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-There are no real rules. If some one talk to me or the co-owner about some one being an ASS Hole we will delete your guy and start over. 

How To Battle

-All battles are done in Instant Messages so AIM or AOL or you can do it in a chat room.

-Only 5 battles per day.

-Whoever wins recieves 2000 BP and $2000. Whoever loses recieves 1000 BP and $1000.

-Tell us how you want your BP distributed at the Battling Section of the site.


Explanation on stats

-KI equals your Attack strength

-PD equals your Physical Strength

-HP equals your how much life you have

-SD equals your speed

-PL equals your Power level.  It is used whenever you use an energy attack


How to Raise Stats

-Whenever you win a battle you can distribute your BP to your stats or you can just leave it unfilled so I will add it to your extras.

-You also get a daily amount of BP depending on what type of training you are doing.

-E-mail every so often as your extra BP builds up so he distribute it as you want.





-You can trade items.
