Panzonzon Index

Panzonzon Index

Adopt your own useless blob!
April 30, 2004
Hey! I gave up on frames... If you still check here, or rp here, good job! Because this site is really dead... There, I have announced it. Don't worry though! I am making a new rpg. It will still be called Panzonzon, and I will still own and run it and it will still be at this address. However, the story is going to be different, and the main idea will be different. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a human slave thing, I used to rp at a site similar to that idea. It should turn out well, and I am looking forward to it. Sorry if you still rp at this site, but it just wasn't working out. I hope you stick around to see the new version which should be here soon. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK..on the ooc board, because I'm not sure what I'm going to do...
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