These are my rules, for ALL players to follow

#1.) No extreme language here, you can swear mildly, but keep in mind, players of all ages play here.
#2.) I want to see ALL posts are clean! This means no porn. If I see anything related to this you will be banned immediately.
#3.) If you have a suggestion, tell me by all means, but keep it kind. I do not want to have to sit through you complaining about my site.
#4.) Do not have OOC conversations on the IC boards. Little tags at the end of messages are alright, but nothing more.
#5.) I (Owner) can bend these rules at any time I feel is necessary. But no one else! You must follow all of the regulations at all times.

There is to be NO one sentance posts with half of the words are mis-spelled. This is an intermediate to advanced RPG, so I expect nice long posts with lots of 'juicy' vocab in which you can describe your surroundings, your appearance, and emotions. BE DESCRIPTIVE. And lastly READ OVER YOUR POSTS before posting. I don't want any typo's except for in OOC, ok? If I see any inadequate posts for your role-playing level, I will simply just delete that post!

Species you may join
1.) Gryphons
The Gryphon (and the many spellings there of) is a fabulous beast with the characteristics of two of the most noble of beasts - the lion and the eagle. It is most easily recognized as a eagle having the hindquarters of a lion. Gryphons love gold and gemstones, which they steal, hoard and guard with savage strength and ferocity. There are two main varieties: the northern Gryphon, and the Indian Gryphon. The Gryphon is a large, fierce looking creature, about 2 ft higher then a shire horse. The strong wings sprouting from its back are strong enough to carry it at enormous speeds, and lift it off the ground bearing heavy prey.
2.) Unicorns
They represent chastity and purity. Though they will fight savagely when cornered, they can be tamed by a virgin's touch. Unicorns have the body and head of a horse, hind legs of a stag, tail of a lion, and a single horn in the middle of their forehead. They have many magical powers, and are full of beauty and grace.
3.) Phoenix
The phoenix is a fabulous Arabian bird, as large as an eagle, with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry. They are very long-lived - their life-span no less than 500 years. As its end approaches, the phoenix makes a nest of aromatic branches and spices, sets it on fire, and is consumed in the flames. From the ashes, miraculously, a new Phoenix will spring. The pearly tear of the Pheonix has special healing powers for almost any wound. It's feathers are five main colors - black, white, red, green and yellow
4.)Elven Folk
Dark elves have black hair and black eyes, and sometimes black skin. Light elves are typically Scandinavian-looking, with blond hair, pale skin and blue eyes. They are generally tall and slim, with sharp, delicate features and pointed ears. Elves are mysterious, mystical beings, wrought from light during the birth of time. They are often arrogant and haughty as a result of their advanced age both as a race, and as individuals. They have seen the dawn of time, the birth of man, the changing of countless seasons, all blurred into a history remembered and revered in stories and songs. They are the wardens of nature, the children of the gods. Their lives are long and know no sickness or disease. They know much happiness but also carry great sorrow. They feel the joy of mother earth and her children but also feel all her grief, all throughout history. They are one with the Earth, Elfs were made from it and they shall return to it at the end of time.

Information on creatures © www.mythicalrealm.com

Got it all? Good!

*If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you would like to join a creature that I have not listed, please feel free to email me at kiwicloud10@hotmail.com((Be sure you make the subject "Infathomable Vitality")). If you do not understand the appearance of the creatures, I suggest you search them on Google Images, so you understand fully what your character is like.*

I think that is all I have to say, except, Have Fun! and when you join include this in your post
This is to ensure that before you join, you have read the rules. If you don't include the password I will not accept you.