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7/1/03 - Finally, with much help, I have the site back up complete with downloads. I'm working hard on a new story, Blood Vein, and much research is going into it. I'll have the first chapter, which is more of a prologue, up in a matter of days. Thanks to everyone whom has helped me with the website or ideas for the story.

As I write stories I will put them up for other people to read. You may give a rating of any of my stories in the Feedback link. I ask you to be as honest as possible when replying while keeping it clean. There's also a news section down below that you can quickly check to see if anything's changed. Thank you and enjoy your visit.

Contact me at


I have Crypt of Time up, finally, and please give me some feedback on how you liked the story. I will begin writing that vampire story I told you about within a week, I just have to get my thoughts together on how it will work. Give some suggestions on what I could do differently or what you would like to see in a vampire story. Hmm, seeing as this one may be rather lengthy it could be described as a novel. Anyhow, check by every now and then because I may have a few teaser paragraphs from the story as I progress.


This picture is the cover of Black Horror 2, full credit given to my mom, Brenda Mayer.
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