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"To protect, promote, and preserve the Vale and its inhabitants."

We are The Leatherfoot Legion, a peaceful guild from the Morell-Thule server of Everquest. We feel that it is our duty to keep Norrath balanced by bringing kindful acts and duties to the ever-growing population of the planet. Being a "Good Willed" guild, we comprise of mainly good races and classes, and plan to stay true to this at all times.

This Site is currently Under construction, we ask that you please bear with this till it is up and finished- Webmaster Goppwin.

Attention all members of Leatherfoot Legion, sign the guestbook below so tht i can add you to the members page)

Please E-mail me for raid suggestions, or any other suggestions as well.

Attention!: I have just gotten control of our Guildmagic site! Please make your character and add them to the guild, it will send me an email and i will approve of your name. Once approved, tour name will be added to roster! Do this immeadiatly!

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