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Name: Nefersitanubis Marie Stalker

Gender: Female

Species: Human Jackal

Occupation: Vigilante, Former Foot, Former GE Team, once Guardian

Quote: "Can you tell me who holds both the sun and moon in the palm of their hand? No? Then don't expect me to question my Gods."

Theme Song: Watchman, Tell Us of the Night (Mark Camphouse)

Nefer's greatest strengths lay in her intelligence and her fighting ability. She's been able, over the time spent traveling to NYC, to meld several martial arts together, mostly Aikido (which is mostly dodging and throwing your opponents) and Jujitsu, a ferocious fighting art. Adept as well in swordplay and archery, she's a well-rounded fighter who has the potential to do some serious damage - but most of the time it doesn't suit her nature. When she fights, it's usually to kill… such is the way of Anubis. She takes death seriously, and knows many prayers for the dead. So many, in fact, that she has only used one-third of them… makes you wonder how many prayers there are or how many people she's brought to the Ma'at.

Her weakness lies in her semi-neutrality. Because she tries to appear to maintain a balance, including that of good-and-evil, she's sometimes willing to help the bad guys around something, or give a little fight for them, though somehow she does it with an underlying streak of good-guy-ish-ness. She can never act totally evil of her free will. Also, because of some of her actions, the good guys might get the wrong idea and not trust her when she sees fit to truly fight on their side. This creates a shadowy problem within any group that she currently identifies herself.

Nefer is in no way, shape, or form (well… maybe shape and form) related to Aunkamen's unnamed stooge, The Jackal, from TMNT #32. However… he kinda inspired her form.

Nefersitanubis was born Marie Anne Stalker in a complex that was built for a tomb, but the owner was converted to Christianity before he died, her very beginnings founding themselves in Death. She is the daughter of Katherine Carin, an Egyptologist from America, and John Stalker -- a former Marine who was mutated during testing on small-scale nuclear weapons in the Egyptian desert, who indeed is a mutant jackal. Because of his unstable DNA, he was able to have children with his love, but most of them had been stillborn, or even too mutated to survive beyond the first tortured hours of their life.

When Marie was born dead, John offered his daughter up to Anubis if he would only breathe life into the girl… and when the baby started to breath, Marie Anne Stalker became Nefersitanubis - "The Beautiful Daughter of Anubis" - in honor of her Father's apparent patron deity.

"Nefer" was trained in a Marine-like fashion from the time she was old enough to roam the desert sands miles outside of Cairo… but always during the night when her black fur helped her hide in the scrub brush near the riverbank. She was familiar with hippo, crocodile, and of course, the jackal.

When she was fourteen, she became romantically involved with a Soldier's son, Adam, who was blind and did not bear witness to her odd looks. His family was stationed in Cairo, but he was visiting the "countryside" with his mother. She even traveled with him - in secret- to the base, infiltrating it just the way her father showed her how… and was the sole, helpless spectator to a terrorist attack… all in the name of religion. She had scoured the entire place for survivors -- Adam's mother was one of them -- but when she came to Adam, he was too near to the gauntlet of death to be saved, even by the EMS that would arrive too late. She held him, and let him ouch her furred face for the first-- and last -- time. He didn't flinch at all, and held his hand to her cheek for, maybe, a minute before he passed into Ma'at. She, in her rage, tracked down the celebrating terrorists, and destroyed them by setting fire to their own explosives. She bears the scars on her back where the shrapnel had burned through her fur and scalded her skin (where today no fur grows), as a badge of courage and vengeance. She left home soon afterwards, knowing she hadn't captured all of the offending terrorists. What infuriates her more than the terrorist attack is the fact that the government never admitted to the deaths of the civilians -- the families of the soldiers, including Adam.

It was also her -- while in Afghanistan -- who "accidentally" lead US Military troops to a camp when she had allied herself temporarily with a terrorist group there, after bearing the pain of having helped to cause the September 11th attacks. She swore no more would she fight on the premises of Religion, no matter what group had asked her, and watched in agony as her actions proved the terrorists' undoing. It gave her an odd sort of satisfaction to watch them die when they fought back.

Of course, the United States Government would never admit a mutant dog had led them to the camp.

She soon hopped an oil tanker to the United States, getting off in New York City with a sigh of homesickness, and went about finding herself a home.

Dedicated to her cause, but still able to sometimes let loose and have a good time, "Nefer" (the Egyptian word for "Beauty") has the penchant to be a little bit moody, brooding and serious one moment but then swinging into a party at the next. Unfortunately, because of her neutral nature and unpredictability (and refusal to share her motives), Nefer isn't invited to many parties, nor would she probably be the one to hang around. She's not anti-social; she was just trained that way.

RECENT HISTORY: After a short run of being in the GE Team and a longer run of being in the Foot, obtaining the rank of Elite, then leaving after a desperate battle against Leonardo. She nows operates as a part-time vigilante, living in an abandoned church.