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The Inquisition.

The very name strikes fear into the cold, undead hearts of vampiric elders centuries old.

Hunters of the supernatural for generations, they stalk the nights even today.

Watching...waiting...and striking with a Holy Vengeance

Here you will find all the information you need to play an Inquisitor in the city of New Bremen. You will find information on the requirements, history and breakdown of the Society of Leopold. Here begins the battle against the forces of darkness, here begins the new reign of God's Warriors.

Before you can create a inquisition character on New Bremen you must first read all the guidelines and information presented on this website. I, John-Paul your Storyteller for this venue, will not sanction a character that looks to have avoided the requirements and info on this site.

Also, the inquisition is not a group that will be taken lightly. I will come down hard on players who are twinking and will look into any and ALL compliants. If you feel that you may be in trouble, take screenshots to back yourself up.

Questions or concerns? You can reach me at: