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ObsidiansTears: *Smirkeh*
Ross and Hedwig: *gasp* Hello beautiful.
ObsidiansTears: Heh
ObsidiansTears: I'm not beautiful
Ross and Hedwig: *sniff* Yes you are... ;-; *smooch* becuase i said so.
ObsidiansTears: Okay
ObsidiansTears: Thankies
ObsidiansTears: heh
ObsidiansTears: *Smooch*
Ross and Hedwig: ^-^ yay! Want to continue...? I'm at my sisters and not RPing with anyone, so if your free I am. *nod*
ObsidiansTears: Yes Yes
ObsidiansTears: *Latch Huggle*
Ross and Hedwig: I.. dont remember my post.. ;-; Im on a diff computer. did you get my post?
Ross and Hedwig: *clings*
ObsidiansTears: no...
ObsidiansTears: I don't think so...
ObsidiansTears: *Tear*
Ross and Hedwig: daamn.... Ok,do you remember about Liona? I remeber Seven's post...
ObsidiansTears: Liona just sorta left with Nikki...
ObsidiansTears: She gets pissy when 'Father' changes his mind...
Ross and Hedwig: hehe, alright..... Ill see what i can do. plus you can join here if you aren't verybusy ^^ I just got a board.
Ross and Hedwig: Giving a reassuring squeeze to Liona's tail with his own spade tipped tail Nikki walks along side her once outside. Once she touches his small half-hidden horn he smiles and moves a bit closer. "I got them two days ago. Is it a male thing.... Because you dn't have horns. But you must admit.... They are rather.. sexy..." At this Nikki's forked tongue leaves it's home long enough to slide across Liona's ear lobe. Julius moans softly, barely auidibly. Opening dark eyes to see who was holding him. Onne realizing it was Seven a brow raises and a soft smile slides across his near colorless lips. "My...." he coughs lightly, only to cause more blood to flow out from the open wounds on his neck. "My.... angel has come.... to take me to a better place....." His scarred hand slowly andalmost not noticbly takes Seven's hand. holding it lightly. eyes colse once more....
ObsidiansTears: Seven shakes her head, "No... Not an angel... I'm not an angel... I'm not... I'm not... Please wake up Julius..." She places her lips against his forehead, "If I'm an angel.. I fell long ago... I can't take you anywhere better... I can't even comfort you...." She sighs bringing her wrist to her mouth she sinks her teeth into a vein, the blood spurting. Loweing it slowly, she presses it softly against his lips, "Julius... Don't... Don't go like this... Not like this..." Liona smirks, "Oh yes... Tanatalizingly sexy... Almost as sexy as your shape..." She teases turning her head to catch his tongue with her own.
Ross and Hedwig: Stopping only half way down Ross' lane Nikki's arms wrap around Liona's frame. Pressing lips against her's and near demanding a kiss as he leans forward more a passionte kiss was given and taken. Clawed fingertips lightly toy with ravven locks... ~Ah, I must say... You flatter me Liona. But no one is as beautiful or as sexy as you are.~ Came his mind spoken words. Julius raises a free hand a lightly presses against hers. The wounds on his neck slowly healed, and very painfully i might add. Using his saliva coated tongue he drinks from the girl..... Ops remained closed for a moment longer but he eventually opens them to gaze at her. Such a pain was cutting his heart in two. Hiding the other hand he continues to feed slowly. Not taking too much. Ross slowly raises from where he sat and moans. hearing and seeing all that Seven had been doing he shakes failry badly... Why couldn't he help her like a normal father could. Why couldn't she accept the love, devotion, and affection he wanted so badly to share with her at all times... Things always went wrong... the crumbling vampire hooks an arm about his wiste. not knowing where to go or what to do...
ObsidiansTears: Seven pulls her hand away suddenly, and she smiled sadly, "Run away Julius... Before I make things worse..." Standing up she watched her wrist heal, with the unhuman ease. "Nothing will ever become of me... But you have an aura about you that screams success... Get away from here before you become like me... Or Ross...." She hated to admit it, but it was true... Ross... Seven... They were one in the same, both caught in an eternaly sinking boat. Liona's body shook with laughter as she wrapped her arms around him, her kiss equal in the savage passion that seemed to come along with her demon blood ~Carnal pleasure Nikki.... Carnal pleasure...~
Ross and Hedwig: "No....' Came soft words, Julius's wound fully healed but he curled up on the floor. "I don't have anywhere... to go... Please, Seven.... Kill me." He half pleaded the girl to destroy his pathetic form. If he couldn't have her love... The one he was made for then he didn't want to walk this place. "No.. I'll do it...." At this the 18 year old vampire slowly and wobbily stands up. stumbling to the door he pulls it open..... coughing again h near falls down the stone steps. not all strength was returned. Using one of those clawed hands Nikki lightly caresses the nape of Liona's neck, allowing fingers to run through her hair again. Tongue happily played with hers in a twisted macarbre of love after death.
ObsidiansTears: "Julius... Don't be daft... Who said I didn't love you? I just refuse to hurt you.. Now get out... But if you dare rase a hand against yourself, I'll make you wish you never spoke to me..." Tears rolled down her cheeks and she exited from the room, brushing past Ross, a slight hatred towards the man buzzing about her. Liona's hands were much more bold than his, running down the sides of his body and hovering over his hips, fingers pressing under the belt-line to rest there.
Ross and Hedwig: OOC| I'll be right back, my mom needs the telephone.
Ross and Hedwig: OOC| Sorry about that ^^;
Ross and Hedwig: Onc Seven passes him Ross shakes worse and sinks again. More tears strained his milkywhite face and then he takes off after her. Frowning he doesn't dare touch her. "What did i EVER do to you!" He exclaims... Wiping tears off of his face. "Why do you get angry at me for something i havn't done!" Growling now he demanded an answer and he wanted the truth. Julius moans again and sits down on the stone steps. "It.... Doesn't hurt....." he coughs, words were hard to say... yet she couldn't hear him... He continued anyway. "It... doesn't hurt if... you love me.... but you don't love me.... If you didn't want to hurt me..... Then..... You would show me that you cared... instead of pushing me.. away..." Covering his young face with pale and scarred hands he moans slightly. More tears fell. Nikkipresses his entire frame against hers. This of course keep her hands where they are... Yet since she was exploring he would as well. Hands moved to her endowed chest. Caressing that area hhe allows a razor sharp, ivory fang to lightly peirce her lip. The elixir instantly falls.
ObsidiansTears: "Because..." She turns to him, "You were there... The whole time... Knowing I needed someone... And you just stayed... Standing there... Not allowing yourself to come to me... You say you love me, but when I need you.. You fade away..." Seven shakes her head, "I love him... Get him out of here... Make him go somewhere... Somewhere where things will work out for him..." She threw her hands in the air and ran up to her room. ~Nikki~ Liona moaned, tounge ravaging his, her teeth cutting into his upper lip so their blood would mix in the middle.
Ross and Hedwig: Ross walks over to Julius and sits down beside him. Frowning as he feels the pain of teo instead of just one. "It's me that has to go..." he whispers to Julius. An absent tear makes it's way down his cheeks. "I'm nothing... A fucking.... Imbecile." Covering his face he sighs softly. "If... I'm gone then she can be happy with you. I wouldn't be able to... hurt her anymore. No mater what she says.... It's all lies. She doesn't love me. She hates me and I.... know it...." Julius looks over to Ross and collapses then. out cold.... "No one... cares." Ross nods to himself then smiles. "but i will always love her. Whether she.. loves me or not..." Having learned much from a girlfriend long ago Julius was brought back into reality. Lifting the child into his arms he carries him to a local bar. Grabbing two girls and snapping their necks after he sets Julius in a corner. soon after everyone ran out he sets the girls infornt of Julius. "feed.... Seven needs you. Soon.... She will need you more." Julius then does as he's told, not really understanding Ross' words. He feeds greedily from the dead girls. Nikki Moans back as the taste of the mixture filled their mouths. mixing with the saliva. Smiling behind her lips he pulls back slightly to murmur against her lips... "Liona...."
ObsidiansTears: Seven slumps against the door to her room, knife once again in her hand. She begins to carve into her arm, not really intent on killing herself, just inflicting pain. Besides, the scars would heal in time... R...O...S...S... The words spelled out in jagged letters, "Will you ever know how much I need you?" She questioned the name, licking the blood, sucking it from the wound. Liona smirked, "Yes Nikki?" She questioned, head cocking.
Ross and Hedwig: Not expecting the question from Liona, Nikki searches for something to say. His tail squeezes hers lightly... "I...." He shakes his head and lips pull up into a smile. shrugging he mutters.. "You taste good...." That was all he could think of and it would have to do. Ross watches Julius with empty black eyes. He thought of himself as a failure..... And perhaps he was. As even Maudier said... 'the only reason i live is to fuck and be fucked by Ross' That girl he knew didn't love him. Or so he thought.... and he was beginning to die again. It just hurt so bad... Everything. Yet he loved Seven, he needed her as much as she needed him. Like the candle needs a flame to have a purpose. Seven was Ross' flame.... Julius soon fnishes his meals.... prehaps it was a bit too much as he was drugged by the delishious crimson and salty blood. "Why..... did you... do that Ross? She... told you to take.. me away...." Ross jumps back into reality, hiding thoughta that flew through his mind. "I.. did it because she loves you. and you love her... Love isn't to cause pain... Just... give her time Julius. Give her time...." OOC| *sigh* brb again.
ObsidiansTears: Liona laughed, "I see... That is an amazing collection of words you have there..." She teased, licking his cheek. Seven stared at the scarring name, it wasn't big, small enough for her to draw a heart around it, and that is what she did. Shrugging, indiferant to the pain, she stood up as the bleeding slowed and pulled a sleeve from her drawer, pulling it over her left arm. There that was her new 'must have' accessory."
Ross and Hedwig: Julius slowly stands up, eyes half closed as he held the warm blood... "I.. Should just go. Just... like she said. I.. left her... one thing... That's all she needs" Of course he was talking about the poem he left.... The one that pained him so to right... "she was a blood stained egg. We didn't handle with care... It's broken and bleeding.. And we can never repair." At these slurred words he walks outside. headed back to his home.... The alley. This time... he wouldn't leave. Ross stands and nods lightly... "I broke her...." he whispers then hooks an arm around her waist and walks to Julius. "take care..... Please." Then he appears infront of Seven. No tears or evidence any were shed. Only reason he intruded was to see her. Once that was done, his black ops scanned her face and her frame he walks over to her. kisses her cheek, then leaves her room. Sitting just outside of it, his back pressed to the closed door. Nikki smirks and licks her nose in return. "Come on Liona.... Let's be off." He hooks an arm with her then starts walking again. "oh, and thank you.... I meant it.'
ObsidiansTears: Seven stood, her eyes caught the twinkle of metal on her bed and she walked over to it. Delicate fingers clench around the tongue ring, the point digging into her palm. "Your too young... You don't understand... You need to grow up Julius..." Letting it drop with a clink she reads the two poems that were sent to her, "You consider me something week than?" She hissed... Dropping the papers as well, walking out of her room. "ROSS!" She called into the darkened house, needing him now. Liona smirked, "And where are we of to than young demon?"
Ross and Hedwig: Julius sits infront of the dumpster once more and smiles to himself. completely drugged by the terrid blood. All else around him oblivious. Ross Ross gets hit in the back of the head as she pushes open the door. frowning he raises a hand and rubs where he got hit then looks up to her. "I'm... right here." he murmers to her. Ebony ops unwaver from her form. standing up he turns to face her, hands stuffed in his pockets, shoulders slumped, head low. "I'm.. right here." Nikki smirks back, nudging Liona as he walks. "Well... Whereever you want. Up to you mon precios..." One hand lightlygrasps her behind, fingers giving it a light squeeze.
ObsidiansTears: Seven pulls down her sleeve, "There does that proove it to you damnit? What the fuck do I have to do, burn it onto my damned stomach? Or perhaps my forhead so it's level with your eyes..." She hissed, "God Ross... Why must you insist I hate you? I get mad okay? Lots of people get mad... Lots of people... I need you... I love you..." She cried, staring at him. "More than a father.. More than anything... Please... Ross.." Liona twisted from his grasp, "We should go dancing.. Yes dancing..." She giggled, tail grabbing at his leg.
Ross and Hedwig: Jerking slightly toward her as she pulled at his leg Nikki shakes his head. "dancing! I... Don't think I can do that... I..." he shrugs, demonic wings ruffle lightly. "I dont tink.. I'm good enough for you." Ross looks at the carved name and then at herr crying face. "because i'm a failure and i don't deserve the love from someone like you." Ross answers below a whisper. So only a vampire could hear if they were listening. Pulling the girl tightly into his arms Ross doesn't let go. Just holding there he showers her with small kisses here and there. "I love you.... You know I love you! I know you get mad! but Seven..... I know i'm not good ebough for your love. I don't understand how you could love me! Eventually... one of these times you really will mean what you say..... One of these times you will hate me... and I just dont know when that will be....."
ObsidiansTears: Seven sighs, "Well it's there isn't it?" She hissed, pressing her lips against his ~You deserve happieness... Just like everyone else Ross~ Her tongue brushed up against his lips, arms holding him in a light embrace. Liona laughed once again, "everyone dances... I mean.. How can you not dance? You were a human weren't you? We should go to the carnival, so I can tease all your fans.. That would be exciting!"
Ross and Hedwig: Still holding Seven lightly Ross hesitates to kiss her back, allowing her to do what she pleased... but then. Leanind forward his own otngue added to the kiss that even he wished to return. Lips play with hers as tongue dances.... Pulling her closer ebony ops closed slight sounds of pleasure escape from behind the locked lips..... ~Why.... me? Seven! Why me!~ he growls slightly, perhaps it was an animal sound of wanton.... Brittle fingers now run through her hair, not but nearly forcing the kiss. Nikki chuckles then nods lightly, "Alright, then to the carnival we go. Should we walk, or shall we take to the skys? Oh! and... no more hurting my fans... not physically. They give me money....." Licking her lobe his lime-green painted lips pull up into a smile
ObsidiansTears: ~I don't know~ Was her only reply, as her tongue continues it's play. The swapping of saliva causing her to moan in return. Stroking his hair, with the love she never understood... Soft, careful, slow movements, as if she was afraid he would break. Liona pouted, "But.. She was tasty... And sexy... Skinny bitch..." She nods, agreeing with herself. "Walking.... Is fine.." She murmured, as her appearance changed to the normal human girls. She was unnaturally pretty, but most didn't take mind to that, unless they wanted to stare.
Ross and Hedwig: Nikki's own form turned to that of a gaunt male. Walking along side her, he keeps a soft smile. Hand now held hers. "Weeeell..... Alright, I guess one more couldn't hurt." He murmurs atlast chuckling slightly as he glances to her. carefully his teeth catch her pouting lip. Tounge added to the teasing movements. Ross pulls away slightly and looks at her. She knew his pain... He knew hers. They were so much a like, in certain areas.... it was scary. With his arms still around her, hands cupped the nape of her neck. Eyes looking over her profile slowly. her lips, nose, eyes, forehead and all of the oother features. Without a word he plants another soft kiss on her lips. a quick one yet it was in a way passionate. It still hurt him to do this... Because no matter how much she loved this child.... He couldn't fall in love with her. Not now.... not yet..... but perhaps in the future. Smiling lightly his unpainted and full masculine lips show great feeling and emotion..
ObsidiansTears: (I've got to go.. Night)
ObsidiansTears signed off at 9:57:03 PM.