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Matt Hardy Version "1" Has Arrived....


Scene 1

Scene Open's

As you see Jim Ross and Jerry * The King* Lawler........

JR- Early this moreing I sitted down with Matt Hardy and I asked him how he felt about his match on Raw and just for you King I asked about Lita aswell so let's take a look at that video!!!!

King- Yeah I gotta hear what he has to say about Lita!!!

As the fan's look up at the Titantron as it show's Jim Ross talking to Matt Hardy........

JR- Matt you and The Rock has a chance to become Number 1 Contenders For The Tag Titles on Raw and you two will be faceing the team of Hurricane and Kane so what are your thought's on this match?

“Matt Hardy – Version 1.0: Well I have not heard a word from The Rock but you know that doesn't matter because This match on Monday Night is a chance to get some where in SEW, and This match on Monday night is something special now, You see Matt Hardy Version 1.0 can do this without any help from The Rock or anything, The only question is can Hurridork and The Big Red Retard beat me? no they can't I mean come on when these two look in the mirror do they see what I see? When I look in the mirror and I mean take a good look do you know what I see? Of course you do because you are one. I see a winner! I see a future Legend of this business and I can promise you that once this event on Monday is over every single one of my fan's will be chanting my name cause they know that I am the best in this buisness and tomorrow night on Raw I will prove it so Hurricane and Kane you both will receive a Mattitude Adjustment!!!!

JR- Now recently you have asked Lita if she still wanted to be with you but she didn't give you her answer yet so what are your thought's on this?

“Matt Hardy - Version 1.0: Well me and Lita had a great and a beautiful realationship and I have alway's wanted to ask her a question but I didn't get to cause we was really busy at that time and you know when I was going ask her she was injured and she wasn't able to do anything so I just didn't get the chance but you know I hope she know's this that I was alway's there by her side everytime she needed me and I have alway's believed in her and I do love her and someday I hope I get my chance to ask her something that I have alway's wanted to ask her so Lita if your listing I hope you know I will never give up on you and no matter what happen's I will alway's care about you and I will alway's love you no matter what!!!!

JR- Well thank's for your time Matt and I can't wait to see your match tomorrow night on Raw!!!!

As the camera's go to Matt Hardy and Lita as you see Matt handing roses to Lita then he hug's her as he begin's to talk to her........

“Matt Hardy - Version 1.0: Amy what do you mean you can't trust me well I'll tell you what if you think just because what happen between me and Jeff that I will do the same to you well the answer is no and I will tell you why I did that to Jeff well he alway's thought he was better then me and when we was together he alway's hold me down cause like I said he alway's thought he was better then me but the truth is he isn't and he never will be I mean come on everytime Jeff had a chance to make a name for his self he alway's screwed up and look at me I have never screwed up and you know I think Jeff was jelous of us aswell cause I know he alway's wanted to be with you and you know not only Jeff was jelous of us he was jelous of me cause I had a better career then he did and I was much better then he was and I had somebody who loved me and that's you Lita so I am asking you please find it in your heart to trust me and believe me that I will never hurt you or cheat on you cause your the only one I want and your the only one I love and not only was you my girlfriend you was my best friend cause you believed in me and you was alway's there for me and you know if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been big as I was when I was in WWE cause you was the one who really made me cause I had you by my side and you know when you had that chance back in WWE to become the Woman's Champion I knew you was going do it cause I believed in you so Amy I will give you time to think about this and I hope you know I do care for you and love you and no matter what I alway's will and Amy please remember the moment's we had and if we have to take it slow I will cause I will do anything for you!!!!

As Matt is about to leave but before he does a little boy in a wheelchair come's up to him.......

Fan- Matt Hardy you are my favorite wreslter and I do hope Lita does get back with you cause I looked up to you both as my hero's and you was the best couple in WWE so Matt can I have your autograph?

“Matt Hardy - Version 1.0: Sure MF'er anything for my fan's!!!!

As Matt hand's the kid the autograph picture and his new t-shirt as the kid smile's as Matt shake's the kid's hand as the kid's make's his way down the hall meeting more of the SEW Superstar's........As Matt Hardy make's his way down the hall as The Coach come's up to him........

Coach- Matt what are your thought's about your match on Raw?

[[ooc-ignore the 43 crap]]

“Matt Hardy - Version 1.0: You know Coach this year is different to any other I have ever had in my life. I’ve got total control! I am in the best shape of my career and I get a chance to make a name for my self this Monday! This year will make my legacy known, this year will get me the recognition I deserve and this year is what I’ve been working for all my life! This year I will be the biggest name in the SEW and to do that I have to start it off the right way! The right way if your Matt Hardy is to win the Number 1 Contenders match For The Tag Titles this Monday! The right way is to get in the ring and make an example out of everyone that gets in my way! The right way is to show the World why any wrestling federation would kill for someone like me! The right way is to inject a dose of Mattitude into Hurricane and Kane on Raw! A few day's ago if anyone approached me I would say “Live for the Moment” now everything has changed and I say, “Live to be the Number 1” & ''Live to be the Best'' and that’s what I’m doing! This week on Raw I’m going to show everyone why I do that! I’m going to show everyone that the Era of Mattitude is here to stay!!!!

As Matt walk's off as the camera's go to all the MF'er's who are standing on there feet cheering for Matt Hardy as they hold up there sign's........'Live for the moment' by Monster Magnet hits over the PA System as the computerised tron plays for the crowd to see. The best entrance is viewed by the thousands in attendance and the millions watching via TV. Matt Hardy walks out as the crowd cheer him on. as Matt stands at the top of the ramp and signals verion 1 with his fingers,then he make's his way down the ramp as he reaches to the ring he jump's up on the apron and goes through the middle rope's then he head's to one of the turnbuckle's as he climb's up and poses to the fan's then he jump's down and walk's over to Lillian Garcia as she hand's Matt the microphone as the fan's quiet down to hear what Matt has to say........

“Matt Hardy - Version 1.0: Now me and The Rock has a chance to become the number one contedner's to face the Tag Team Champion's but we gotta beat Hurricane and Kane but you know that will be a easy win knowing we have a guy who think's he is a hero but the truth he isn't because he doesn't have any super power's oh wait he does have the power to bore the fan's and he does have the power to lose but you know he should know The Green Lantern suck's and there is only three great super hero's and they are Spiderman,Daredevil and me Matt Hardy - Version 1.0 and now to Kane who is nothing but a big red retard who hide's his face with a mask I mean come on what's he really hideing is he really burnt or is he just saying that so we would feel sorry for him well tomorrow night I will rip the mask right off him and show all the fan's truth but Kane you need to know that you don't scare me and you never will and I did beat your brother The Undertaker two time's and he is a way better athlete then you are so you both better be prepaird cause both of you are going get an ass kickin!!!!

All of the sudden 'Live for the moment' by Monster Magnet hits over the PA System as the computerised tron plays for the crowd to see. The best entrance is viewed by the thousands in attendance and the millions watching via TV,Matt Hardy walk's over to the rope's as he flip's over them as he land's outside on his feet as he make's his way up the ramp he high five's some of his fan's then he goes through the curtains as the scene fade's........