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The picture above was sketched by a traveling artist, though not properly depicting Neti's clothes, and the stripes are actually silver it is basically what she looks like

A Picture of Neti lounging about in her tigress form
Gragmire Jungle in the land of Guilde’mar on the First Day of the Falling of the Leaves Month (November 1st by our standard) in the Fifteenth Year of the Golden King Eo’mar.
25 years (in our count) in her count 25 leaf falls
~Physical Appearance in true Tigress form~
Stands 3½ ft. from shoulder to paw and 8 ft from tip of tail to from of nose. Her thick fur is an onyx black and her tigress stripes are a soft silver color. A red lightning thin scar runs from the right side of her forehead down over her dark emerald and silver green eyes and curves to the right to end under her jawbone.She weighs a sturdy and lean muscled 225 lbs.
~Physical Appearance in shifted Human form~
Stands 5’8 and weighs about 120lbs.Her hair is a liquid silver with black streaks, it fall belows her shoulder and her bangs fall below her cheeks so it often falls across her face. Her skin from her face to her feet is a golden tan color and smooth as silk with nearly invisible silver stripes that splash all over her body similar to her tigress markings, yet they are visible in bright lighting shimmering softly against her tan. Her eyes are slightly larger, but human shaped and are emerald green with silver flecks. Taking from her tigress body she bears slightly pointed ears and a black and silver furred tail, as well as the thin scar that runs from her right temple over her eye and under her jaw. It is barely visible in the dark but in bright lights it can be seen as a shadow of a scar unlike when in her tigress body.
~Skills in her tigress form ~
She is able as any tiger to have highly acute senses, being able to hear the slightest noise to see far distances and smell things of the faintest odor. Along with a tigers natural agility and reflex capabilities, such as leaping a max vertical height of 9 ft and jump down from a max height of 20ft without being harmed, as well as being able to jump from one point to another twice her body length which would be at least 16ft.She also can communicate with humans through mind-to-mind connections. And if she becomes close to a particular human and a bond of pure trust grows between them she is then able to convey images of what she sees to them, almost like playing a video in there mind of what she sees.
~Skills in her Human Form~
She brings the highly acute senses with her and most of her agility, In her human form being able to jump a max vertical height of 7 ft and down a max drop height of 10 ft along with a leap from one point to another about 11 feet. Her reflexes and feline grace remain as well,able to walk the tightest line and dodge a bite from a deadly viper all with the natural grace of the large cat she is. Theses skills can be a great advantage to one if they are needed as a scout or mercenary possibly as a thief as well.
Netti is very wary of strangers and cautious of all things due to her background that you will read later on. But once she has warmed up to one person or group she will be as faithful as a friend can be. She will die for a friend if need be and will go to great lengths to make sure her friends are safe and watched over. She has a serious fault though her curiosity of all things and beings around her, she must know the why's, what’s, and who’s of the world around her and will watch everything till she understands them. As the saying goes Curiosity killed the cat but according to her Satisfaction brought it back. Along with the extreme curiosity she is extremely mischievous and playful, showing the kitten that lies within her tigress heart. She remains loyal and faithful to all those who are kind to her yet when pushed into a corner or betrayed by a being she will allow her true forms natural instincts take over and become a fierce and determined creature of pure hatred and the only thing upon her mind will be retribution for the evil deed done to her or to the ones she cares about she will not stop till there blood drips from her teeth or the breath of life leaves her angered body.


Being born in the jungles of Gragmire to a very noble tigress who was called Neliti, her mother had told her that she was forced to mate with a large strange tiger, he had the scent of something strange yet the scent of a tiger as well,and as he finished mating with her he walked away upright, she wasnt sure who or what kind of tiger it was but she never saw him agian.But since she was never able to have cubs before she was extremly happy to have her little Neti now

After two years of being raised by a patient mother and becoming old enough to set out on her own, Neti left her devoted mother to go and claim her own territory but only shortly after she set out she fell into a hunters hole and woke up in a strange place filled with strange tall two legged beasts, she soon found out that they were human beings and she was to be sold to the royal house as a guardian to the Kings newborn daughter. Not understanding what it was she was supposed to do or what was going on. She went into a complete rage at being caged by these creatures and tried breaking free from the cage that jailed her. In doing so a whip was brought down upon her head leaving a scar over her eye.She was also beaten with numerous clubs and metal rods till she submitted. In a fluke of chance this is when she found out she could speak to the minds of these creatures.

By asking why she was here and what was happening to her nad directing the question towards the Royal Healer that was there to fix her up before bringing her before the High King even though she wasn't expecting a answer. Although she did receive one, for the Healer answered, “ You have a job here to protect the daughter of the king and make sure no harm befalls the child. “ After responding the Healers face grew pale and realized the tigress (Neti) spoke to him. In surprise he fell backwards in fear that a evil creature was brought into the Kings castle. Shouting out for help, the Royal Guards sent for the Kings High wizard and High Council.

They asked many questions of the young tigress, who was able to respond now to them directly through thought,and searched for the truth of what she was really. Finally after several days of searching and examine the High Wizard walked before the King and told him that he had a suggestion of what this creature was. He explained that a a few years back hunters tracked down a were tiger in the nearby forest, he was in turn slaughtered, but taking in acount the story the mother tigress told her, we are assuming it was shortly after he mated with her mother. Which means that maybe at the full maturity of the tigress’s life she will be able to shift into a human like form and that a creature of this kind would be a great asset to the King for if when this is able she could spy for Him, but till then a perfect place for her is to guard the princess.

Having no other explanation and seeing the opportunities in this creatures employment (as they called it) he allowed the beast called Neti to live. The High wizard explained to Neti that if she didn’t guard the child she would be set to death and if she tried to escape she would be found and killed and if they couldn’t find her they would kill all tigers within the Kingdom till she was. Having no other choice she agreed to the terms not wanting any other tigers to suffer for her folly of being caught. For 16yrs Neti loyally and faithfully watched over King Eo’rils daughter Princess Ri’Lithiana, even though she was a slave for the King she enjoyed being with the young girl, though she couldnt speak to her nor any other human, per orders of the king for they thought if she could mentally speak with humans she could also read there minds which wasnt the case, but even without speech the princess was very close to Neti and felt as if her guardian tigress was more like a protective older sister that a guardian.

Then one day shortly after her becoming of age((which was the age of 26 in there kingdom)) the King not having any sons born from his wife, and becoming slightly insane from a disease that was attacking his brain, decided to keep the bloodline pure and mate with his daughter to see if a son would be born from that coupling. Ri’Lithiana could not believe what was happening and being extremely frightened screamed in terror as she awoken to see her naked father crawl into her bed, hearing this Neti broke down the door not knowing who was attacking the Princess and attacked the man who was hidden in the shadows of the womans dark room and bed. With an earth shattering roar she leaped at the man with the fury of a tiger protecting her sister or cub and ripped out of the mans throat before she knew it was the King. As the High Royal Guards rushed in with brightly lit torches they saw the king lying naked on the floor in a pool of his own blood, the princesses nightgown torn all the way down the front and Neti dripping with blood from the mouth. Knowing the recent sick mind of the King,and his despair of not having a son they quickly put together what happened and didn’t strike the tigress down. They just placed her in irons which she allowed without resisting as she watched the sobbing Ri’Lithiana.

For the Princess was not grieving over her father but over what would happen to her best friend who was only protecting her. The next night in the secret of the night moon and with the advise of the High Councilor and Wizard, Neti was not to be killed but set adrift in exile on a seaworthy raft, and shall she be deemed worthy of life she will survive and be allowed to live in a new land. For all that knew the reasons of her exile, they knew that if people of the King found out that the tigress slain him no matter what the reason they would want to seen her killed, so under the moon the loyal friends of the Princess set up the ruse that after killing the king the mad tigress escaped and was driven off the cliff of the sea, so that she was assumed dead and all other tigers were safe from killing as well. On the First Night of the Frozen Winds (first day of winter) Neti was set adrift the Black Sea for doing her job to well. Never again did she see the shores of her homeland and she wondered if she would ever see land again. Though she did see a land in the distance she was not sure what she would find there or if she would be safe, but at least she was alive for the time being and now knew to be waryof two-leggers and all other beings for the ones she knew other than the Princess and a handful that helped her escape most of them had dark careless hearts and preyed on what they thought less intelligent species around them.

~~More to Come~~

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