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When almost all the trainings u can leave the planet and travel and u can do more than one training at a time

Speed Training: This will be a 10 day prosses u won't gain any Power or Life but 10,000Sp

Strength Training: This will be a 10 day prosses u won't gain any Sp or Life but 10,000Power.

Life Training: This will be a 10 day prosses u won't gain any PL or Life but 10,000Life

Sword Training: Train by yourself or with a partner with a sword. Takes 5 days. Gain 5,000 Power,4,000 Sp, 4,500 Life.

Weight Training: (Weights needed, any kind of weights) Done by yourself, takes 5 days to complete. A gain of 2500Power and 2500speed 2500Life. It doubles if u have all weights

Fusion: You must have some sort of proof of ur character fusing if you want to learn the fusion dance and this will take you 20 days to learn, and your two power levels and ki combind into one. Unless u have the fusion ear rings

New Attack: In this training you will not gain any stat you only do this to learn a new attack. Takes 2 days to complete

Money Missions: For this training you will have to wait 15 days without doing anything(u can't leave the planet you are on, or do another training.)you will get 30,000 Money

Old Suprem Kai Training:(Must be on planet Kai)and(Must be able to pull out the Z sword and be able to break the Z sword) The process of this will take 24 days but it will bring out your power a lot more. You cannot train, spar, fight or look for the mystical items during this training because it takes all of your concentration to reach your max. This will give you a gain of 30,000 energy and 25,000Sp 27,000Life(This is the only training when u can't leave the planet)

Heaven Training: (Good and neutral people only)and(Must be dead) Takes 3 days to run the stair(depending on how fast you are.)Heaven training takes 10 days to learn. You gain 20,000 points for your stats

Hell Training: (Evil characters only)and(Must be dead) You can only do this training if you are evil. This will take 12 days to finish the training but when you are through with it you will gain 20,000 points for your stats

Neutral Training: (Must be dead)and(Must be neutral), This training will take 12 days to finish. You will learn a new attack as well and gain 10,000 points for stats.

Mysterious Training: Takes 10 days to complete. You will be given 10,000 points for stats ( 15,000 if you have all weights ).

Self Spar: (only 2 times a day)For this training you get 1,000 points to add to your stats(must choose how much goes into which stat).

Instant Transmission: You must train for 10 days to learn this move(On yardrat)