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Apartment Pictures
Pictures taken right after the corner ceiling collapsed in the kitchen.
(Click on any Image to Enlarge)

The floor in front of the sink, cluttered with debris. Close-up of corner ceiling.
Another image of the drainage pipe.

The sink counter. The exposed drainage pipe for the upstairs bathroom.
Ceiling debris amidst our cookware.

The corner ceiling where it collapsed from leaky pipes.
Close-up of the drainage pipe.
Another pic of the hole.

Rotted-looking support beam /  Duct-tape repair on pipe.
Another spot where the ceiling is soaking thru.
Cracks in the ceiling.

Despite best efforts to bleach and clean, mold or
something seems to be growing behind the toilet.
Another pic of the wall behind the toilet.
Pic of the poor installation done on the
bathroom tub. Rust has begun to set in.

Another tub pic. Despite efforts to remove, rust and
orange gunk continues to build up in the corners.
Landlord's repair job on rotted floor. Instead of
doing it right, he cut a hole in the linoleum and slid
a piece of plywood over the oatmeal-like floorboards
then used plastic pieces to cover the slices in the floor.
This hole was made 2 years ago and
still hasn't been patched up. We finally
had the idea to cover up the hole by
using a piece of cardboard covered
in aluminum foil.