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The Euthanatos are arguably the most misunderstood Tradition that sits on the Council of Nine. The "Death Mages" have a history rife with conflict and outright war with other mages. From their simple beginnings as small isolated death cults scattered around India, Greece, Africa and the Celtic Isles to their current situation as one of the more widespread Traditions in the world, they have always held to the same purpose and truth and have never sugar coated it or tried to hide it. 

The Euthanatos have realized that without death, there can be no life, and have taken it upon themselves to keep the Great Wheel turning as smoothly as possible. They do not believe themselves the judges of reality but instead enforcers of Karma. With their command of Entropy, they seek out those whose time has come to travel to the next life and send them on their way. That is only part of their duty, however; along with giving the "Good Death," they also strive to improve the lives of those whose time has not yet come, and to try to make things better for those who are coming around again. Unfortunately, most of the other Traditions only see the killing, and the Euthanatoi find themselves glanced at askance by other Mages.


"The Great Wheel has many spokes and contrary to popular belief, delivering the Good Death to people is only one of those spokes. 
We do not bring about death, we ensure life." 

Malcom Wincott, Albireo Disciple

Submitted by Spuds

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