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From Nothing To Reality, A Mirahge Has Come

Rising up to the top of the rocky tower of WereCat falls, Mirahge stands in the night air sniffing, searching..for what ? Even he is not certain. His soft grey eyes peering into the darkness, the moonlight highlighting all that is in his homeland. From this vantage point he can see for miles, yet sees nothing of signifigance. He turns and walks inside the upper level of the cave, decending slowly around twisted spires and staircases carved from the harsh limestone and granite. A lesser person would lose there way in such catacombs, but not him. The pathways are as familiar to him, as his own breath is. He finds a padded seat made from stone and covered with silken padding. He sits casually with his hands resting at his chin, his fingers steepled to the tip of his snout. His elbows resting on his knees. His eyes once more flicker as he thinks back to the past few months, and then fade to softness once more as he realizes once more he is alone. Thankful for the time he had with the wonderful Tigra, he now feels a void that can not be filled now, perhaps not ever truly filled again.
"This makes twice for me that a person I care for was ripped from me, is this my go through existance alone?"
He ponders the point a while longer, then chooses a new course of thought, not wishing to think on it any more at this time. He stands and walks to a wall, and places his hand upon it, watching it dematerialize. He walks through the now seen opening into a seperate cavern, housing memoribilia from his past.
"Shame no one ever sees this stuff, actually a nice collection", he speaks out loud to noone.
He looks about the cavern and focuses his eyes into the darkness. He makes his way to one of the many torches lining the walls, and by striking a flint over one, it lights. He makes his way to many of the others, lighting them in the same manner. He stops and looks around once more, a collection of his past standing before him, like a window from beyond.
There are statues and manaquins with clothing upon them. There are furs and jewels beyond compare. There are also several ancient pieces of wonderfully crafted furniture, all relics from the past. He walks to the manaquins with the clothing that his father and mother wore while alive. Placing his hands on either of them, he weeps. Tears flowing from his eyes his sadness slowly gives way to determination. He looks mournfully at the clothing of his father. He thinks for only a moment until he places his hands upon it and concentrates. Taking the garment from the manequin he smiles as it is now his size.
"You know Father, I may not be as big in stature as you were, but I am going to try my best, to fill your shoes"
Taking the clothing as his own, he turns snuffing out the torches one by one, until only one torch remains, looking about he smiles softly and thinks,
"The Syndicate of Fate will live once more."
Clenching his teeth and fists he turns walking into the darkness getting his thoughts together.

Mirahge is a Werecat, gray in coloring. He stands just over 6 feet tall, and weighs just over 190 lbs. in his normal cat / human mix form.
When changed he resembles a grey cougar in size and appearance.
In either form he has soft smokey gray eyes.
Mirahge is an accomplished fighter, and a very cunning adversary. He uses his knowledge as well as his claws or teeth.
He has no magic, but that does not mean that he is defenseless in that aspect. He has the inborn ( not magical ) ability to alter reality to his whims and thoughts. Most times he has to be in actually contact with it to change it, and the effects are only temporary until his concentration is broken. The exception is if he is able to concentrate on it for an extended period of time. Once he reaches a certain point, it weakens him a bit, but the change is permanent. Since this is not a magical ability, it CAN NOT be unchanted or undone.

Syndicate links

Syndicate of Fate
The New Syndicate
The end of the Syndicate,something new on the horizon
