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Name: Demoness Dianna {Dem}
Age: 29 years
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Hazel..but known to change to crimson red
Race: Demon/Vampire
Married to: DayWokr..The King of Lost~Souls
Children: {6}...Aerial..Carissa..Damon..Darrin..Damia..Damita
Abilities: shift into different things..burst into flames [fire can't harm me] throwing..magic..

As a young girl I traveled from town to town searching and seeking anyone or anything that could lead me to my parents. I met a lot of interesting people along the way. Then one I was hanging out with a couple of friends from the KoR clan...another friend of theirs came into the castle his name was DayWokr...As he entered the main room and our eyes met I knew in my heart from that moment on that he was the man that my heart and soul belonged to.

~DayWokr~&~Demoness Dianna~

All it took was him to smile at me and my heart melted..from that day on he and I were together for hours on end...talking, laughing, sharing every moment we could together. As we sat talking one day I ask him what it was like to be a vampire and he explain all there was to know to me..and I ask him if he would embrace me so that I could be with him forever..he gently took me into his arms and held me so close to him..I felt as though my heart would leap from my my eyes locked to his wonderful blue eyes and he whispered to me "are you sure this is what you want Dianna?"..I smiled to him and whispered "yes I want to be yours forever"

As he pulled me against his body..his arms gently wrapped around my waist as one hand slowly moved to the back of my neck gently tilting my head to the side as his fingertips slowly brushed my hair away from my neck. As his eyes left mine, my breathing was all I could hear as I closed my eyes..feeling his warm breath flow over my flesh..hearing a soft moan escape his lips as his fangs gently peirced the tender flesh of my neck. Feeling my blood flow from my my love held me against him changing my life forever to be with him.

Then one dark night as I was walking down a trail that lead me deep into the woods..a dark image appeared a few feet ahead of me blocking my path..just as I turned to flee the way I had came another appeared and grabbed me by my throat lifting me from the ground..Trying to fight and break myself free..the form spoke a few words...I could hear the other behind me laughing with the most evil laugh I have ever his words stopped...everything around me went dark and my body fell limp in his grip...

Waking up I found myself laying on the cold hard ground. Trying to focus my eyes on my surroundings, I realized I was somewhere I did not know. Pulling my weakened body up slowly to my feet. I glanced around the woods trying to see something familar to me. For days I traveled trying to find the town from which I was taken. My body worn and tired, I knew I had to find him, so I pushed myself feeding from small animals I caught. Remembering him saying I had to feed to survive.

One night as I was walking down this long trail that lead around a lake I looked up seeing lights ahead of me the building looked so familar. As I walked closer I realized it was the tavern that we had met at. My heart pounding as I tried to run to the door, hopeing he would be here. Looking down at my torn dress sighing as I brushed my fingers through my hair, thinking I must be a mess. But knowing if he were here he wouldn't care because I was safe.

As I pushed the door open and stepped inside, I searched every face in the room. Not seeing him anywhere as I searched frantically wanting to find him so badly to let him know I was alive. Just as I was about to turn and walk out the door I heard a voice that sounded like heaven in my ears. Speaking softly "Day" as I turned back around looking up into the rafters seeing him my heart began to race with joy. Then I realized he was not alone, for sitting beside him was another. His eyes widen with shock as our eyes met, I turned to leave once more knowing he had moved on. He called my name "Dianna" before my hand touched the door, he was behind me "Dianna, we need to talk".

As I walked to the place he asked me to meet him, my heart felt as if it was shredding into a million pieces. Walking into the place, my head lowered as I knew if I looked into those blue eyes I would totally lose control. I listened to his words of him telling me he thought I was gone forever, and I understood why he moved on with his life, even if I wanted my to end at that very moment. Looking up briefly I told him all I ever wanted was for him to be happy. Turning and walking around from the man that owned my heart and soul was the hardest thing I had ever done, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

All alone once again, I traveled around passing his path once in awhile, unable to look at him knowing my heart and soul would always be his and knowing it was so painful to see him with another. I began to drink alot, hanging out in the tavern joking around with friends. As time past Day and I began to talk again and become friends, he asked me to join his clan which I did proudly. Time moved on, and day by day we knew deep in our hearts we still cared but never showed it.

We were married Nov 14th, and I became his wife and his Queen. We have faced many things together. walked through hell and back it seems to almost be our second home. But our love was and is strong enough to hold us together and we stand side be side now and face what we must. Knowing our love will last