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/\/\ ~R~U~L~E~S~/\/\

Welcome to the Paradise of Dragons. This is a PARA RPG. Here listed below are a few rules that we ask you to follow. Saeri, the red dragoness, reserves the sole right to remove those who wish not to obey the rules. You'll find Saeri is quite nice, but she will not put up with any nonsense.

1. RESPECT everyone in the room, regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, belief. This is not a clan, but we ask you to respect everyone. Treat all others as you'd wish to be treated.

2. HAVE FUN! It's what RP is all about. Escape the turmoil of daily IRL and let your imagination take over. *Grins* Let it run rampant, and use that over active imagination and those dreams of yours to make your RP experience fun.

3. KEEP OOC (out of Character) discussion to a limit in the room. If you must speak OOC with someone over a lengthy period of time, please IM or whisper whom you wish to speak to. And when Saeri asks that's everyone go IC again, please do.

4. NO rape story lines will be allowed. No slavery Story lines either. If you wish to carry out such a SL,comes and talk to Saeri.

5. BE CREATIVE with your story lines. Develop a character all your own, be original. Chars from Video games will not be allowed. There's far too many FF chars. THERE WILL BE NO DBZ either..there's too many Goku's and Gohans and Vegeta characters. Be creative, use your dreams and your imagination to develop your characters.

6. NO MODING OR FLOODING will be allowed. Its an instant kick the first time, then a ban for 24 hours on the second offense. Third offense you'll be banned until I decide to unban you.
