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In the beginning

Who would have thought that mystical creature had started out as nothing more than a sweet innocent little girl. The daughter of a strong and well respected family in Japan. She had no siblings around, and her parents often ignored her. Through her earlier years she spent most of her time in the park, watching the birds and other animals. In those early years she had hopped to possibly be a vet, or maybe work in a pet shop with her mother.

She had lots of dreams in those years, so many hopes. Though the biggest by far was the hope her parents would come to see her, realize she was there, running around under their feet, calling for attention.

But there was one...
Her grandfather ShenLin, he saw how his son and daughter-in-lay ignored the child so very much. Being a quite old, and quite proud man not to mention kind he sought out to teach the little girl her family's past and the Honor they held.

Her parents didn't seem to notice ShenLin taking the girl in the wee-hours of the night to the temples, the ruins and other such places where battle had once raged. She being so young took it all in with growing excitement, never stopping to think about what or how it might effect her, while child did?

You see her family had a long past as warriors. It had been a great pain years ago for ShenLin when his son, had come of age to join the ranks in Japan, but had not. Instead he opted for a life in the studies of science and the like. ShenLin had been broken because of it, but in this little girl (Nezumi, but she was known just by Mouse) he saw new hope.

Hope he would finally be able to see one of his own blood out there, spreading the honor of their family. And so ShenLin taught the girl the ways of a warrior, while Mouse's father made new break through in human sciences.

By age 12 Mouse was doing well in her training and had hopes to join the Japanese army, how small it may have been. Mouse's father had a huge fit when his little girl, with all her hopes and dreams, had come to him as asked for permission to get a new weapon (of some sort) to train better with. ShenLin had warned her not to ask but she had not listened

"Nezumi! You are a young woman, not a warrior!!,"He had yelled, and his wife agreed completely... The family broke into fight, Mouse caught in the middle of ShenLin's dream and her father's demands. In the end ShenLin left the house and her hopes were broken.

Yet inspite of her parents Mouse had her taste of a warrior's life and she was not going to give it out. She was proud, she believed would except the honor of the family even if her parents did not want to. Her father on the hand had different plans, she would bring that little girl back to her sense. She was enrolled in a strict school called Ki`lier, whom made her learn English, and more history then she would ever need. Then came the science studies. Mouse was not as smart as her parents and not as quick to learn, so the heavy load of work she was given both at school and homes were really too much for her to take.

Father's hand...
Her father decided Mouse still had too many hopes for a warrior's life though. That he had to do something to get his point across more clearly to his little girl. And in turn he took her afternoons in the park [where she trained in secret with ShenLin] away from her, making her, instead, working his lab with him and his wife. And the experiments upon her began...

Things changed...

The more time Mouse spent with her father the more she started to give up on her dreams, her father, to get the point across even more told his daughter she was going to help in more of his experiments. She would take injections along with his other subjects. Mouse, no matter how much she disliked her father, she did trust him and thought it nothing more than a pain in the ass.

But things were changing in Mouse's body with each injection. The injections were of a substance called "Liquid-VI". It was part of her father's study on liquefying living things and forming them into something else ... but keeping them alive. It's confusing I'm sure and Mouse never understood exactly how her father was doing it.

Then it was too late...
In the middle of the night in Mouse's 14th year, she was woken to the sound of her home being breached. Assassins snuck into the house while the family slept. Mouse's mother was first to go ... on that eve Mouse and her father had been in the lab, finishing her last injection, for he said the experiment seemed to be a waste of time.

As the Assassin's broke into the lab, Mouse and her father tried to run, chemicals were spilled the thrice the dosage Mouse was supposed to take was shot inside her body. Instantly the pain had hit her body, but still she ran, her father yelled for her to go, to take his work with her.

Through the hussle and bussle of the fight Mouse had a vile of the "Liquid-VI", it turned out the Assassin's were form the government, come to stop the experiments. She ran the only place she could think to go, and that was to ShenLin's. She told him all that had happened...

He understood...
He said what her father had given her would make her wish to be a warrior bigger than she could ever have hoped. He helped little Mouse understand what was happening; Mouse was ShapeShifting and morphing into anything and everything so very easily. The experiments had turned her into something unreal, something living, yet not. Mouse had a solid form and a liquid form, easily changing between the two with ShenLin's help.

He renamed Mouse, Dragoon, and she was tattooed with the ancient Family crest, a green dragon going along her shoulders and down her slender back the smooth arch above her bottom.So she may serve her family's honor though none would know of her.

Since in the truth was the government would love to get their hands upon her ShenLin and Dragoon decided she would have to hide, her work [fighting this government] would have to stay secret and she would have to be even better than the men that sought out to find her.

The Mask...

So ShenLin gave her an old mask of the family's. She would not be seen by anyone again whence working. Time passed and Mouse is now 14, ShenLin has passed on and she working still as Dragoon for him, in his honor, that masked creature, you have come to see.

She keeps the truth hidden to most, but some have come and unmasked her story...Some have seen the truth...Some have been able to deal..Yet still, some cannot deal, and try to kill Dragoon.. But you know, as I know, she is a warrior now and will not stop till her family's death has been avenged.

Though her family may have all since been killed she has recently been taken in by a sweet man known as Macbeth "Smokey" McCloud. He seems to like the girl and has an odd understanding of her so she was easily taken to him. She considers him the father she never really had, one that would not treat her so harshly, and he inturn has adopted Mouse, making her his own.

Mouse McCloud
Life changed...Mouse - Dragoon they were not two. Only a merging in one little girl. Yes... a little girl. Mouse was free from the strict ways of a warrior, in the environment of Macbeth's home she finally has come around to have a childhood. She turned into a very young acting girl, with baby like tendencies and sweet little mannerisms. She feels very lucky to have her Daddy and the life he's given her, though he has spoiled her a tad. Giving her most anything she wants. Including a mouse named Shen whom she loves so very much. It did take her time to ask for it, since she is still a bit timid about asking for things.

The mouse her Daddy gave her.

The only thing she missed was a friend. But after a few trips out into the world Billy showed up. He was a young man, a trained Ninja. He seemed a perfect fit for her. He understood her life back in Japan and even helped her get over some things about life then. In truth, she developed a very large crush on Billy, though (for the most part) they simply kept it at a friendly basis.

Around her 15th birthday, Mouse went on a trip to Japan to visit old friends of her Grandfather, a group of munk-like elders whom took very good care of her. Upon her return she brought with her a surprise (and I don't mean souvenirs). Mouse's belly had grown, and with the tests and leaf reading of the elders it was said she was pregnant. Whence she got home the news was confirmed by the more modern pregnancy tests. The only question was ... who was the Father? After all weren't little girls virgins?

Oh, baby, baby..
So far that question has yet to be answered. She has had the child, a small baby with dark brown hair and dark black eyes, larger than her mothers. Mouse named the child Lilly Trinity McCloud. Oddly enough Mouse's father, who's rather protective about his daughters purity, handled things rather well. In fact one could dare to say he makes a rather good grandfather. But as with most teen mothers Mouse had a hard time. For relief she would go to her Uncle's ... whom was heavy into Drugs. But Billy put a stop to her Drug use rather quickly, pushing her into being a drug free girl again.

"Oops! I did it again!"

The relations with Billy and Mouse became rather heavy and in one climatic night she allowed herself to be kissed by him, and this was the 2nd time. The time before her father had beaten the hell out of Billy. This time on the other hand, things were different, Billy told Mouse, the love sick thing, that he loved her. Like in the past Mouse began to go through conflict. Deny the love and keep that of her father? Or give into Billy and deny that of her father? It seemed to be answered for her when Billy came to her and broke her heart(basicly) by saying he thought they no longer should even see eachother.

Up & Down.
Her life was in shambles as she locked herself into her room. She dropped even more weight and simple lived like a hermit, taking care of Lilly and seeing those within her family, but not leaving the house. Her stepmother Jinx, whom she hated was even so sorry for her she gave her a cat whom she had at a friends house named MissMac, this seemed to cheer her up, but only momentarily.

Of course those around her began to worry ... then an idea hit. She wanted out of the house, wanted to see people again (even if the confinement was her own doing). So she came to her father and asked permission to go to school. After some begging, he gave in and she and her daughter began schooling at Hlimont School for Girls. She faired well in class and truly enjoyed it, she even joined the gymnastic team, though she had to switch to a different one do to her coaches, over active ads.

At age 16 and ahead of her senior class Mouse graduated from Hilmont school for Girl int the top 2 percentile, and had long ago gotten over Billy. The next logical step of course was collage. Now for her that was easier said than done which ment she had to speak to her father first on weather she would be allowed to go. He did not like the idea of her possibly going to a school in another city, and at first the collage she wanted to go to was in Tokyo Japan. She basically *told* him she was going to go to collage, no matter what.

But she had to compromise, so after trying and looking over a few other closer schools, she went for a school in the city. She then did something rather harsh and moved out of her father's home and got her own apartment, bringing Shen & Miss Mac with her. She began a deadly schedule of waking a 4am, going to the gym and gymnastics practice, then work at 12, then at 10 to the gym again, or ballet class (depending on the night) and show up at her father's about midnight sometimes later, and sometimes not at all. She basically stopped eating again, and wore herself down horribly. Sleeping too little and doing too much, she even began to miss out on Lilly's soccer games as her little girl was still living with Macbeth.
yes she usually allows her tattoo to show.

Another thing that had developed and changed in her once out from under her father's thumb was sexuality. Though she was indeed still not allowed to date, she began to go out with other girls from work when she could. The so-called innocent teasing began, and she loved it. A little flash of the panties here, a little giggle there. It was all in good fun, though a few times she did get herself in to some rather bad situations which her father ended up having to get her out of. She was more daring, slowly coming out of her shell. She'd grown just a bit of a while streak and got her nipples pierced with small gold rings, and a second tattoo had been added just below the curve of her behind the Japanese character for Otosan. One evening infact she was caught by my father kissing a man full on the lips, and enjoying it way more than she should have, but she was punished badly for it.
Picture of Lulu

Blood Family

Once in her new place she had began to also send word back to Japan she now had room for some of her mother and birth father's things. Not long after the crates from Japan arrived so did a woman in her 20's that looked oddly like mouse. She introduced herself as Lulu..and Mouse's heart left out of her chest. Lulu was her older sister whom to be truthful she had never met. Her father had only spoke of her once calling her a dishonor to the family and nothing more. But there she was, and finally the two sister were reunited. Still she had not asked what happened in the past, and why Lulu was sent away, and Lulu has not bothered to mention it.

Not long after arriving Mouse invited her sister to live with her. This turned out to be a mistake. Mouse, being so busy, had not gotten to tell her father of Lu'lu's arrival. When Mouse arrived home late one evening from the gym she walked in to finger her father fucking her sister on the couch. This hurt her deeply and for a good solid week she did her best to ignore them both.

Age of the D'Angelo
It was during this time away her father met a woman named Andrea, and with Mouse's absence, and the growing space between herself and her father she took Mouse's place. It had been less then a year since Macbeth had divorced his wife Jinx [whom he married awhile after taking mouse into his home], of course Mouse had always hated Jinx horribly.

Out of the blue her father announce he was marring Andrea, and though it broke her heart again Mouse did the best she could to be happy for him. Andrea D'Angelo was the daughter of Anthony D'Angelo, well known Don of the Mafia family. This only compiled her anger, her father of course had begun to work for the Don, and begin to get himself into a life she did not even like to think about.

The D'Angelo family came straight from Italy and so, for the wedding Andrea wanted to return there. Macbeth was whisked off to Italy a good mouth or two before the wedding was to take place on Oct.13th. During this time a tragic thing happened to Mouse. In her own home she was brutally raped, and found later by her sister. The moment Macbeth found out her was on his way back to be by her side, and soon as she was well he took her back to Italy with him. The rest of her step-sibblings, Lulu, as well as her daughter were brought over not long after that and the wedding took place.

One thing is for sure, she would be moving back in with her father, when he moved to LasVegus (do to the D'Angelos) while his new home was being build. Since Andrea decided the house Macbeth had built with his own two hands was not good enough. She had taken no therapy even if perhaps it would do her some good seeing as how messed up she is from all that's happened. Still as always she just hopes to have a good, normal, happy life.

Last Update - December 3rd '02
Story not edited for spelling etc.