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Intro Stories

The intro stories for each characters.


Ouja Idomizu struggled as she tried to retaliate against Satoshi, her guardian. It was a daily routine for the two as they fought on with swords. Suddenly they were stopped by the sound of someone knocking at the door.
Satoshi sighed as he headed towards the door while Ouja sat down, wiping away the sweat that she had gotten from the fight. It wasn't even a minute before Satoshi came back, his face pale.
Ouja looked up slightly confused. "What's wrong, Satoshi?" She asked curiously.
Satoshi looked at the letter in his hands and handed it to her, rather hesitant.
Ouja took the letter and gaspsed when she opened it. A smile broke out on her face as she read it. "I can go, right?" She asked him in a hurry.
Satoshi chuckled, "I can't keep you away, right?"
The female shook her head and rushed to get her things packed. Of course there never was much that she owned so it all fit into a small bag. Within minutes, she had already been ready and spun around to face the male who was still standing in the same spot for that whole time. She knew that she'd miss him, only person that she would EVER miss. So spinning around, she gave him the biggest smile he had ever seen and blew him a kiss. "Bye Satoshi!" She called out, turning back around and walking away. Her usual sulking face coming back as she left the only place she called home.
Satoshi watched on as he saw the only female that he was close to. As he saw her smile, he had a troubled heart. As though. . . This would be the last time he would ever see her.

Vivi Freak's

Repto stood under a tree, his eyes resting from the hot sun above. His brushed back his wavy red hair from his face as he sweated. He got up, to find a small white piece of paper next to him. He picked it up. Luckily, he hadn't forgotten to read when he lost his memory... All he could remember of his past was an explosion and a lot of deaths. The thought sent shivers up Repto's spine. He opened the letter, and read out, "As most must know by now, Akun Gihen has started a battle towards our Kingdom of Tomi. All those who are brave enough to challenge this man, head to the palace of Tomi. I wish to see you there..." He blinked, and thought, "This would be a great way for me to repay for what pain I might've caused..." He got up, and looked over the horizon. There stood the tall castle of Tomi... "I'll see you there."

Cutie Eskimo's

The princess' deep purple eyes blinked as she was being handed the slip of paper, which her personal maid, Sumi had managed to slip one to her bedroom. Ayumi quickly grabbed the slip of paper and read through it furiously. A lock of hair escaped through the hair net and fell over her right eye. She brushed it away and tucked it behind her ear, slightly irritated. She finished reading it through and looked up. The maid was being dismissed by her and she went to the window.
Inside her mind, she was calling out to someone...her teacher, Iyo Kentam. No answer. No mystical presence hanging in the air. Ayumi frowned deeply and sighed. She folded the paper up and hid it in her sleeve. "She's probably meditating now..."
Ayumi went to get her black cloak and was about to leave, when she was being faced by Sumi. Ayumi cast a glance behind Sumi, and then gave her a worried look, her eyebrows knitted together.
She whispered in Sumi's ear, "What is it?"
The reply she got caused her to sigh and took off her cloak. The king had summoned for her, it had to be now of all times. She would have to see her techer another time then.
"I'm going now then..." She muttered to herself, walking off to see the king with Sumi following behind her.

Smelly Fish's

There was a soft curse hissed into the air as the tiny ember between his cupped hands flickered and died. Samiel sat back onto his heels and sighed. Everything was just too wet! He glared balefully at up at the sky, letting a few more obscenities fall from his lips. He just didn’t have enough dry fuel to start up a fire.
Annoyed, he searched through his pockets, hoping to find /something/ to feed the tiny ember, and allow it to grow. Hey, at this point he’d be happy to find a chunk of lint. Too bad he was wearing leather. Fingers sought, running against the seams of the pockets, hoping for—-wait, did he feel a rough edge of a piece of paper?
Grinning in triumph, Samiel pulled up a crumbled piece of paper. Smoothing it, he cast a quick glance to make sure it wasn’t anything important before reaching to shred it. And cast another glance. His brows rose. Oh? So they were asking for warriors eh? And it was from the king no less. NOT some petty merchant that wished for a guard for his simpering fool of a daughter. King also equaled lots of money. He grinned. Things were looking up.
Message read and remembered, it soon proved to the beginning of a beautiful fire.


One day, as Leila was cleaning a young man approaches her. He doesn't say a thing just blushes. Shyly,Leila asks, "Uh,may I help you?" and the young man's eyes focus on her. "Umm....I am here because...I was...I was sent here from the king. He wanted me to give give this letter to a youthful girl named Leila. Is that....Are you Leila?" Leila answers, "Yes, I ...I am Leila.What is the letter about?", she begins to turn red herself and beings to worry about what could be in the letter."Why would the king...Why? Why a letter to me? What did I do?" There is a tear in her voice."I'm not quite sure."The boy begins,"Something about a special group. About the Socerer,I think." "Socerer? The one that destroyed.. The socerer that killed... Lana..." She says begining to weep, but trying to hide it from the man."Im so sorry, But I..I just can't!" "But what about Lana? If you care about her, wouldn't you do it in her honor?"
Leila's is surprised, yet she is unable to answer. "I'll think about it later."is her final response. The man leaves, but know before leaving his name with Leila, Mark.
