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There is a land of unknown
time where light and dark
are just like day and night.

Almost conflicting in
their ways, as they
appear on different sides.
It is not to say there is
war, but just a difference.
Both have their own good
qualities and different
people are on either side.

Nobody knows how long it
has been around, thus the
words of unknown time.
You have walked among
the land and chosen one
that is part of light.

The lands are beautiful
and the plantations lush.
A castle stands amongst
the land, sitting almost
beneath the sun.

It is a place where people
are heard and helped.
And in exchange we ask
that you follow the ways
of our land, according to
what we have been taught.

There is a tranquility and
fellowship here that is
rarely found in other places.
And we hope that you shall
find your place among us.

~ The King and Queen of Demetria ~

Choose a path
History of the land
King of Demetria
Queen of Demetria
Our Guild