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Name: Lara Phoenix

Sex: Female

Race: Demoness

Height: 5'10

Weight: 115 lbs

Eye Color: Change with attitude and Mood

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Apperance: Lara has long dirty blonde hair, her eyes change with the atmosphere, her mood and her surroundings. she wears a long cloak, never the same color. She has 2 tattoos, one is her name, 'LARA' on the back of her neck and the other is a female demoness with horns on her upper right back.

History: She doesnt have any family but this one sorceress lady. One day when Lara was wandering around in the forest, a sorceress came upon her and asked, 'what are you doing out here all by yourself? You could get hurt'. Shy and afraid lara did not respond right away. The woman knelt down to lara and said to her, 'you look lost, do you need some help?'. Lara shyed away once more and the lady assured her she wasnt going to hurt her, she just wanted to help. And hearing that, lara broke down in this womans arms and told her that she'd been alone and raising herself all this time and asked for help So the sorceress took lara in and treated her as her own, not having any children of her own. And from then on the sorceress taught lara survival skills and magic. She taught her many things, and some of which came to lara so naturally, the woman knew lara was no ordinary girl. The two became close as mother and daughter, Lara learning more and more from the sorceress everyday. One day when lara was in her teens, the sorceress sat her down and told her something, something that wasnt to be taken lightly. 'Lara', she said, "im not going to be here much longer to watch after you", lara looked at her with confusion, "why, what do you mean?" The woman told lara that she was dying of an aging disease that could not be cured, although she tried to cure herself, nothing worked. lara cried, "NO, ill cure you teach me what i need to know",the woman smiled and told lara she needed to go out and conquer the world. She took lara to her room and opened up a jeweled box. She took out a necklace that had an amulet on the end of it. she told lara to never take it off, for anyone. "ill never take it off" lara told the sorceress. Lara took a sachel and a bag of clothes and began her journey. She left that day with the power to chant and cast spells but only used her magic when she needed to. She can create illusions, good or bad. She was born with many abilities, she can read peoples thoughts and can control some, some powers she discovers by the day. She has a regenerative power that allows her to heal quickly. so along her journey she stumbled onto a villiage, she hung low for a while. one day she bumped into a dark vampire. Immidiately she beared her horns and grabbed her weapon. "whoa whoa" the man said, "im not going to hurt you". "whats your name" he asked her quietly. "lara" she replied. 'Im DrakenOcelot and its nice to meet you', he said. from that day forth, this tall dark vampire became very close to lara. He took her to his home, in tyrant and she adjusted just fine. Since then, the two have fallen in love and stay strong. She has not been challenged in a long time, but when she does, her demon-like horns imerge from her forehead and her eyes turn a deep bloodly black, she is always armed with a long ruby incrusted dagger strapped around her left leg. Although she will never need to fight as long as Draken is there.