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The Pandemoniums

Welcome....we were wondering when your curiosity would bring you this way.....

We're glad you could make it....have a seat, yes there just don't break anything....and now, my pretty, before you tread any further let us tell you what you came here to know.

Well now I guess we should begin OOC like.

Most of you know me as Zenia Morrison-Sterling *bOws* Ductus to the Pandemoniums.

We play a happy group of crazy Sabbat vampires, from Malkavians to Toreadors, but not only.

The Pandemoniums also consist or ghouls and mortals.

Now, I don't like rules, and I like things to stay that way, BUT!There's always a but, aint there? I do like certain things to be upheld. Firstly, if you are interested in playing a Pandemonium, either vamp, ghoul or mortal, you will be required to play this character at LEAST once a week, secondly any power-gamers who can't let loose and have fun should find somewhere else to play. Playing a Pandemonium should be fun, not a task.

Ok, here is a bit of info on the types of chars you can play in this game.

Vampires--- Any types, we don't care if you are Malkavian or Brujah or Gangrel or whatever! Your IC tag should state you are a Pandemoinum in any form you see fit

Ghouls--- Anyone wanting to play a ghoul will have to link up with one of the Pandemonium vampires and either be a pet, slave, door-stop, friend-to, feeding bag or WHATEVER THAT vampire wants him/her to be. Your tag should state 'Property/Slave/Pet of the Pandemoniums'

Mortal---Ok, this one is kinda tricky since mortals are usually eaten or stapled to walls and tables. Firstly, only a vampire can have a mortal under his/her wing. Secondly, any mortal in the game shall either be a 'Ward of the Pandemoiums' or 'Proparty of the Pandemoniums' what your tag will state is up to the vampire that 'owns' the mortal. Mortals are usually children that were saved from being eaten or killed or young adults that one of the vampires has taken a liking to and doesn't want to corrupt (yes it IS possible! Ner ner ner ner!)

Tinkerbelles---Females, under the age of 10, mortal or not who have been dubbed that way by Zenia.

Lost Bois---Males, under the age of 10 (except from Steven Harris who's over that age but STILL considered a Lost Boi)

Anyone interested in playing can e-mail me or one of the other Pandemoniums or PM us on the following messengers, AIM Koukla00027 or e-mail (Zenia Morrison Sterling)

AIM SilverMoonKittyX e-mail and MSN (Steven Harris)

AIM ladyzroe (Nate)


Zenia's page, house description and links to the rest of the Pandemoniums
Shadow's Deck
