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Lost Soul
Lost Soul
Lost Soul
Race: Halfling
Sex: Male
Weapon: Dark Chaos GunBlade

Strength 150,000
Speed 240,000
Intel 150,000
Hit Points 100,000
Energy 220,000
Ki 660,000
Extra Points 0

Other Stats
Status Chillin
Planet Earth
Items None
Money $2,000
E-mail Unsure
Aim s/n DM Lost Soul

Magic Move Limit
Wind- 15% of Intel Punch/Kick 10% of Str Level 1: Dark Chaos Rising 15% of Str
Earth- 15% of Intel Ki Control Level 1.2: Dark Chaos Slashing 20% of Str
Posion- 15% of Intel for 3 Turns Sword Control
Nature- Can't move or attack for 2 Turns Magic Art
Cure- 20% of Intel Limit
Fire- 15% of Intel Bukujutsu
Blizzard- 15% of Intel Enrage
Water- 15% of Intel Power Up
Haste- 25% of Spd Transform
Slow- 25% of Spd Power Transfer
Thunder- 15% of Intel 5,000 Ki Martial Arts
Thundara- 25% of Intel 10,000 Ki Cheap Shot
Thundaga- 50% of Intel 15,000 Ki Solar Flare
Thunder Blast- 75% of Intel 20,000 Ki Dodanpo- 25% of Energy
Thunder Elemental- 125% of Intel 100,000 Ki Mouth Blast- 15% of Energy
Nova (All But Caster)- 150% of Intel 100,000 Ki Throwdown- 20% of Str
Super Nova (All but Caster)- 250% of Intel 3,000,000 Ki Leg Sweep- 10% of Str
Thunder Punch- 25% of Intel 10,000 Ki
Thunder Kick- 25% of Intel 10,000 Ki
Ultima- 100% of Intel 50,000 Ki
All Ultima- 125% of Intel 50,000 Ki