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I Am NeoSquall905. If you know me then you know. If you don't know me, I am NeoSquall905, Now you know. Now that we cleared things out, look at this.

This is the Only commercial airing that makes me laugh. TALKIN BABY!!

People don't get any better looking than this

Three hours of work went into getting this

Candace....I think we're gonna get married

What's Grimmace supposed to be?? I figure it's the grease in the food but we may never know.

I'll have some pics of actual rpgs and some cars that I've always wanted but for now beat off....wait I mean stick with this for awhile and be patient.

I will have this Mitsubishi Eclipse 95 GS-X before I die no matter what...but in darker shade of green and different decals.

My Air Forces and I got 'em for only 60$ :)

Heh heh heh