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My Techniques

This page was created so that I could write my strategies on

my favorite SSB characters. I've since decided to let visitors

include their own. If you want to submit one, email me at that only SSB stuff will be posted

here until SSBM comes out)



One of my best characters. Anyone who plays as

him knows his boomerang is just MADE for combos.

Some combos include the double boomerang smack-toss,

and one I invented, the superang smash. Cheeszy name, yes, but

the combo is deadly. So deadly, in fact, the enemy

must be BELOW a certain damage to pull it off. Here it is:

First, hit them with a boomerang, then when they are on the

ground throw a NORMAL boomerang(not a smash) and grab them.

Here it gets tricky, grab them, then throw them just before the boomer

gets back to you. They will stop in the air. Here you have a few options:

throw them, or do what I like to do, smash 'em into the sunset. Enemy

must be on a relatively flat surface for this, and below... about 40%, because this

combo DOES 40%.

More soon!