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Reassembling one's life...

~She walks up to the manor, stopping at the steps. She kneels down, gently placing a scroll down upon the top step. She stood once again, her left hand rising to brush a few braided strands of hair out of her face. Then she turned and left the manor, returning to the town of Rhy'Din. When you see the scroll later that eve, you pick it up and open it, and this is what it said.~

Dear Gareck, It has been long since you last saw your love, Minowa, has it not? I am informing you of the sad news of which has become of her. She found me, after having been searching for me to straighten matters out. But something had changed in her she tried killing me. I had no choice in the matter; it was either my life or hers. Sadly, I chose to take her life. I buried her in the forest she seemed to have loved, often having spent her time there. There is a part of me tearing me up inside, and if not for that part, I would not been writing this letter to you. If you feel that the loss is too great and that you'd be satisfied to have my death, there is but two places I can be found now. My home in a town The River's Edge and my home away from home at the Tavern of Eska. Otherwise, I am sorry for the loss and the pain that i have caused you. ((don't actually have to find those chat rooms, just act it out through this if he decides to seek vengeance)). I hope that life gets better for you, I know mine is forever tainted. Until our paths cross... ~Dayna Black

::sitting down at a desk in his study he read the letter a soft sigh escaping as he leaned forward on the desk. he folder the letter back placing it down softly and sighed again:: it would only be take a companion from her...but that probably wouldn’t even phase her...perhaps...I should just meet her and find out in person....::he stood and walked from the desk towards the door heading downstairs after preparing himself and having a horse brought for him:: miss dayna just you wait right where you are...

~She had made a few stops after she delivered the letter, only to collect a few supplies on the way home. She was in need of restocking her cabinets with food, and her hiding place with liqour, and so she did. She stopped at a small shop, buying the necessary item, and a crate of red wyne. She carried them for the last three hours home, having not much trouble with the weight of it all. The night was upon her just as she reached her home, six hours beyond Rhy'Din. She lived where snow seemed to stay and last for what seemed eternity. Mountains resided behind the cabin she lived in, a village/town about two miles to the north was where a few others lived. The place was basically deserted, except for the few wwho remained in the town. The River's Edge, that is the name of it. It was quite peaceful there, for her anyways. When she had finally reached the cabin, she set the crate down on the top step and grasped the handle of the door, pushing it open. She picked up the crate, and everything else she had bought, and carried them into the cabin, kicking the door shut once she was inside. She immediately went to the kitchen, setting everything on the floor. The crate would be the last thing to be put away. Meanwhile, she put all the food and such away in the cabinets.

She went to the mainroom of the cabin and started up a fire in the fireplace, only to gain some warmth inside. It appeared that there was going to be another storm soon, and this time, she knew she was going to be homebound. So she made the best of it. She walked to the couch and sat down upon it, wrapping a blanket around herself. She thought about Minowa, and the guy to whom she had left the letter for informing her of his love's death. Her sword hung on a wall in another room, the dinning room perhaps. She didn't care to put her eyes upon the wretched thing tonight. But she felt that she'd have to begin sharpening the blade of it back up, and prepare. Prepare for what though, she wasn't sure of yet, but she knew that he must've been pissed or upset about the news. Eventually all thoughts drifted out of her mind and she fell asleep upon the couch.~

::with the horse some supplies to last his travels he set off in his usual traveling attire the black cloak shrouding all of his person in the blackness he was so apart of. and out of town he went those seeing him pass only recognizing perhaps a ghost...some deadly wraith driving the black steed down that barren road in his mind many things passing through it:: what will I do....battle for vengeance?....things are never easy in life...will the choices made now make it an easy existence for her...either of them......or for me...time will tell as the further choices are decided...the first stop...where she calls home...

::across the landscape through the pouring rain of the savage storm he rode his mount showing no sign of fatigue and the others unfortunate enough to be on the road set themselves immediately to rest to scared to share the traveling with this demonic rider::

~As she slept, she dreamt a horrific dream, the past returning to haunt her. She was back in the village; perhaps it was a town, where the shadowstead manor was. She was in the tavern with Minowa, drinking and talking as they sat at the bar. There was hatred in Dayna the moment Minowa had given her the sword back, but she did well to contain it. No matter how much hate she had for Minowa, love was always there to balance it out. She couldn't exactly remember what they were talking about, but it had something to do with the beginning of the past, from where it had all started. Dayna slept soundlessly, though the expression on that sleeping face of her showed that she wasn't dreaming good.

The scenery changed, and the next thing she could see was herself in the forest that Min had so loved. they weren't very far from the Shadowstead manor and it's village/town. She was there to talk with Minowa, to get her sword back yet again. She had gotten it back, but then all went wrong. Someone was toying with them, playing with them as if they were dolls. They were turned against each other, one friend against another. When the girl, to whom was playing with them, left, all went back to normal, but not them. Dayna quickly split, Minowa left shortly after. Since then, Dayna avoided contact with Minowa, and eventually she left.

Dayna was in a room up in the inn, packing her belongings. She never said farewell to the man who she loved, just walking out of his life without a trace. She was following the main path out of the village/town, knowing not exactly to where she was going to go, only knowing that it was going ot be a long journey. That it was, having taken her a little over a year to reach the town of Rhy'Din. She called the place home, creating a place within a forest there, only to live in solitude. It had taken her several years to join guilds and make friends. "Friends..." That word echoed in her head. She was now in the forest, fighting Minowa, though this time it was to the death. She made a swift turn after knocking Minowa down, decapitating her. Many hours later, she had buried her friend there, marking it with Min's dagger. She began visiting the grave every night after having a drink or two at the tavern another friend of hers owned. She became silent, talking to no one. She had been in a relationship when Minowa had found her, but that relationship ended shortly after Minowa died. The man Dayna was seeing, vanished, no trace left behind.

She stopped visiting Min's grave, and stopped going to the tavern. Later, she found a new home at the base of some mountains. The town was called River's Edge. There, she spent many nights, morning and days, drinking her life away.

Eventually her friend got her life back on track for her, but all the memories would forever haunt her, giving her no peace, only remembrance as to what she has done. Dayna woke up on the floor, strange, she remembered falling asleep on the couch. She stood up slowly, shrugging a bit. She then went to the kitchen to fix up some tea.~ "memories, why must they forever stick within the mind, giving no relief to those who need it?"

::Hours of hard riding at as fast a pace as possible the rain soaked landscape flew by his eyes as he went on before long he finally reached the town he sought:: the river's edge huh....let us find you miss dayna and let the answer to the question lingering be answered...what next....::he rode to the closest place he might stable his mount at leaving a few coins for whatever terrified peasant might be there and then he was off not speaking to any he saw only searching passing by the homes he guessed she would not be in scanning for a quick moment those with possibility. After perhaps a half hour of his wanderings through town he shifted directions out away from town a little bit walking on he came to a lone shack:: Dayna perhaps.....let us find out...::he walked up there the slight jingle of the metal boot spurs as he came up to the door and then all at once three deep resounding knocks onto the door the cowl of his cloak pulled low over his face and the shadows hiding any trace of humanity under them he stood there like a black wraith waiting for a meal::

~When the tea was done, she walked back into the mainroom of the cabin, taking a seat in front of the fireplace. The wood was still burning, the flames still there. How long had she been asleep for? It must not have been for more than two hours, because the fire still burnt, and the sky was still somewhat dark. She didn't bother press further on with the question, staring at the flames of the fire, their dance reflecting in the pupils of her eyes. She raised the cup to her lips, taking a sip from it before setting it down upon a side table nearby. Her knees were to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs. She watched the flames dance their dance, sighing softly as she did. She shifted into a trance for about an hour, then the sudden knocking on her door broke the trance she was in. She slowly stood to her feet, stretching until the feeling in her legs came back. A moment after the third knock, she walked away from the warmth of the fire and over to the door. A slender, frail hand reached out and grasped the handle of the door, and gently, she pulled it open.

She blinked a few times when she saw the darkly cloaked figure and raised her gaze slightly to see if it bore a face. She couldn't see anything within its' hood, so she shrugged. When she had finally spoken, her voice was soft, though a hint of the sadness in her could be heard.~ "How can I help you, to whomever you are."

::unseen eyes from within the shadows of his claok stared at this woman before him....the one who had killed the one he had fallen in love with. reaching into a fold of the cloak he silently drew out the letter he had been left his voice was raspy and dark for some reason he felt to play this out. the letter he held to her had another piece of paper attached to it that he had written before he left his manor:: Reply.......... ::the attachment read::

Dear Dayna, With the ut-most sadness i have read your letter. I thank you for at least letting me know the fate of the first woman i have come to love in almost 40 years. Her loss pains me more then any shall ever know as many find it impossible to read me. As far as retribution for her death that matter will sit open for now as i have not decided how to truly accept this loss. I know not all the facts of this and i do admit there were changes in Minowa that i noticed before she left. I just hope that perhaps some closure may be gained. Though as a true part of me shall allow no form of just letting you go purely forgiven i send you this beginning of laying this behind us both. The deliverer of this message as you no-doubt have already found out may not be the most pleasant at this moment that you read this. But he is the beginning of the peace if there is to ever be any between us. Knight of the Shadows Gareck Summerous

::by the time you had finished reading the attachment he had a blade in one hand a long Dagger at first glance with a viscous black liquid dripping from its blade held out pointed at her about waist height that same raspy voice echoing forth:: prepared......... ::the gauntleted hand clenched tight about the hilt of the dagger and a rattle of spurs was heard as its feet shifted slightly now it waited for your first move::

~A slender brow was raised as she watched this creature. When he had held a letter out to her, she slowly took it. Dayna opened the letter, her eyes focused on the paper, and she began to read it quietly to herself. When she was finished reading the letter, she folded it up, her eyes shifting back to the messenger. Her raised brow lowered again, her expression being the same as it was when she had first opened the door. Her expression didn't change when she saw his blade drawn, but she didn't expect such to happen quite yet. She whispered softly, just after he spoke.~ "The beginning without an ending..." ~She reached to the left side of her waist, feeling for the hilt of her sword, but nothing was there. Dayna had forgotten that she had put her sword up but a few days before she had left to deliver the letter. Stupidity on her part, she should have known to grab her sword before she had gone to answer the door, only because no one ever came to visit her here. Dayna knew her fate though, and wished to be free from the haunting memories and dreams of Minowa. So she dropped down to her knees before the creature, her head hung low and eyes downcast. She waited for his attack, to feel the blade of his long dagger bite into her flesh.

As she had dropped to her knees, the flames of the fire inside the fireplace had diminished. Whatever light there was inside, had gone out, leaving nothing but darkness inside the cabin. Dayna remained within the doorway, making no attempts to get up and flee. She could have easily gone inside and fetched her sword, but instead, she surrendered herself to the one with the dagger.~

::watching her lower he knew that it would be a deathblow if anything was swung at her and as she stepped closer he knelt down along side her the dagger tip drew closer to her arm the tip aimed true and with a small push broke the skin of her forearm with the blade. As it was moved to her arm the other hand moved under her chin and lifted her face enough to lean forward a place a soft kiss on her forehead the hodd faling back just a little. His voice spoke true now no longer hiding himself::

your blood drawn by a blade of shadows....vengeance has been taken as much as it ever will be......Minowa cared for you and you for her....I only hope that I may....garner such a love from you as you held for her.......we shall not be enemies miss Dayna for as i said i have already taken my revenge upon you. With just that small prick of my dagger I am satisfied...

::he drew the blade from her arm and it vanished in a wisp of black smoke. he stood up and took a step back from her peering down at her. the sadness sat in his eyes for the loss of minowa that much could be seen he held his empty hand down to her offering it to her::

The beginning of a new friendship...i hope. Perhaps Minowa would have wanted it this way.

~No sound was made, no expression of pain given when he had pierced the dagger's tip into her arm. But when he had placed a hand under her chin and kissed her forehead, shock was easily seen upon her face. She had thought that death would have been the fate that'd be given, but she thought wrong. Then when he spoke.. her eyes closed, tears released from them, spilling down her face. She finally knew to whom the dark figure was, but why .. why had he not taken her life? When she heard his words though, it explained it. It took awhile until she had reopened her eyes, and when she did, her gaze move to him. She saw him standing there in front of her, a hand extended out to her. Slowly, she took his hand in hers and stood. She spoke nothing the whole time, her mind battling in thought about all that is and was happening. Her head hung low for a while as she stood there, her gaze upon the step of which she was standing upon.

A new light snow began to fall from the sky, a new chill in the air to accompany it. She simply took a step back, into the cabin, but against the open door. She offered him to come in, though not with words. Her right arm was extended out to her side, an invitation of which she hoped he would not decline. She had no ill feelings toward him, no intentions to cause or bring any harm to him. If it were to be the beginning of a friendship, she mind as well be thoughtful of him, and offer him shelter from the cold. She stood there, waiting to see what he'd do.~

::he smiled slightly as she took his hand and stood. The light snow flakes catching his attention but not drawing his gaze from her as she stood silently before him. The next movement she made back to the door and offering him in was met with a nod of his head as she stepped forward inside the cabin speaking as he stood in front of her just for a moment::

Thank you tis a cold night to be alone.........whether in the company of others or by yourself you should not be alone.

::he took a few steps further inside and turned to watch her wondering what her first words would be to the events set in motion now. Would she start questioning? Would she begin to accept this from the start? Who knew....he didn’t...not yet at least::

~After he had stepped inside, she still had not spoken any words, shutting the door behind them. She gestured for him to take a seat, grabbing her cup from the side table. She walked to the kitchen, placing the cup upon the countertop. A glance back at him was given for but a brief moment, and she went back to the task at hand, grabbing a clean cup from one of the cabinets. She carefully pours some hot water into it, mixing the tea solution in with the water. She hadn't asked if he wanted anything to drink, but she made it anyways. Before she walked back to the main room he was in, she grabbed a strip of cloth, wrapping around her forearm where his long dagger had pierced her flesh. She tied the cloth and pick up the cup, walking quietly out of the kitchen. When she had reached him, she held the cup out to him, offering him the tea.

Why was she being so quiet? Her mind wasn't at ease, thoughts flooding her head. She had best to remain quiet until all were worked out. She walked to the fireplace, taking a seat in front of it. She hadn't realized until then that it was dark inside, and the fire was no longer lit. She carefully grabbed a small log, kneeling now instead of sitting, and placed it upon the burnt wood. She lit the fire back up, the flame slowly reheating the room they were in. Eventually she sat back down again, though her attention was upon him, her gaze settled upon his face. She had accepted what had happened, and knew that her inner turmoil will never be gone. A soft sigh escaped her lips as they parted for her to speak. No words came out, only the sigh.~

::he watched her quietly as she went about the task of preparing the tea accepting it with a nod of his head as she offered it out. His eyes never left her even as she went to starting the fireplace kneeling there her back to him a few thoughts passing through his mind as he tried contemplating answers to them. He took a seat wherever was closest waiting for her to say anything now thinking she was about to then only the sigh. He drew in a deep breath finally looking around the room after that eventually eyes returning to her trying to see into her own wondering the thoughts passing through::

~If only it were that easy to read her thoughts, but alas, it wasn't. Her thoughts were too complex, but then again, they were mere fragments needing to be made whole. If one were to read her thoughts though, they would only be able to make out bits and pieces of what they would find. Words left in puzzles, waiting to be put together and be understood. Change, pain, loss, death, sorrow, hate, love, abandonment, and loneliness were amongst the thoughts in her mind. Now if only her thoughts could be understood completely.

Abandonment, that word stuck out from all of the others. Just before she let her thoughts drift deeper into that subject, she turned her head away, looking at the fire. She finally spoke, but not that of her mind or thoughts. The tone in her voice was soft, each word almost a whisper.~

I could have easily gotten my sword and attacked you, but instead, I put my life into your hands. I handed it over as if it meant nothing to me anymore, and it didn't. I expected for you to sever my head from my body, but you didn't. Instead, you pierced the flesh of my forearm, and said that vengeance has been taken as much it ever will be. I accepted it, your friendship and my continuous life. I even accepted you into my home when the storm outside began, yet I know not why. I feel that my life belongs to you, not to me anymore.

~Abandonment, that was what her life was full of. She though about the abandoning she had done, not only to Minowa in the past, but to Ecrinon. Then came the abandoning done to her by her family, her recent love, her friends though they didn't know it yet.~

I am alone, because that is how my life started. False memories, false life ... that is all I knew, living a life of nothing but lies. That had all changed when I met her, your beloved. She showed me the way, taught me how to live my own life. I don't know where it went wrong, or even why, but since that moment of betrayal, everything changed. I lost her and myself at the same time. Aban...

~She was just about to let her thoughts come out, but she caught herself, stopping the sentence before it really even got started.~

All that I am trying to say is that not everyone is meant to go on living forever. I already spent over two hundred and forty-five years living a lie, and now twenty-three years trying to free myself from the painful past. I try righting the wrong, and end up failing in the end. Why did you choose friendship over death when you knew that death was what I wanted? Do you think that having to live with the remembrance of what I've done is far worse a fate than death for me? If so, I must say that you truly are evil, for this suffering does bring me great pain.

~Through this whole time, she never once let her gaze shift from the fire.~

No matter, for as long as I live, my life is no longer of my own, but yours to control.

~That was the last said from her, giving him the chance to finally speak and do as he pleased. Meanwhile, her thoughts continued to run wild in her mind.~

::he listened to her eye intent upon her as she spoke and when he was sure she was done he looked to the same flames she stared into then spoke himself::

Many years ago I was different...much closer to the way my master had wished me...had this issue come up then you would be on your back right now....bleeding and dead or alive none-the-less on your back...I moved into that town...met people who brought change in me...bit by bit things became different....then over the years it finally came to when I met Minowa...I went out of my way for her...I fell in love with her. But being with her made me change even more. She made me open to a better outlook. Killing you.... would never be acceptable.... your soul would never be at ease. Your chance to come to terms with things is only in you must have that chance. It may take you years or it may come an epiphany in a matter of days but you cant bring yourself to ease your own pain when your dead. So if your life is to be under my control.... then I say you will live and find your way to accept the pain and let it be relieved.... let this burden that draws down your hope and happiness be lifted however you can find. I have one idea of how to start but it’s not my place to suggest.

~she listened quietly, and when he was finished speaking, she stood and turned around to face him.~

and what might that idea or suggestion of yours be? I only ask because I have tried many times to move on, and every time I fail at the end. I am open to your suggestions, and any ideas that you would have. but if you could hold on for one moment, I need to get something.

~She turned to the side and walked away into the kitchen. She grabbed a clean cup and filled it with some warm water. She put some of the tea mixture into the water and gabbed a small spoon, stirring it in with the water. When she was finished, she placed the spoon in the sink and grabbed the cup, walking back into the main room. She took a seat upon the couch, her attention no longer upon the fire, but upon him now. There was a hint of a smile upon her face, but it was easily hidden when she raised the cup to her lips, taking a sip of the tea.~

At this point, I am willing to try anything, or do anything at that, to be able to go on with this life. And I thank you for giving me this chance to try to enjoy this life.

::he nodded to her as she stepped away glancing to the floor for a second then when she returned he had a faint smile::

i wish not to be presumptuous but.....i know of do you....he played at least some small part in your life before...would you care to give him another chance? or is it something happened between you two that you rather not even see him.?

::He was trying to figure out some way to maybe lighten her spirits and also some way of getting that pain in the butt out of his own hair. He had buried the hatchet with Ecrinon but he still thought of Ec as a complete pain.::

He also is still where you last saw it wouldn’t be that hard to find him again if you would like to give him a chance.

~she took another sip of her tea while she thought about what he had said. When she was finished, she placed the cup upon a side table, her eyes still upon him.~

Do you think that he would still want me back? It has been a long time since I left like I did. Been so long that I can't remember why I left him like I did, only that I left.

~she turns her gaze to the fire, the wood still burning. Never once had she gone back to put more wood back into the fire after starting it. ~

When I went to deliver that letter to you, I nearly stopped to see if Ecrinon was still there, but I didn't. I don't think that I'll ever be able to answer questions that of which he may have. I already had enough going on, so I left quickly back to here. Suppose I could go back and see him, now that the situation about Minowa's death has been dealt with. I need a break from here and the people to whom I refer to as friends.

~she stands from her seat upon the couch and walks into the small room her sword was in. A desk was in a corner, a table in the center of the room, an oil lamp rested in the center of the table, and one chair on each side of the table. It appeared to be the eatting room, but why a desk in there as well? There were plenty of rooms in the cabin, but if one were to notice, she didn't use many of them. She stopped, looking back at him.~

I will go back to see him, but before I go, I must write a letter to some people.. informing them that I will be gone for awhile. You may stay where you are seated, or you may walk around and see the rest of this place of mine. What ever you choose to do while I write the letter, please do it in peace. I will be but a few minutes.

~she turned her attention back ahead of her, walking into the room and over to the table. She grabbed the oil lamp, lighting its' wick before setting back down upon the center of the table. She then walked over to the desk, grabbing one of the chairs and taking a seat at it. A quill, small container of ink, and some paper already rested upon the desk's surface. She opened the container of ink and took the quill, dipping its' tip into the ink and began writing upon the paper.~

::he listened on glad to hear of what she decided maybe two things good would come of this. She would start going on with the future and he could get rid of his nuisance. He smiled chuckling for a second to himself, but stayed seated as she went to write her letter to her friends. His thoughts moved on to ec who hadn’t really seemed miserable but every time he had seen him it was obvious he wasn’t himself or in a very good mood. His nature had darkened a bit as he became more solitary then ever staying in a guest room of the manor never seeming to come out. When he did it was only for food or to go visit the training room of the manor::

~When she was finished writing the letter, she closed the ink container and set the quill down. Once the ink on the paper was dried, she rolled it up, gently holding it in her left hand. She stood from the chair and walked away from the desk, walking to the wall where her sword hung upon. She took it and it's strap, carrying it in her right hand. She turned and walked to the main room, stopping between both rooms, looking at him. She smiled, though it was faint, her usual smile many would say.~

'Tis time to go, we must depart before the worst of the storm hits. If we don't, then we will not be able to leave for atleast a month. I just have to finish getting a few things and then I will be fully ready to go. I have to drop the letter off at a friend's tavern, from there we will go to your homeland.

~She walked to the kitchen, carefully setting the letter down, and strapped the sword to her left side. She then grabbed a couple bottles of redwyne, and picked the letter back up. From there, she walked into the main room and grabbed her pack by the door. She knelt down, opened the pack and gently placed the two bottles of redwyne inside. In another pocket of the pack, she slipped the rolled up piece of paper inside. She stood and grabbed a cloak, knowing that the weather outside was cold. She put the cloak on, and reached down grabbing the pack, slinging it over a shoulder.~

As ready as I will ever be..

::As she prepared he moved to wait by the door his mount remained outside though as it held a demeanor similar to its master it didnt fuss much while it waited. He drew the hood back over and as he stood there he held that wraith-like appearence though h was calm anbd quiet. When she said she was ready he stepped to the side and opened the door sweeping an arm forward::

Ladies first.....and i hope you have a horse of your own...otherwise you get to ride doubled up with me.

::he stood waiting for her and when it was time he would follow her out the storm didnt bother him much neither did riding through it::

~She smiled at the politeness, but soon it faded when she heard his words.~

Never have I been on such a creature, but I suppose a change is in order for such. And don't think that I like the idea of us having to ride double..

~she shook her head some, stepping outside. A huge gust of wind blew by, forcing a lot of snow against her. She ignored the coldness that nipped at her flesh, as she often did, walking down the steps. There she stood, waiting for him.~

Just make sure the door is closed tight please.

::he closed the door tightly making sure it was secured before he moved off gathering his horse up bringing it over to where she stood he saddled up first then held his arm down to her::

your choice my companion in front of me or behind....might stay warmer in front of me...using my cloak to shield you that is.

::he waited for her decision and no matter what it was he took off as soon as she could settle herself comfortably in the saddle with him. The horse moving as if it had been well rested already blazing down the roads or paths it took charging through the storm-ridden darkness as he made haste to return to the manor. He may not have minded the storm but he felt miss dayna just might.::

~She took his arm, feeling a bit odd of her decision, but she sat in front of him. Warmth was something that she rarely felt from another anymore. She spaced out at the thought, finding herself back into the past. She was sitting with Minowa alongside a stream; the sun wasn't around for it was night. Back then; the sun was an enemy to her, cursing the tainted blood that ran through her veins. Minowa was talking to her about her homeland, and about all the pain that had gone through her life. It was as if she was actually there again, her left hand gently placed upon one of Min's cheeks, it felt so real. The warmth, or was it the coldness.. She couldn't truly remember, but she was happy then. It was deep in the summer time, the ground covered with soft green grass. The waters of the stream were so warm; it took the cold feeling of the flesh away. When the horse began moving, she came back to reality, a tear or two frozen to her face. She raised a hand and with a finger, she gently flicked the iced tears away. She clutched her cloak tightly around her, a chill of the winter snow getting to be the best of her. She tried hard no to concentrate on it, and soon found herself in the past again. She kept drifting in and out of the past, only finding it easier to accept it and all that had happened after reliving it in her memories.~

::He leaned forward pushing her forward a bit leaning down over the horse he moved one arm around her waist as the horse began to pick up speed;;

Detour....and shortcut...just not safe. Keep low and we will get through this area of forest as fast as we can.

::Maybe because she kept zoning out to her thoughts of the past but the last glimpse of the road she could catch through the storm made it look like they were already half-way back to the manor but the road was then cut from view by a few branches whipping past them and the horse with perhaps an inch to spare on each side while they were leaning down. if she looked pieces of broken planks lay scattered on the road on either side and after just a second of those they crossed a gap...more of the horse lapping it. A small gap but deep and dangerous none the less crossing a stream swollen with storm water and moving faster then the norm.::

This will cut our travel time down but we might cross the path of a few unfriendlies.

::after crossing the streaming water he turned the horse to following its bank sand for some reason his cloak seemed a little longer and draped over the sides of her face blocking one side of vision, blocking the sight of the stream that had been a battle sight for Minowa and her at one point before minowa had left::

~She didn’t realize his arm was around her waist until the splashing of the water broke her trance. Seems as though time had passed quickly during her recollection of the past. When she looked to her left, she couldn't see anything. She didn't understand, but figured that he must have had a reason to block her view. She closed her eyes, listening to the horse's hooves in the sand. The sent of the storm water that had filled the stream, lifted to her nostrils. She smiled, that heavenly smell having filled the air around them. Before she knew it, she was back in a forest, a cathedral built along its' Eastern border. Had this been where her and Minowa met first? She couldn't remember. Next thing she knew, the walls of the cathedral stood no more. Ruins, that's all there was to prove of its' existence. She walked around the ruins, stepping into the graveyard behind it. A single grave resided beneath a large tree in the furthest, and emptier, corner of the graveyard. She walks up to the grave, kneeling down to read the headstone.~

"Here lies Camilla Isla,

an annoying, yet loving,

little sprite. She died a

warrior, as she had wished."

~She shakes her head after reading the inscription. "Another one of her various victims, must be to who the others are as well," she thought. She woke, knowing not of when she had fallen asleep, returning to the present. She spoke without even realizing it.~

She had lost her way...

why couldn't I have helped her to find it again?

::So close already to the town as they were once away from the river he settled back in the saddle with the town coming into view he rode through slowing down as they came to the manor entrance a servant coming outside immediately to take the horse. And at that moment he heard her speak::

Dayna we are here....

::he turned to the side and dismounted from the horse holding his arms up to help her down::

Come let us get out of this rain...a fire can be prepared and a room fixed up for you....I’m also sure someone here would be wanting to know of your arrival....don’t you agree?

~Her eyes refocused when she turned her head to look at him. When she heard what he said, it took awhile for her to know where "here" was. Her eyes wandered around, helping her to find out where they were. When she felt him dismount from the horse, her attention went back to him. She stared at his stretched out open arms for a moment, almost as if debating. She hadn't realized that it was raining until after he mentioned it. She turned to the side and let herself slip down into his arms when he suggested getting out of the rain. She smiled faintly, still not fully awakened, or with it for that matter. She whispers to him softly as she slipped out of his arms, walking slowly to the manor's door.~

I would agree, but truly, I know not of how he feels for me still, if he does at all.

~She began to wonder how her friends were doing without her there to bring anyone down. She wondered if they even missed her, somehow, she doubted it. They were free of the zombie, why would they miss her? She stopped caring, focusing on the events ahead of her. She wondered if Ecrinon noticed her even being gone, or if he would welcome her back into his life. Her heart hoped that he would, having longed for his love again.~

::he led her inside and a group of female servants came upon her quickly tugging her gently saying things about getting her into fresh clothes having a fire started or getting a bath drawn for her. they seemed a little excited that another woman was in the house again. He gave a soft nod to her:

I'll be back your room..or he will. but in just a minute or so i say.

::He headed down a hallway to the left the servants all tugging her up the stairs. He turned a few hallways this way and that till he came to a rather battered door.::

Damn boy is gonna break this eventually......

::he knocked waiting for a reply and after a few moments of noe he opened the door to see Ecrinon sitting by the window stareing into the forest::

Someone would like to see you .

Where did you go G-man.....

Did you hear me? someone is here to see you.

Bah who is it? why would anyone care to see one even knows i here....

Well how bout you go see who it is and find out. The servants have taken the guest upstairs to one of the rooms...i would guess they took them to the one just at the top. but you can always ask them.

::Ec turned and looked at him he was still soaked from the rain::

travel long? you have been gone for quite some time....i guess if you took the trouble to go out of your way i might as well find out what this surprise is all about.

:: he walked out the door passed gareck giving the door another punch causing the wood to creak as it swung into the wall::

damn thing is tough...built solid.

::They both returned to the main room and then up to the room the servants had draged her off to Gareck leaving Ecrinon at the door went off to his own room to change::

::He sighed softly standing there just looking at the door and then finally shrugged knocking on the door waiting for an answer::

~She was a bit surprised when she stepped into the manor, the way she was treated was beyond what she had expected. When the group of female servants came up to her, she didn't know how to react. She did want to get some fresh clothing, but never grew to trust others with such a thing. She didn't have the heart to turn them away and say no; instead she smiled, hiding the sadness within from them. When she saw Gareck give a nod of his head to her, she let the servants do as they wished. She caught his words, but gave no verbal reply, letting the servants tug her upstairs. She was brought to a room where she was to be staying in during her time there, and given clean dry clothes to wear. She didn't change right away, enjoying privacy when doing so. She watched as the servants built and lit a fire in the fireplace, smiling in amusement. She had refused the bath, feeling that the rain was refreshing enough. When she finally felt ready to change her clothes, she politely kicked the female servants out, locking the door after they left. When she was just about to change her clothes, she heard a knock on the door. She put the dry clothing down upon the bed, her cloak stuck to her flesh, soaked from the rain. Eventually she said for the person outside of her door to come in. She removed her sword from her side and found a way to hang it above the fireplace. The warmth of the fire upon her flesh felt heavenly to her, she never enjoyed it as much as she did now.~

::Ecrinon knocked and waited and the door muffled the voice somewhat as he was bid to come in and so he opened the door stepping inside and closed it behind him his eyes glancing around and catching sight of the woman at the fireplace her back to him and as soaked as she was he didn’t immediately recognize her from behind he cleared his throat a bit then spoke::

excuse me...but I was given the word that you would like to see me...or is there another guest and I just got the wrong room?

::he wanted to be polite he didn’t really care to right now but Gareck had been getting on his back about his attitude lately so he felt like doing something to make him back off for once::

No one knows I’m here so I’m a little curious as to what you or whoever ‘tis wishing my company may want.

~She stayed where she was, facing the fireplace when she heard the door shut. When Ecrinon cleared his throat and spoke, she let her hands fall from the mantle of the fireplace and rest down at her sides. She didn't turn around or look back at him, smiling to herself for a brief moment.~

'Tis not the wrong room, nor the wrong person,

Indeed I have come to see you, but am not sure that

you would want to see me.

~She closed her eyes tightly, letting free the tears that built up in her eyes.~

This is not how I expected for you to see me,

but I am not willing to wait any longer

to see you again.

~She turned around slowly, strands of her fiery red hair matted to her face. The cloak she wore concealed that of which her clothing did not. Her smile had long faded, turning herself around to look at him. Her violet eyes showed the sadness she tried so hard to hide. There were only a few physical differences of her from how she appeared before she had left, and how she appeared now. A long hairline scar ran down one side of her face, from one corner of her eyes down to the side of her mouth. And she wore clothing that of which was black and more revealing. Other than that, she just about appeared the same as when he had met her.~