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Norath the Realm of Darkness

Norath. A land eternally bathed in darkness. A land that has seen many battles. It was once a land where creatures of darkness and light living together side by side. But that was all changed when the kingdom was divided by a great war. A war between the creatures of darkness and those of the light. The conflict rose from the two pirnces of the land. Half brothers. One was a creature of darkness, the other of the light. After the death of their father Solus led his forces of light against his brother Volcan and the forces of darkness for control of the kingdom. But the price of the war was heavy and almost wiped Norath out of existence. After half a century of warring the two came to a conclusion of simply seperating. Solus and his forces of light departed, leaving Norath and created the floating kingdom of Solaris which hovers above Norath, blocking out the rays of the sun. Over time the land adapted to the eternal darkness laid upon it. The forests and lands grew twisted, and distorted as the essence from the abyss seeped into it creating haunted forests inhabited by demons, orcs, banshees and other spirits that would rather bring harm then good to any traveler that enters their domain. Volcan has long since been gone from this realm, but rumors of his ressurection still flutter about the wind. Now the land is ruled by a council known as The Dark Riders.

