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Pale skinned, with silver hair that fell to his shoulders, the elf stood in the doorway, shrouded in blackness. The shadows obscured slender limbs, and icy ebony eyes pierced the tavern from a motionless form. He was an aristocratic sculpture of perfect, haughty features. A tavern waitress happened to glance up, catching the icy black gaze. She froze, unable to move, her gaze locked on frighteningly attractive features. It was with little effort that Drabek took control of her frail mind. Hesitant steps took her slowly closer to him. The darkness surrounding him seemed to reach out and engulf her. Like a cat with a mouse, Ekmar toyed with her. Her struggle was amusing to him. She fought the suggestions filling her mind until she could resist no longer, and finally she gave in to his much greater power. Illusions of his strong arms holding her, velvet lips brushing across her throat filled her with desire and lust before sharp fangs sank into her smooth skin....

Havenlore is a place of disorder
and ruin, occupied by filth and

Positions of power are slowly
sucking the life out of the very
realms that they command,
spiraling into a doom that their
own greed blinds them from.

However, times are changing.
And my return will mark the
beginning of a new era
in Havenlore.

My army is being built now.
Join and be a part in the new
destiny of Havenlore.

Everything is about to change.