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Sign Up

Here's the sign up template for the RPG. Please fill it out and email it back to me at

Name: (Your character's name)
Played By: (What you wish to be called)
Email: (Necessary)
Power: (Even though you DON'T have to list this, your character must have ONLY 4-5 attacks. . If you have more then that's just too much. Remember that your choices are Earth, Fire, Water, Forest, Lightning, and Wind.)
Personality: (How they act, WHY they act that way)
Description: (Describe EVERY SINGLE inch of what they're wearing and how they look. It'll help. .)
Weapons: (Each character will hold ONE weapon, bow, sword take your pick. . Although what weapons they know how to use isn't limited.)
Reasons for wanting to help: (Each character MAY have an easy reason or some deep root reason. . u can choose for this one too)
Other: (If u wanna add anything that wasn't well. . picked there. .)
Intro Story: (For this, it'll be a story regarding when you got the letter of challenge from the king, what their thoughts are and so forth. It doesn't have to be long just long enough to see what your character is like at the beginning.)
