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Naj's WC3 webpage of crap no one cares about.

08/29/02: Update!

Had some extra time to play WC3, uploaded some replays. Enjoy!(All 6 of you that've come here more then once :>)

08/23/02: First post!!

Do people that say first post as a reply to a post annoy anyone else or is it just me?
Oops. Hello, and welcome to my WC3 page of shit no one really cares about but me, here I host replays, funny screenshots etc of the my games, etc.
Replays will include both losses and wins, as i'm not like those people who care about a icon or a win number inside their profile on BNet. :)

I play on the USWest server (Lordaeron) and my account name is Naj. I <3 the Undead.

So, um.. Kick back and enjoy my l33t html skillz..Or just go to whatever site you intended to go to because most likely you typed in the wrong URL to get here..
Ahah j/k I know you all love me.. I think ={

Go to..

