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MoX Clan Information
Clan Founder:
Dirdy Ho (m)

Clan Leader:
Yet to be decided

Co Leaders:
Docwhu3, Major Martyn (m), Stumpster (m)

Champion Warrior - Docwhu3 (m)
Champion Miner- The Unseen
Champion Smither- The Unseen
Champion Crafter- The Unseen
Champion Fisher- Docwhu3 (m), puresayians (m)
Champion Cook- Docwhu3

Back up:

Warriors- Lee65, Killerflame2 (m)
Miners- Major Martyn (m), Dirdy Ho (m)
Smithers- Bl4z3d
Crafters- Nemesis909
Fishers- Stumpster (m), i pks i (m)
Cooks- Hunnydust (m)

Other Members of clan:

List of contacts

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