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:: 3rd September 2004 ::

Most regrettably, I never did get around to finishing my fan-fiction that was started more than 2 years ago. I figured that no one would want to read it since it is so hopelessly late.

Everyone knew that all I had left was the ending for the characters and generally tying up the story. As a form of apology on my part, I will be narrating my intended ending to M.C. Even though it is rather improper, it is the best way for me end my story and fulfill the remainder of my responsibility as the writer in order not to leave any loose ends.

Oh, well. Here we go.

Chapter 10.10

After Cobalt has been defeated, the group gathers outside. The battle lasted all night long and the sun was beginning to rise.

Brian was glad to see that everyone was safe. Valeria was especially relieved, though she tries to hide it. After all the happy reunion and brief celebration over Cobalt's defeat, Reinhalt and Leonard turns to leave. Brian tries to stop them, but Leonard feels that he is not ready to return back with Brian as he is ashamed to meet Doris (
*Note: Their childhood sweetheart; for those who has forgotten). Having no where to go, and feeling somewhat indebted to Leonard, Reinhalt follows him along, together with Libiteena. The both of them embark on a journey, though it is not known to where.


The 7th month of the year A.W. 0004 on the Calender. With the lost of their leader, the Balfomoria Government was no more. The downfall of the Balfomoria Government was earth-shattering news. Many states got together in a conference and the concept of one dominant state was abolished;  each state would be left to be ruled by their own rulers, never to be disturbed by outsiders.

The Radorian Liberation Army halted all military operations and began on a world-wide restoration of the major cities. There was newfound peace. The 31st Liberation was eventually disband and everyone went their separate ways.

Main Ending

The scene opens with Brian writing into his diary. It has been six months after that faithful final battle.

He begins to contemplate whether all his past actions has been right and if this was the future he has hoped for. Brian has returned to his hometown and currently staying at Doris' place, together with Elgar.

As he jots down his thoughts, he also writes on what happens to the rest of his friends:

- Sesshoumaru has returned to Scholomance to further his magic studies, and at the same time, hone his sword-fighting skills. Brian is confident that Sesshoumaru will succeed in being a fine magical swordsman.

- Chris continues to help out Valeria in the Liberation Army in the help to restore the damage after the war. Brian reminds himself that he should tell Chris to visit his parents if possible, lest they keep worrying about him.

- A newspaper article on the table talks of a group of bandits known as the Guilty Gears. It seems that Ryo has joined up with them, and now leading a carefree life. In this era of instability after the way, they play a role in law enforcement, which is nice but still pretty strange for being a group of bandits. Blyth has chosen to tag along with Ryo. He never did talk much, but Brian knows that he can take care of himself. Perhaps one day, Blyth would settle down on a relationship with some foxy female.

- Maria has returned to her original town and continue to help out at the inn. She still has not found a way to return to her true world, but she is going strong. One day, the truth will come to her. Isis has also accompanied Maria, and continues to carry out her ambition of being a world-class pianist. Brian regrets not asking for her autograph beforehand.

- Shana has embarked on a journey to search for the mysterious Dark Elf, whom she believes may have a link to the destruction of her race. Brian notices that she actually models for advertisements, though she refuses to admit it.

- Christie is now a permanent regular at the Hunter's Guild as it is the best place for her to hone her skills. She adores the attention she is getting and at present, she is tied with the top bounty hunter in the state; Darlest E. Rex (*note: Yup, a crossover from Koji's RD. *koff*).

- Lucia has returned to Vale, and is getting forced into marriage again. Brian is sure that she will come up with something to avoid the marriage again; like what she did with all her 99 other suitors. The Lucia that Brian knew is one that would never be tied down by relationships.

At this point in time, Brian is interrupted by a knock on the door. Doris has entered the room and asked him down as she had a surprise for him. The dining table was laid out, as though they were expecting guests. Elgar walked by and remarked that he has spent weeks sending out all the invitations and their guests will be here soon.

Somehow, Brian knew what to expect. There was a flurry of footsteps coming from outside and Brian recognized the familiar chatter of voices.

He feels a sudden feeling of warmth as he reaches out and opens the door to welcome his friends who have not seen for a very long time...

= The End =

Well, that basically ended the story. There was a period of time where I really wanted to have a continuation, so I prepared even more endings that actually set the stage for the sequel.

As you can see, I actually (stupidly) did the 'follow-up' endings first before the main endings. So here they are in their full glory:

- Epilogue 1: New Uprising
- Epilogue 2: Army of Darkness

Yup, all things are not end as 'nicely' as it seems. Galford has had his own personal agenda all along, whereas Jadou prepares to resurrect his master. It all would've made for a hopefully interesting sequel.

Closing Words

Oh, well. I guess this is where I say my closing words and goodbyes.

All I want to say is a big thanks to everyone for allowing me to accomplish something that I will remember for the rest of my life.

I've always wanted to weave my own fanfic, inspired by some of my favorite games and characters. However, I've always been shy about doing so. You have all allowed me to do something out of the norm. Even though I feel a little uneasy when I look back at MC (my inconsistent writing style with all sorts of cliches, and *gasp* all the copyright laws I've broken for using those images & names), I will treasure the memories.

There may never be a sequel to MC, but with the 2 epilogues I have written, I hope that you guys may continue to dream of what happens from there. Cos' remember: the story may have ended, but you still can continue to imagine what happens from there and fill in the blanks yourself.

Ah, well. That's enough from me. We have come a long way. See you guys around.

3rd September 2004

If you still would like to leave comments or share your thoughts, feel free to e-mail me at my regular address: yamikarasu31@hotmail.com
The forum is still here, for those who still want to visit it: http://p208.ezboard.com/bkkoh2
If anyone out there is doing any more fanfics/rpgs, feel free to let me know cos' I enjoy reading those.

Mildoras Chronicles
25th April 2002 - 3rd September 2004

A million thanks to all readers/supporters.
May we meet again in another adventure into our imaginations.

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