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Main Page

Welcome to my webpage. This was originally started as a Technology project for my school. However, I thought that it would be better if I could also use this site for my own purposes, since I always wanted a site for myself but never got around into making one.

This site mainly contains information as well as downloads for a Pen and Paper Role Playing Game known as Alternity. You will be able to download anything I have made for alternity from this site, and my downloads can also be found in the official alternity site.

There is also the BESM page for the anime RPG Big Eyes, Small Mouth which I wholeheartedly recommend, especially if a beginner.

Part of the site is written in greek, and I apologize if you can't translate it. Such is life. The greek part refers to RPG's as well, though.

I will also be referring to other subjects later on. There is also a page with links to other various sites that I have found interesting. Finally, there is a small page dedicated to myself, so that you know who you're dealing with.


Note: To navigate in this site, please use the navigation bar in the top right section of each page, if you are having trouble with the in-page links.

Note: Most of the site is still under construction, so be patient and check for updates.




Admit it, at least this is earlier than 5 months! And guess what, I still can't get a cool layout for my site! I've got some updates for you, though.

  1. "Swords, from Prehistory to the 21st century" essay w/pictures.
  2. BESM page. Visit it and learn about the BESM updates I'm writing.
  3. Updated the whole site! Check it out.


Yeah, I know this is 5 months late... but school, school :) Well, I haven't finished my exams yet, but I've got some updates for you! Some of these were implemented a few weeks ago, but not announced... Sorry!

  1. Renovated site! More bars for everyone!
  2. Added Merrick's Personal Security Report Database Project! For now, only the Melee Weapons, Non Powered section is finished, and I've also done some of the Miscellaneous Ranged Weapons too, but not all, so it's far from finished.
  3. And of course... more pictures! And with new hair! Long hair!


  1. Links
  2. Fixed the Greek page error.


  1. About me
  2. Greek Page


  1. Furcadian Page
  2. Wolvernike Army and Justice Phalanx Page
  3. Furcadian Profiles Page


  1. Ancient Age Ranged Weapon Descriptions [GW]
  2. New Races page [GW]
  3. Update of the Focaians Page and minor corrections all over. [GW]



  1. Weapons page [GW]
  2. Melee Weapons (all Ages) with descriptions (all Ages) [GW]
  3. Ranged Weapons (all Ages) with descriptions (Gamma Age) [GW]
  4. Focaian Noble House [GW]
  5. Hit location system download.