone, a six-foot tall Fae, glided over a lake. Darting through the mist that made up and enshrouded her home, a glint in a patch of grass caught her eye. She swooped down and landed next to the object.

"What's this?" Bewildered, Ellone picked up the egg that had grabbed her attention and dusted it off. She held it out to arms length to examine it. It was about the size of a human hand, and seemed to change colors when she tilted it. The species of the egg was unrecognizable to the fae, who knew most of the types of bird eggs.

"I wonder to whom this belongs," mused Ellone, tucking a strand of long brown hair, blown free by the wind, back behind her ear. She peered though the pearly mist surrounding her island home at the trees, looking for a nest or a bird from whence the egg could have come. Directley behind her she heared the gentle lapping of the waters on the shore if the island. On all the other sides of her, punctuating the ever present mist, the many types of trees - mostly rainforest, but some are not - were devoid of anything capable of producing an egg of that size. She combed through the foliage, looking for anything that might give a clue as to where the egg originated.

Failing that, she turned to go, still clutching the egg, but a glimpse of white stalls her. Going over to examine it, she pulled out a piece of parchment from a bole in a tree near the spot where the egg had lain. After settling comfortably on the ground with the egg in her lap, Ellone opened the letter and read:

"Dear Ellone,
The Kailan has decided you would be a good bondmate for this dragon. I know you must be confused, and have many questions, so please come by the Bishen Realm, and we will explain it all to you."

"Well," Ellone told the egg, "I guess you're to come home with me, huh?" She suppressed a quiver of excitement: A dragon was special, rare, something to be cherished. To know one is a great privlege; to be able to take care of one in egg stage was an honor.

Ellone stood up and dusted herself off, folded the note, and stuffed it into her pocket. Picking up the egg, she headed home. The path the teenage fae took was closely surrounded by ferns and other leafy plants. The ground was covered in moss. The air was warm, but comfortably so, and slightly moist from the mist. The island was large, set in a much larger lake, and home to many other immortals, along with many mortal animals. There were, however, no dragons. From over head - the view Ellone normally saw - the many trees look like a mottled quilt, the trees set in an undefined pattern. Ellone, used to flying, was afraid of dropping her egg, so this time she kept her feet firmly planted on the ground.

The immense building they approached - the aptly named Pearl Mist Castle - was made of pearl, abalone shells, and marble, letting it blend in and yet stand out of the surrounding mist. The mist itself was dense around the outer edges, but after about a mile in it lessened to just there enough to obscure things.

Racing up the marble staircase up to the front door, Ellone called for her friend and guardian, "Allia, come quick! Look what I have!" Ellone walked into the main hall and looked around, still calling for Allia. The floor beneath her feet was carpet dyed to look like a phoenix. A portrait of her mother and father was up on one wall, and tapestries were hung all over. There were potted plants in the corners. It was, all together, a beautiful and cheery sight, as was the rest of the castle interior. She called again, impatiently, for Allia.

"I'm coming, child, give me a minute!" Came a muffled voice from upstairs. Down the central staircase came a middle-aged woman in a blue gown. Allia had been Ellone's nurse as a child, and was now, since her parents were dead, her guardian. Ellone's parents had died six years ago, when centaur raiders atacked their castle home. The raiders had never been captured. "Now, what is it?" Allia asked, when she reached the bottom of the steps.

Ellone handed Allia the egg and fished the note out of her pocket, beaming.

"Well that's wonderful!" exclaimed Allia as she finished reading the letter, "Now we must find a place to keep till it hatches."

After getting the egg settled, Ellone sat in the kitchen with Allia, thinking aloud, "What do you think would be a good name for the dragon? I think it should be something about the mist..." Ellone lapsed into silence, mulling over possible names as though she were reading them from a book in her head. "Maybe... no, that's not it... How 'bout... eh, nah. Hmmm... Oh, cat claws! I can't think of anything! I've dreamed about meeting a dragon, but never about naming one!" She looked at Allia, "Do you have any ideas?"

Allia looked off into space, thinking. Finally, she answered, "What do you think of the name 'Nebulosis Quies'? It means 'misty dream in Latin. Well?" Allia asked when Ellone didn't answer right away.

Ellone started, looked guilty, "Oh! I'm sorry, I think that's a wonderful name!" Ellone jumped up, unable to control her excitement any longer, and twirled around. She stopped spinning suddenly and looked at Allia, "I should go visit the Realm as soon as possible. Tomorrow. Yes, I'll go tomorrow." She hugged Allia and kissed her cheek, then zipped upstairs as quickly as her wings could go to pack.


"What are you doing?" Allia asked, bewildered, as she watched Ellone fiddle with a harness.

Ellone, with a roll of her eyes, answered, "I am making a sling so I can carry my dragon with me when I go to the Realm." She adjusted a cloth strap and looked up with a grin of satisfaction, "See? Now I can fly and the egg will stay with me, and I don't have to worry about dropping it."

"I see. And Let me guess: I am stuck here watching over the castle, yes?"

Ellone looked at her guardian and friend, "Who else is going to watch it? The cook can't, the maids can't. I certainly can't if I'm not here."

Allia held up her hands in a gesture of defeat, "Point taken. I admit defeat."

Ellone walked out of her room and up some flights of stairs. Opening a trap door at the top of the steps, Ellone climbed out into an open-air tower. She said good-bye to Allia and openned her wings, letting the wind carry her onward to her destination.

The minute she landed at the Bishen Realm, music flooded her ears. The music was very soothing, and fit with the Realm. Looking around, Ellone could detect no musicians. A person appeared out of nowhere.

"Can I help you?" The new girl asked. The person was five inches shorter than Ellone, without wings. A human then, Ellone thought, They aren't as bad looking as I thought, winglessness not withstanding.

Ellone answered aloud, "I have a dragon, and I came to learn about it. That's what the letter said I should do anyway." She held out the letter for the human to see.

Taking the letter, the other examined it, then handed it back and smiled, "Follow me, I will show you what you need to know. My name is Noria."


"Nice to meet you." Noria lead the way into another room that was covered in pictures, "This is the history of the Bishen. They were found in another adoption agency, the Creature Refuge, but no one knows where they came from origanally. They are omniverous. They communicate by telepathy, but also make crooning and whistling sounds, including a low 'TREE' sound as a warning.

"The next room," Noria continued, "is about the lives of Bishen. They start out as eggs, which can be two colors, blue or green. Bye the way, what color is yours?"

Ellone looked at her egg in the harness she made. "It looks to be green."

"That means it's going to be a male. You can tell what gender it is by what color the egg is. Blue is a female, green is male.

"When the eggs hatch, the resulting dragon is in the wyrm stage. They will be either red, blue, or green. After a short time, they will grow wings and/or legs. When they are fully developed, a ceremony, the Shantel Ceremony, occurs. At this ceremony, the oldest dragon, or Kailen, will present the shrapes, fully grown dragons, with their breath weapons. After becoming adults, they may mate, the females laying a clutch of 3-10 eggs.

"The dragons can be one of three colors, with mutations. Blue dragons have an affiliation with wind and water. They can move silently and swiflty, and can sense danger. They tend to develope cleansing powers. Green dragons are plant dragons. They are known for their healing powers and ability to relax others. Red dragons like heat and fire. They are warriors and fight. They have great powers. Sometimes mutations will occur.

"There are also three types of dragons. Terran dragons have four legs and no wings. They inhabit land areas. Marine dragons are sleek, with no legs or wings. They inhabit watery areas. Arboreal dragons have wings. There are also hybrids."

"Wow, that's a lot to remember."

"Don't worry, you can, and should, refer back to the Realms. That way you can keep up with any changes and new information."

"I'll remember that. Thank you for the tour," Ellone smiled.

"Don't forget to write down your stats. Try this paper, it should help." The human handed Ellone a piece of paper.

"Thank you." Ellone took the paper and filled it out:

Name: Nebulosis Quies
Gender: Male
Stage: Egg
Color: Unknown
Type: Unknown
Mate: None
Magic Items: Unknown
Powers: Unknown


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Friend Quis's page

I got my lovely misty background at Absolute Backgrounds
I made my doll (yes, that's possible) at Magentasky's Dollmaker
This story is copywritten (©) and the Bishen Realms and all their kind, and any mention of them is © and used with the webowners permission. You may visit the site yourself by going toBishen Realm

Music is Thieve's Bazaar from Lunar 1.